A review of the genus Neogreenia MacGillivray (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Qinococcidae) with descriptions of two new species Author Zheng, Xinyi 0000-0002-7396-7488 The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China. Author Watson, Gillian W. Department of Life Sciences, the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, U. K. Author Zhang, Jiangtao Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed, College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, 330045, China. Author Tan, Zhixiang Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University; The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources, Guizhou University; Guiyang, 550025, China. Author Wu, San’An 0000-0002-9671-9401 The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China. sananwu@bjfu.edu.cn text Zootaxa 2024 2024-03-04 5418 5 401 441 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5418.5.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5418.5.1 1175-5326 10779739 0DDD7278-0E9C-4979-ACB9-1915D4209282 Neogreenia ficus Zheng & Wu , sp. n. Material examined. Holotype : Adult , CHINA : Hainan Prov. , / Baoting County , Baocheng Town , / 18°63′98″N, 109º70′01″E, / on Ficus microcarpa ( Moraceae ), / 2 February 2023 , / Jiangtao Zhang leg. Mounted singly on a slide ( BFUC ). Paratypes : CHINA : same data as holotype, 3 ♀♀ , mounted singly on 3 slides ( BFUC ) . Etymology. The species epithet is derived from the name of the host plant genus, Ficus , and is a noun in apposition. Adult female Appearance in life ( Fig. 3A ). Body elongate, with dorsum convex, venter less so, head narrow and abdomen round; antennae and legs developed; antennae situated on apex of head; body yellow, eyes black, antennae and legs brown; covered in flocculent wax, particularly on margins of abdomen. Slide-mounted material (n=4) ( Fig. 4 ). Body 3.0–7.0 mm long and 1.4–3.9 mm wide. Derm membranous except abdominal end slightly sclerotized. Antennae ( Figs 4A, B ) each 10 segmented, situated close to each other, each 700–1,550 μm long; segment lengths (in µm): I, 95–188; II, 95–183; III, 83–165; IV, 73–165 V , 68–158; VI , 68–145; VII, 68–138; VIII, 63–138; IX, 63–130; and X, 40–98. Each segment with apex membranous and base sclerotized; scape (segment I) largest, 125–203 μm wide, pedicel 78–125 μm wide, segments III–X each 23–103 μm wide; segments I–III cylindrical, segments IV–X each more-or-less bowl-like. Most setae on antennae hair-like, each 23–75 μm long; scape and pedicel with setae scattered; pedicel with 3 circular sensory pores dorsally and 1–3 coeloconic sensilla ventrally plus 1 sensory seta; remaining segments each with a ring of hair-like setae except apical segment; segments IV–IX each with a pair of sensory setae, each 32–43 μm long, sometimes segments IV and V each with coeloconic sensillum; apical segment with 10 or 11 sensory setae and 6 or 7 hair-like setae. Eyes each with margin sclerotized and centre membranous, 38–63 μm wide, each situated posterolaterad of scape. Mouthparts present ( Fig. 4C ): labium 2 segmented, 110–138 μm long and 88–113 μm wide, segment I 23–28 μm long, with a pair of short setae (each 8–10 μm long) on each side; segment II 83–108 μm long, sclerotized and slender, with 4 hair-like apical setae (each 25–28 μm long) on each side. Clypeolabral shield longer than labium, 375–670 μm long; stylets present. Thoracic spiracles ( Fig. 4D ) each with opening 30–48 μm in diameter, a sclerotized bar and a group of 28–57 sieve-like disc-pores at inner end of atrium. Abdominal spiracles numbering 8 pairs: anterior 6 pairs ( Fig. 4E ) developed, each with opening 25–35 μm in diameter, and a group of 11–27 sieve-like disc-pores within atrium; posteriormost 2 pairs ( Fig. 4F ) small and tube-like, each with opening unsclerotized, about 10 μm in diameter, and without pores within atrium. Legs ( Fig. 4G ) developed, lengths (in μm): foreleg: entire length 700–1,550; coxa 80–160; trochanter + femur 250–560; tibia 240–470; tarsus 125–240, and claw 38–54; middle leg: entire length 780–1,720; coxa 90–190; trochanter + femur 250–455; tibia 260–430; tarsus 140–225, and claw 38–60; hind leg: entire length 775–1,660; coxa 143–350; trochanter + femur 252–610; tibia 252–610; tarsus 133–275, and claw 40–68. Hind leg trochanter + femur 0.63–0.72 times as long as tibia + tarsus; tibia 1.93–1.96 times as long as tarsus; coxa with basal setae each 20–23 μm long. Trochanters each bearing 3 sensory pores on each surface plus a long hair-like seta, 140–215 μm long; second longest seta 40–85 μm long; remaining hair-like setae each 15–38 μm long. Femora each with setae 23–28 μm long. Each tibia with a tuft of long and capitate digitules ( Fig. 4H ), each 43–55 μm long; remaining setae short, each about 15 μm long. Tarsi curved, each with few setae on distal half, each seta 15–28 μm long. Claws ( Fig. 4I ) each with 2 or 3 (mostly 2) small denticles and a pair of pointed digitules (each 25–28 μm long) shorter than claw. Vulva situated on venter of abdominal segment VIII, with opening longitudinal and slit-like, 58–95 μm long. Anal opening located dorsally on medial area of abdominal segment VIII, simple, with semicircular sclerotization, without pores or setae, 40–75 μm wide. FIGURE 3. Habitus photographs: Neogreenia ficus Zheng & Wu , sp. n. : A. Dorsal view of adult female. Neogreenia tangi Zheng & Wu , sp. n. (B–F): B. Dorsal view of adult female; C. Ventral view of adult female; D. First-instar nymphs; E. Adult female, and third- and second-instar nymphs; F. Third-instar female nymph. Dorsum . With disc-pores of 3 types : (i) large simple pores ( Fig. 4J ), each 11–12 μm in diameter, with sclerotized rim; present in small submarginal groups on head and thorax, and forming roughly transverse bands across anterior and posterior margins of each abdominal segment except for posteriormost 2 segments and posterior margin of segment VI ; (ii) compound multilocular disc-pores ( Fig. 4K ) each 10–11 μm in diameter, with 3 subcentral loculi and an outer ring of 10–12 indistinct peripheral loculi, few, scattered on body; and (iii) bilocular compound multilocular disc-pores ( Fig. 4L ), each about 10 μm wide, with 2 subcentral loculi and a ring of indistinct peripheral loculi, forming broad transverse bands across each segment. Setae of only 1 type , hair-like, each 20–58 μm long, forming transverse band across each segment. FIGURE 4. Adult female of Neogreenia ficus Zheng & Wu , sp. n. : A. Antenna; B. Dorsum of antennal segments I and II; C. Clypeolabral shield and labium; D. Thoracic spiracle; E. Anterior 6 pairs of abdominal spiracles; F. Tube-like abdominal spiracle; G. Leg; H. Capitate tibial digitule; I. Claw; J. Large simple pore; K. Compound multilocular pore, each with 3 subcentral loculi; L. Bilocular compound multilocular disc-pore; M. Compound multilocular disc-pores around spiracles; N. Thick-rimmed simple pore; O. Thin-rimmed simple pore; P. Short conical spine-like seta with sclerotized basal socket. Venter. With disc-pores of 6 types : (i) large simple pores ( Fig. 4J ), same size and structure as on dorsum, present on medial area of head, near each coxa, and forming roughly transverse bands submedially and medially across abdominal segments except for last segment; (ii) compound multilocular disc-pores ( Fig. 4K ), same structure, size and distribution as on dorsum; also a few with 4 loculi or irregularly distributed subcentral loculi ( Fig. 4M ), present around each thoracic and abdominal spiracle; (iii) bilocular compound multilocular disc-pores ( Fig. 4L ), structure, size and distribution same as on dorsum but with more pores on posterior end; (iv) thick-rimmed simple pores ( Fig. 4N ) each about 5 μm in diameter, numerous, scattered on abdominal segment VIII; (v) sieve-like disc-pores, each about 7.5 μm in diameter, forming group in atrium of each thoracic spiracle and anterior 6 pairs of abdominal spiracles; and (vi) thin-rimmed simple pores ( Fig. 4O ), each about 5 μm in diameter; 6–8 pores present within group of large simple pores on prothorax. Setae of 2 types : (i) hair-like setae, each 20–170 μm long; short setae present on submargin and margin of each segment and scattered on abdominal segment VIII, longer setae present medially except on posteriormost segment; and (ii) short conical spine-like setae ( Fig. 4P ) with sclerotized basal sockets, each about 5 μm long; 3–7 spines present around each thoracic spiracle, and about 3 present around each of anterior 6 pairs of abdominal spiracles. Remarks. The adult female of Neogreenia ficus is closest to that of N. sophorica in sharing the following character states: (i) bilocular compound multilocular disc-pores present over entire body; and (ii) claws mostly each with 2 small denticles. Adult female N. ficus differ from those of N. sophorica by having (character states of N. sophorica in parentheses): (i) tibia with capitate digitules (tibia with pointed digitules), and (ii) large simple pores absent from posteriormost abdominal segment (large simple pores present on posteriormost abdominal segment).