Fifteen new Trichoptera (Insecta) species from Sumatra, Indonesia
Oláh, János
Szent István University, Gödöll, Centre of Environmental Health. Residence postal address: Tarján u. 28, H- 4032 Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail: profolah @ gmail. com
Johanson, Kjell Arne
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Department, Box 50007, S- 10405 Stockholm, Sweden.
journal article
Dipseudopsis gabiana
new species
Figs 2–7
This species is bright orange and dark brown with a forewing pattern comprising 5 clear patches. It is most similar to
Dipseudopsis diehli
Malicky & Weaver
, from which it differs by presence of a triangular, not a semicircular dark spot on the anterior margin of head dorsum; cervical sclerites are black, not yellowish brown; 5 translucent forewing spots instead of 4; the bifid apical part of each modified hind leg spur is about 1/2 as long as the spur, not 1/3rd as long as the spur; the 2 spine-like branches of each modified spur is nearly right-angled, not parallel; the basal branch on the modified posteroapical spur of each hind leg is straighter, only the smaller being twisted; and the gonopods are S-shaped in lateral view, not straight.
Male. Forewings and body with strongly contrasting colour pattern. Head vertex and genae, prothorax, and mesoscutellum bright orange; triangular spot on anterior margin of vertex; frons, clypeus, maxillary palps, labial palps, antennae, cervical sclerites, mesoscutum, tegulae, metascutum, sclerites of mesopleuron and metapleuron, and coxae I dark brown, almost black; legs light brown.
Head broader than long. Tentorium simple, dorsal arms absent; anterior tentorial arm slender in dorsal view, weakly broadening at middle in lateral view. Frontoclypeogenal septum well developed. Anterior tentorial pits located laterodorsally; frontogenal arms extending dorsad from anterior tentorial pit to margin of circumantennal sclerite; frontogenal arms shorter than clypeogenal arms; posterior tentorial arms short, robust; tentorial bridge positioned posteriorly almost to posterior tentorial pits. Antennae: stout, as long as forewings; scapes half as long as head, closely set; antennal sockets almost touching; distance between scapes less than length of scapes; membranous antennal sockets large, characteristically depressed, delineated by elevated and strongly sclerotized rim of antennal and frontal grooves. Eyes small, interocular distance on vertex more than 2 times length of eye. Maxillary palp formula IV-I-II-III-V; first 3 segments slightly dilating apically; segment III originating before apex on segment II; dark stipes enlarged. Labrum bipartite, basal part wide, quadrangular, sclerotized, fixed to clypeus; apical part membranous, flexible, freely hanging, with pair of lateral setose warts. Enlarged, bulging clypeus covering stomodaeal pump. Frons narrowing posteriorly, starting from above theoretical line of frontoclypeal groove between anterior tentorial pits, constricted posteriorly as narrow axial sclerite between enlarged scapes. Subgenal processes visible, forming narrowly tapering, dark tooth on each side. Two branches of frontal groove visible both on face and dorsum of head, delineating narrowing frons, stretching between antennal sockets; oppositely sinuous, short frontogenal grooves and long, clypeogenal grooves well pigmented; clypeolabral groove weakly discernible. Proboscis longer than sum of first 4 maxillary palp segments. Haustellum narrow, with bifid apex. Coronal groove well developed, visible along almost entire vertex to black triangle. Basal, sclerotized part of labrum and clypeus covered with short setae; remnant of fused frontal setal warts positioned posteriorly and dorsally between scapes, weakly developed, represented by few setae. Pair of setose warts, probably vertexal interantennal warts, attached to rim of antennal sockets. Occipital and postgenal compact setose warts visible on dorsum of head, indistinct. Pair of large, sparsely setose areas representing fused vertexal lateroantennal and vertexal ocellar setose warts discernible.
Cervical sclerites black; lateral cervical sclerites long, triangular, composed of narrow anterior arm articulating to back of head with occipital condyle near posterior tentorial pits; fused to posterior cervical sclerites; posterior cervical sclerites broadening posteriorly, forming elongate, triangular plates articulating to prothoracic episternum and anteromedian band of prothoracic eusternum. Setose wart attached to basodorsum of anterior arm of each cervical sclerite; entire central ridge of cervical sclerite covered with diffuse, clothing setae. Pronotum raised to head level, divided by deep median furrow; surface sparsely covered with short setae or alveoli. Mesoscutum bearing pair of broad, mesal bands of small alveoli, separated by longitudinal, median shallow furrow; same pattern visible on mesoscutellum but setal alveoli separated by median groove together forming diamond-shaped, raised surface. Proepisternal setal warts absent; small setal wart on each precoxale present.
Spur formula 2,4,4; foreleg posteroapical spurs somewhat longer than anteroapical spurs. Middle leg posteroapical and posterosubapical spurs longer than anteroapical and anterosubapical spurs. Hind legs each with modified posteroapical spur 2-branched, almost 2 times longer than adjacent anteroapical spur; basal half of each posteroapical spur broad, sinuous, apical half bifid; spine-shaped branches of posteroapical spur rightangled, longer branch almost straight, shorter branch twisted; setal bundle present near branching point. Leg claws symmetrical.
Dipseudopsis gabiana
new species
, holotype. 2—right forewing; 3—hind leg apical spurs; 4— genitalia, left lateral; 5—genitalia, dorsal; 6—right gonocoxite, ventral; 7—phallic apparatus, left lateral.
Forewings 17.0 mm long. Forewing and hind wing membranes dark castaneous brown with translucent, strongly contrasting pattern; entire membrane surface densely covered with short, dark and decumbent setae; setae on translucent pattern whitish; wing pattern composed of 5 spots: (1) narrow, longitudinal, costal stripe in basal 2/5ths in costal cell between Costa (
) and Subcosta (
); (2) narrow, long stripe between stems of Radial Sector (
) and Medius (
), with adjacent small hyaline lunula around medio-cubital crossvein (
); (3) transverse band distal to cord between First Radius (
) and First Cubitus (
) with 1 V-shaped excision along distal margin; (4) large rounded spot around arculus; and (5) anal stripe in posterior basal part of forewing.
Male genitalia. Segment IX with equally sized, subquadrangular tergite and sternite, connected by antecostal ridge; tergite without lateral setose fields, but with few, short setae on lateroapical margins. Tergite produced dorsoapicad, overhanging segment X. Sternite IX with bulging basodorsal corners, articulating with antecostal ridges and ventral corners of cerci. Complex sclerotized structures (mesosuperior processes of
Weaver and Malicky 1994
) hinged to meeting points, mesad of basodorsal corners of sternite IX, constituting paraproctal processes, forming pair of sclerotized plates with broad basal and tapering apical parts in lateral view; attached to membranous matrix encircling phallobase dorsally and laterally, connected to segment X by membranous matrix. Dorsoapical corners of sternite IX packed with setae, continuing mesad into broad, strongly sclerotized strips, extending into genital chamber, articulating directly or through corresponding pair of strips from sclerotic phallic shield surrounding phallobase. Paraproctal plates and dorsoapical strips represent sclerotizations of phallocrypt. Phallobase fixed by short phallic apodemes to phallocryptal complex; basal plate or short rod of apodeme of gonopods below phallocryptal complex free. Segment X present below tergite IX, forming well-pigmented hood with discernible alveoli of deciduous setae or papillae; thumb-like in lateral view; bluntly quadrangular and elongated in dorsal view; with small apicomesal excision. Depression between segment IX and segment X forming deep concavity in lateral view because of overhanging tergite IX. Cerci elongate and rhomboid in lateral view, seamed to antecostal ridge of segment IX along basal part; with mesad-curving basal plate; dorsally hinged to tergite IX and ventrally to basodorsal corner of sternite IX. Gonopods each without harpago, Z-shaped, longer than segment X, with short apodeme. Phallic apparatus small, with complete phallotheca, endotheca and phallicata. Phallotheca heavily sclerotized, broad basally and narrowing in apical half, basal half with few short setae; delineation of membranous dorsal and apical part of endotheca and phallicata obscured by weakly discernible, chitinized sclerite complex.
Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park
Barisan Mts.
Way Pitias
800 m
light trap
J. Oláh
, Jr.]—
1 male
(OPC, in alcohol).
: same data as holotype—
1 male
(OPC, in alcohol)
, after Gabriela Totova, the wife of the collector, János Oláh, Jr.