Taxonomic contributions to Ageniella Banks, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Brazil Author Waichert, Cecilia Author Colombo, Wesley Dondoni Author Von Dohlen, Carol D. Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-04-03 4403 1 133 153 journal article 30352 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.1.8 a49771bc-fc80-41c8-bc78-c4b525ecc201 1175-5326 1212065 92C69AD0-B1B6-45DE-ACAC-FF13DD6F8114 Ageniella ( Ameragenia ) citricornis (Fox, 1897) , comb. nov. ( FIg. 3 ) Salius citricornis FOx, 1897 , Acad. Nat. ScI. PhILa. PrOc., vOL. 49, p. 268 [ HOLOtypE : , BRAZIL , [ Pará : SaNtaréM] ( CMNH ), ExaMINEd]. Distribution. BRaZIL . Host. UNkNOWN. Remarks. ThIS NamE haS bEEN “LOST” IN Ageniella . NONE Of ThE LaTEST REVISIONS (BaNkS 1946; TOWNES 1957) mENTIONEd A. citricornis . TO OUR kNOWLEdgE Salius citricornis ( FIg. 3 ) IS UNaLLOcaTEd TO aNY cURRENTLY VaLId gENUS. ThE SpEcImEN WaS fOUNd dURINg a VISIT TO ThE CaRNEgIE MUSEUm Of NaTURaL HISTORY WhERE SOmE Of FOx’S TYpES WERE SITTINg TOgEThER IN a dRaWER WIThOUT fURThER dESIgNaTION. AfTER a LITERaTURE REVIEW, WE fOUNd ThaT ThE NamE IS VaLId, bUT haS NOT USEd SINcE ThE ORIgINaL pUbLIcaTION. WE fORmaLLY dESIgNaTE ThIS SpEcIES TO Ageniella ( Ameragenia ) .