Review of the Sphaeropthalma imperialis species­group (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), with descriptions of females and taxonomic notes Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2006 1248 1 20 journal article 50608 10.5281/zenodo.172963 7a65d33b-5cc2-4684-94cd-3c756bb8f24a 1175­5326 172963 Sphaeropthalma marpesia (Blake) Mutilla Marpesia Blake, 1879 . Amer. Ent. Soc., Trans. 7: 247. Female (ANSP). Sphaerophthalma (!) luteola Blake, 1886 . Amer. Ent. Soc., Trans. 13: 235. Female (ANSP). Sphaeropthalma ( Photopsis ) imperialiformis Viereck, 1906 . Amer. Ent. Soc., Trans. 32: 189. Male. Holotype : Kansas, Morton Co., 3200’, Jun.1902 , coll. F.H. Snow (SEMC). New Synonym. Sphaeropthalma ( Photopsis ) imperialiformis imperialiformis (Viereck) in Schuster, 1958 . Ent. Amer. (n. s.) 37: 34. Male. New Synonym. Sphaeropthalma ( Photopsis ) imperialiformis maricopae Schuster, 1958 . Ent. Amer. (n. s.) 37: 34. Male. Holotype : Arizona, Phoenix, 25.Sep.1935 , coll. R.H. Crandall (UMSP). New Synonym. Diagnosis The male of S. marpesia can be separated from all other Sphaeropthalma species by its coloration; the integument is black throughout except metasomal segments 3–6 are orangish and setal coloration of the vertex, pronotum, mesonotum and metasomal segment 2 varies from silver to orange ( Fig. 28 ). This species also has the following unique combination of characters. The mandible is moderately dilated, distally little or scarcely wider than at tooth, the ventral basal tooth of the mandible is small, and the apex is vertical ( Fig. 6 ) Also, the head is quadrate posteriorly being long and parallel behind eyes ( Fig. 2 ), the clypeus deeply depressed below the dorsal mandibular margin, the mesosternum lacks tubercles, the sternal felt line is present, and the unique genitalic morphology ( Figs. 14–16). The female of this species is easily recognized by unique color pattern ( Fig. 25 ). Other useful characters include the presence of a well­developed carina dorsal on antennal scrobe, a petiolate metasomal segment 1, the small ventral angulation located basally on the mandible, the granulate pygidium, and presence of plumose setae especially on the fringes of the metasomal tergites. Female. Coloration and Setal Pattern ( Fig. 25 ). Integument fuscous, except segments 4–6 ferruginous. Head with golden brachyplumose setae above lower margin of eyes, becoming white below eyes. Dorsum of mesosoma with setae similar to dorsum of head, becoming white posteriorly on vertical face of propodeum. Regions of golden setae on head and mesosoma also with shorter white plumose setae. T1 with both white brachyplumose and plumose setae. T2 with anterior half covered with dark brown setae; posterior half with both pale white and yellow brachyplumose and plumose setae that advances farther anteromedially than laterally into brown setae, forming triangular shape. T2 felt line white. Remaining tergites with setae similar to posterior half of T2. Setae on legs and venter concolorous with last tergites. Head. Dorsal carina of antennal scrobe strong throughout. Flagellomere I ~2.0X pedicel length; flagellomere II ~2.0X pedicel length. Otherwise similar to S. edwardsii . Mesosoma . As broad or broader than long. Otherwise similar to S. edwardsii . Metasoma . Similar to S. edwardsii , except punctures on T2 coarser and slightly longitudinally elongate anterior on disk, appearing carinate between. Distribution Mexico , Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico , Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington. Material examined Mexico : Baja California , Sand Dunes, 8 km N Guerror Negro, 2, 19–20 .Sep.1983 R.R. Snelling ( LACM ). Chiapas , 20 mi W Monterrey, 1, 11 .Aug.1959, coll. L.A. Stange & A.S. Menke ( UCDC ). USA : Arizona : Cochise Co ., Carr Canyon , 1, 8 .Jun.1962, coll. S.L. Wood ( BYUC ); Cave Creek Cyn, Chiricahua Mts., Sunny Flat, 5100', 1, 26 .May.1980, coll. H.A. Hespenheide ( LACM ); Cave Creek Ranch, Chiricahua Mts., 1, 20.MayY.1962, coll. L.M. Martin ( LACM ); Chiricahua Mts., SW Res St., 5350', 1, 15 .Aug.1980, coll. L.L. Lampert ( LACM ); Hauchuca Mts, Miller Cyn, 1 1,, 11.Sep.1979 , coll. Knowlton & Hanson ( EMUS ); Portal, 1, 1 .Jul.1963, coll. A. Raske ( KAWC ); Portal, Southwestern Research Station, Chiricahua Mts., 1, 28 .May.1960, coll. C.W. Kirkwood ( LACM ); 5 mi W Portal, 1, 9 .Jun.1959, coll. L.A. Stange ( UCDC ); 2 mi . W of Portal, 1, 21 .Aug.1970, coll. R.E. Woodruff ( DGMC ); 10 mi E Apache Peloncillo Mts., 1, 15 .Aug.1972, coll. R.F. Denno, K. Yeargan & J.R. Benedict ( UCDC ); Coconino Co ., Colorado River GC, 2, 6 .May.2001, 1, 16.May.2001 , coll. J. Rundell ( NAUF ); Colorado River GC, 1, 26 .Aug.2003, coll. R.J. Delph ( NAUF ); Moenkopi, 2, 16 .Jul.1994, coll. L.G. Bezark & D.E. Russell ( UCDC ); Navajo Mts., Rainbow lodge, 1, 15 .Jul.1933, coll. S. Bee ( CASC ); Portal, 1, 10 .Jun.1976, coll. K.W. Cooper ( UCRC ); Tuba city, 1, 13 .Jul.1966, coll. R.P. Allen ( CDFA ); Pima Co ., Baboquivari Canyon, W side Baboquivari Mts., 4, 25 .Jul.1952– 27.Jul.1952 , coll. H.B. Leech & J.W. Green ( CASC ); Baboquivari Mts., 1, 1924, coll. O.C. Poling ( DGMC ); 7 mi SE Continental, 1, 17 .Jun.1970, coll. D.S. Chandler ( UCDC ); Madera Canyon, 1, 16 .Jun.1970, coll. D.P. Levin ( LACM ); Molino Basin on Mt. Lemmon Hwy, 1, 19 .FEB.1972, coll. D.S. Chandler ( UAIC ); Sabino canyon, 1, 1 .Sep.1963, coll. D.S. Chandler ( UCDC ); Santa Rita Mts., Madera Cyn., 1, 2 .Jun.1963, coll. J.G. Franclemont ( DGMC ); Santa Cruz Co ., Madera canyon, 1, 5 .Jul.1963, coll. J.S. Buckett ( UCDC ), 1 1, 26 .Aug.1963– 30.Sep.1963 , coll. V.L. Vesterby ( UCDC ); Nogales, 1, 6 .Sep.1957, coll. T.R. Haig ( UCDC ); 10 mi NW Nogales, 1, 4 .Sep.1968, coll. T.R. Haig ( CDFA ); Pena Blanca, Oro Blanco Mts., 1 27.May.1963 , coll. L.M. Martin ( LACM ); Yavapai Co ., 5 mi N Prescott, 5450', 1, 15 .Aug.1975, coll. L. Martin ( LACM ); Yuma Co. , S Luis, 2, 11 .Aug.1940, coll. E.C. VanDyke ( CASC ). California : Imperial Co ., Bard , 1, 28 .Apr.1960, coll. H.H. Blakemore ( LACM ), 19.Oct.1961 , coll. B.F. Harrison ( LACM ), 1, 23 .Oct.1961, coll. R. Maxwell ( LACM ), 1, 11 .May.1962 ( LACM ), 1, 11 .Jul.1966, coll. Ratcliff ( CDFA ); Winterhaven: 1, 11 .May.1960, coll. H.H. Blakemore ( CDFA ), 2, 7 .Jun.1962– 14.Jun.1962 , coll. W.Akins ( LACM ), 1, 19 .Jun.1962, coll. W. Akins ( CDFA ). Idaho: Brigham Co ., Summer, 1, 1964, coll. J.L. Petty ( BYUC ). Kansas: Morton Co ., 1, 5 .Aug.1911 ( SEMC ); Scott Co ., 1, 20 .Jun.1925 ( UAIC ), 1, 22 .Jun.1925 ( SEMC ); Williams Co ., 1, Jul.1885 ( SEMC ). Nevada : Clark Co ., Longdale, 1, 19 .Jun.1981– 21.Jun.1981 , coll. C.R. Nelson ( BYUC ); Lincoln Co ., Beaver Dam State Park, 1, 11 .Aug.1971. coll. G.M. Nishida & D.F. Zoller ( NVDA ); Oak Springs Summit, 2, 6 .Aug.1974. coll. L.W. Barclay & R.C. Bechtel ( NVDA ); Lander Co ., Mill Creek, 1, 27 .Jul.1971, coll. G.M. Nishida ( NVDA ); Pershing Co. , 8 mi E Oreana, 1, 18 .Jul.1967, coll. G.D. Cooney ( NVDA ). New Mexico : Chaves Co ., Bitter Lake NWR: 11 in copula, 25.May.1998 coll. W.R. Radke ( DGMC ); 1, 20 .Jun.1998, 1, 14.Jul.1998 , 1, 16.Jul.1998 , 1, 20.Jul.1998 , 1, 27.Jul.1998 , coll. G.L. Warrick ( DGMC ); McPherson Road, 1, 21 .Jun.1998, coll. W.R. Radke ( DGMC ); Dona Ana Co ., E side San Augustin Pass, below Hwy 70, 1, 5.Aug.1965 , coll. H.B. Leech ( CASC ); Grant Co ., Silver City, 1, 25 .Jul.1986, coll. W.&E. MacKay ( DGMC ); Hidalgo Co ., Dogs Springs U­Ranch, 1, 15 .Jun.1977, 1, 27.Jun.1977 , coll. P.L. Packard ( FSCA ); Lea Co . , 1, 23 .Sep.1979, coll. R.R. Murray and J.C. Schaffner ( TAMU ); Socorro Co ., 20 mi E Bernardo, 1, 29 .Jun.2000, 1, 9.Sep.2001 , coll. A. Davidson ( EMUS ). Oklahoma : Beaver Co ., Beaver, 1, 28 .Jul.1933 ( UMSP ); Texas Co., Optima, 1, 21 .Jul.1933, coll. A.E. Pritchard ( UMSU ); Oregon: Jefferson Co ., CRNG Willow creek, 1, 25 .Jul.1981, coll. S. Shattuck ( UCDC ). Texas : Brewster Co .: Alpine, 1, 17 .Jun.2004 ( RDHC ); Culberson Co., 3 mi . E Van Horn, 1, 14 .Aug.1965, coll. J.C. Schaffner ( DGMC ); Dimmit Co ., 14 mi . NW Carrizo Spr., 2, 20 .Jun.1966, coll. J.S. Buckett, M.R. & R.C. Gardner ( UCDC ); Foard Co ., Hwy 6 at Wichite River, Halsell Ranch, 5 29.Jun.19968.Jul.1996 , coll. S.P. Holmes ( BYUC ); Howard Co ., Big Springs, 1, 20 .Jun.1947, coll. R.E. Elbel ( SEMC ); Jeff Davis Co ., Davis Mts. Limpia Canyon, 1, 6 .Jul.1961– 8.Jul.1961 , coll. R.L. Westcott ( LACM ); Lower Limpia Canyon, Ft. Davis State Park, 2, 18 .May.1962, coll. L.M. Martin ( LACM ); Randall Co ., Palo Duro State Park nr Amarillo, 5, 27 .Jun.1968, coll. J.E. Slansky ( UCDC ); Va l Ve rd e Co. , Devils River nr Del Rio: 1, 25 .May.1938?, coll. E.G. Lindsey ( EMUS ); 1, 14 .Aug.1993, coll. R. Nelson ( DGMC ) 1, 3–10 .Oct.1994, coll. J. Gillaspy ( DGMC ). Utah : Garfield Co. , Boulder Creek, Boulder near Hwy 12, 1, 2.Jul.2001 , coll. K.F. Kuehnl ( BYUC ); Grand Staircase­E scalante Nat’l Mon., Boulder airport, near Hwy 12, 1, 20.Jun.2001 , D.J. Canan & K.F. Kuehnl ( BYUC ); Grand Staircase­Escalante Nat’l Mon., The Gulch, Steep creek jct. Burr Trail, 1, 28 .Jun.2001, D.J. Canan & K.F. Kuehnl ( BYUC ); Shootering Canyon, 1, 15 .Jun.1978, 2, 23.Jun.1978 , 3, 5.Jul.1978 , 1, 27.Jul.1978 , coll. D. Vogt ( EMUS ); Grand Co. , Moab, 1, 27 .Jun.1962, coll L. White & R. Young ( EMUS ); Kane Co ., 3 mi N Kanah, 1, 16 .Jul.1975, coll. F.G. Andrews & A.R. Hardy ( CDFA ); Millard Co ., Confusion Pass, 1, 18 .Jul.1953, coll. H.F. Cott ( BYUC ); Utah Co ., Goshen Ponds, 1, 14 .Jul.2000, coll. D.J. Cavan ( BYUC ); Washington Co ., Baker Dam Res., 1, 4 .Oct.1996, coll. Baumann & Huillet ( BYUC ); Red Cliffs cmpgd., 1, 13 .Aug.1981, coll. S.M. Clark ( BYUC ); Leeds Canyon, 1, 17 .Jul.1980, coll. W. Hanson, Knowlton, & Clemons ( EMUS ); Springdale, 1, 19 .Jul.1993– 20.Jul.1993 , 2, 11.Sep.199613.Sep.1996 , coll. J.A. Powell ( KAWC ); Zion National Park, 1, 8 .Aug.1978, at light, coll. Gafnev ( EMUS ); Zion Nat’l Park, Oak Creek, 4, 22 .Jul.1981– 11.Aug.1981 , coll. C.R. Nelson ( BYUC ). Washington : Benton Co ., Hanford Site, ALE, Rattlesnake Spring, 11 in copula, 22.Aug.1995 coll. R.S. Zack ( DGMC ); Franklyn Co ., Beverly dunes, 1, 10 .Jul.1996, coll. L.G. Bezark ( UCDC ); Grant Co . Hanford Nat’l Monument, Saddle Mt. Nat’l WL Refuge, 1, 26 .Jul.2002– 2.Aug.2002 , coll. R.S. Zack ( KAWC ); Klickitat Co ., Spearfish, 1, VIII.1953 , coll. R. Crabtree ( CASC ). Remarks Both S. marpesia (female) and S. imperialiformis (male) have been collected together in the same location on the same date on various occasions, including twice in copula , and both also have broad distributions throughout western North America . In addition, they are similar in color patterns and morphology, and the female resembles the other females in this species­group. The female of S. imperialiformis is undoubtedly S. marpesia (Blake) ; the latter name has priority. Schuster split this species into two subspecies. Study of the genitalia has revealed no distinguishable differences. Furthermore, the two subspecies have overlapping ranges. Retaining subspecies designations is unwarranted. In the males, the wing coloration can vary from uniformly deep fuscous to hyaline basally with a strongly fuscous area below stigma and subfuscous distally and the ocellocular distance varies from1.0–1.7X the posterior ocellar length. Setal coloration also can vary from the second metasomal tergite (except for basal margin) having orange setae with the vertex, and the pro­ and mesonotum with similarly setal coloration to the setal coloration being completely silver.