Revision of the Agrilus wittemani species - group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilini) with description of three new species from India and Myanmar Author Jendek, Eduard Author Nakládal, Oto text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-20 4365 4 480 486 journal article 31116 10.11646/zootaxa.4365.4.7 3a87b5a3-fcb6-4e5c-8cb9-0d2bd73912e4 1175-5326 1120391 B91A1711-5A09-42F2-8FB9-DB44549AD5C1 Agrilus amplinotus sp. nov. ( Figs 1B , 2B ) Description of holotype . Size: 4.6 mm . Body. Shape: cuneiform, Build: robust, Profile: convex, Color (dorsally): unicolored. Head. Size: very large, Modification: strongly convex, Medial impression: deep, Eyes Size: larger than half width but smaller than width of vertex (dorsal view), Lower margin: in line or below antennal socket, Median orbit: converging ventrally, Antennae Length: reach to about anterior pronotal angles, Serration: from antennomere 4. Pronotum. Shape: visually transverse, Sides: markedly arcuate, Maximal width: at middle, Anterior margin: subequal to posterior, Anterior lobe Development: obvious, Shape: arcuate, Width: broad, Position: projecting beyond anterior angles, Posterior angles Shape: obtuse, Apex: sharp, Disk Convexity: strongly convex, with obvious medial protuberance, Impressions: posterolateral, Prehumerus Development: carinal, Shape: bisinuate, Extent: to anterior angle, Anterior end: adjoining to lateral carina, Posterior end: joined with posterior angle or margin, Arc: moderate, Lateral carinae Convergence: subparallel, Junction: absent, Modifications: submarginal carina anteriorly and posteriorly obliterated, Scutellum Size: robust. Elytra. Color: unicolored, Humeral carina: absent, Apices Arrangement: separate, Shape: arcuate, Pubescence Pairs of spots: humeral, medial, apical, medial, Color: unicolored, Extent: entire ornamental. Sternum. Pubescence Strip of erect pubescence: absent, Prosternal lobe Size: large, Distal margin: arcuately emarginate, Emargination (depth): shallow, Emargination (width): wide, Prosternal process Shape: subparallel, Sides: straight, Angles: obtuse, Disc: flat, Projection (length): protruding distinctly beyond angles, Metasternum Metasternal projection: impressed. Abdomen. Tomentum: present, Basal ventrite Modifications: without modifications, Pygidium Apical margin: arcuate, Last ventrite Shape: with wide apex, Disk: impressed, Sternal groove Extent: on apical ventrite, Shape on apex of last ventrite: arcuately sinuate. Legs. Metatarsus Length to metatibia: distinctly shorter, Metatarsomere 1 Length to following tarsomeres: longer than 2–3 but shorter than 2–4. Genitalia. Aedeagus Symmetry: symmetric, Shape: widest in apical part. Variability . Size: 4.6–4.9 mm . Elytral pubescence is sometimes bicolored, white parts are complemented with golden round spots. Sexual dimorphism . The female is generally more robust than male. The ovipositor of female is square (uritiform). Diagnosis . The species resembles A. wittemani by size, color and general habitus, but it differs mainly by having head larger; vertex wider; eyes more convex and by having transverse pubescent band on elytra narrowed and diminished along the suture ( Fig. 1B ). Type material . Type locality : India , Tamil Nadu , Nilgiris, 15 km SE of Kotagiri , Kunjapanai , alt . 900 m [ 11°22'N , 076°56'E ]. Type specimens . Holotype , 2 ♀ paratypes ( EJCB ): “ India S, Tamil Nadu , Nilgiris , 15 km SE of Kotagiri , Kunchappanai , 900 m , 11.22 N 76.56 E, 7–22.v.2000 , leg. P. Pacholátko”. Distribution. India ( Tamil Nadu ). Etymology . The specific name is a combination of Latin verb ampliō (widen, extend, increase, enlarge, amplify) and the Latin noun notum (tergum or dorsal exoskeleton of the thorax in an insect). It refers to the wide pronotum of the species.