Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the northeast Atlantic: Chauliopleona Dojiri and Sieg, 1997 and Saurotipleona n. gen. from the ‘ Atlantic Margin’ Author Bird, Graham John text Journal of Natural History 2015 2015-02-28 49 25 1507 1547 journal article 21134 10.1080/00222933.2015.1005715 68d7cf72-3a99-4b8d-a9e5-244aed4e3b9e 1464-5262 3999694 Family AKANTHOPHOREIDAE Sieg, 1986 Remarks Although the continuous discovery of tanaidacean species worldwide during the last 30 years ( Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, Bamber, Anderson 2012 ) showed that the ‘ Akanthophoreus ’ habitus was a particular bauplan consistent with a family-level Table 1. List of samples in which Chauliopleona and Saurotipleona species were recorded (excluding stations reported in Bird 2004a , 2004b , 2010 , 2014 ).
Survey Sample Gear Date Locality Depth Latitude Longitude Mean B. Temp. Sediment Taxon
[m] [°N] [°W] Temp °C °C
AFEN 1996 53715#1 Mega 25 July 1996 Faroe-Shetland 1095 61.08 3.27 Fine sand 4
AFEN 1996 53716#1 Mega 25 July 1996 Faroe-Shetland 1100 61.06 3.33 Very fine sand 4
AFEN 1996 53815#4/5 DG 25 July 1996 West Shetland 180 61.43 0.82 Medium sand 3
AFEN 1996 53816#4 DG 25 July 1996 West Shetland 235 61.49 1.12 Fine sand 3
AFEN 1996 53832#1 Mega 5 August 1996 Faroe-Shetland 1388 61.46 2.60 Very fine sand 4
AFEN 1996 53835#1 Mega 5 August 1996 Faroe-Shetland 1517 61.63 2.87 Medium sand 4
AFEN 1996 53885#2 DG 5 August 1996 West Shetland 120 60.63 2.55 3
AFEN 1996 53919#2/3 DG 5 August 1996 West Shetland 168 61.28 1.11 Medium sand 3
AFEN 1998 54516#1/2 M10 25 May 1998 Faroe-Shetland 1601 61.90 2.31 Sandy mud 4
AFEN 1998 54523#1/2 M10 25 May 1998 Faroe-Shetland 1363 61.86 1.70 Muddy sand 4
AFEN 1998 54524#2 M10 25 May 1998 Faroe-Shetland 1393 61.77 1.81 Muddy sand 4
( Continued ) Table 1. (Continued).
Survey Sample Gear Date Locality Depth Latitude Longitude Mean B. Temp. Sediment Taxon
[m] [°N] [°W] Temp °C °C
AFEN 1998 54525#1/2 M10 25 May 1998 Faroe-Shetland 1386 61.70 1.90 Sandy mud 4
AFEN 1998 54526#1/3 M10 25 May 1998 Faroe-Shetland 1529 61.85 2.05 Sandy mud 4
AFEN 1998 54612#2 M6 5 June 1998 Hebrides Slope 398 58.76 7.84 Slightly 3
AFEN 1998 54615#1 5 June 1998 Hebrides Slope 991 58.84 7.99 5
AFEN 1998 54621#7/9 DG 5 June 1998 Hebrides Slope 301 59.08 7.35 Gravelly sand 3
BIOICE 2027 RP 23 July 1991 Iceland Plateau 1646 67.12 13.21 0 −0.8 4
BIOICE 2102 Sn 6 July 1992 Denmark Strait 1146 68.00 19.44 0 −0.6 Mud (black) 4
BIOICE 2257 RP 5 September 1992 Irminger Basin 1209 63.24 26.49 3 4.1 Clay, 1
BIOICE 2647 Sn 13 July 1994 Iceland Plateau 1300 68.08 15.32 0 −0.7 Silt 4
BIOICE 2648 RP 14 July 1994 Iceland Plateau 1306 68.08 15.31 0 −0.7 Silt 4
BIOICE 2773 RP 3 August 1995 Iceland Plateau 1629 69.25 14.28 0 −0.9 4
BIOICE 2776 DS 3 August 1995 Iceland Plateau 1555 68.61 14.67 0 Gravelly 4
sandy silt
BIOICE 2810 Sn 23 August 1995 Iceland Basin 1695 62.66 19.75 4 3.3 Silt 2
BIOICE 2863 RP 30 August 1995 Iceland Basin 2400 61.17 18.04 4 2.1 Sand, shell 2
BIOICE 3071 RP 12 July 1997 Iceland Basin 2068 62.18 15.19 4 3.2 2
( Continued ) Table 1. (Continued). BIOICE 3219 RP 11 July 2001 Norwegian Basin 1639 67.15 8.28 1 −0.8 4 BIOICE 3222 RP 11 July 2001 Jan Mayen Ridge 1529 67.54 8.06 1 −0.8 4 BIOICE 3225 RP 12 July 2001 Norwegian Basin 1994 68.35 8.15 0 −0.9 4 DTI 2000 55278#1 MC 4 August 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1277 61.56 2.08 4 Channel DTI 2000 55296#1 MC 8 August 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1265 61.57 1.01 4 Channel DTI 2000 55316#1-3 MC 12 August 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1530 61.70 3.07 4 Channel DTI 2000 55317#1,2 MC 13 August 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1652 61.91 2.81 4 Channel DTI 2000 55445#1,2 MC 1 September 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1058 61.19 2.78 4 Channel DTI 2000 55447#10 MC 2 September 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1656 61.92 2.80 4 Channel DTI 2000 55447#13 MC 2 September 2000 Faroe-Shetland 1656 61.92 2.80 4 Channel INCAL CP01 CP 16 July 1976 North Rockall 2040 57.93 10.92 2 Trough SEA4 57018#2 DG 1 July 2002 West Shetland 198 61.58 0.08°E 193 μm [mean 3 Shelf grain size] SEA4 57020#1 DG 1 July 2002 North Shetland 193 61.57 0.53 189 μm 3 Shelf SEA4 57023#1 DG 1 July 2002 West Shetland 243 61.87 0.03°E 169 μm 3 Slope SEA4 57030#1 BC 1 July 2002 Faroe-Shetland 1588 62.73 1.12 16 μm 4 Channel SEA4 57031#1,2 BC 1 July 2002 Faroe-Shetland 1593 62.76 1.07 12 μm 4 Channel SEA4 57032#1 BC 1 July 2002 Faroe-Shetland 1598 62.85 1.00 11 μm 4 Channel SEA4 57036#1 BC 1 July 2002 Norwegian Basin 2064 63.44 0.42 14 μm 4 ( Continued ) Table 1. (Continued).
Survey Sample Gear Date Locality Depth Latitude Longitude Mean B. Temp. Sediment Taxon
[m] [°N] [°W] Temp °C °C
SEA4 57068#1 BC 1 July 2002 Faroe-Shetland 1741 62.75 1.87 4
SEA4 57075#1 SBC 1 July 2002 North Shetland 400 61.97 0.23 255 μm 4
SEA4 57082#1 DG 1 July 2002 West Shetland 200 61.61 0.15 226 μm 3
SEA4 57100#2 DG 1 July 2002 North Shetland 158 61.24 0.06 110 μm 3
SMBA ES218 ES 3 August 1982 North Rockall 2175 57.37 10.40 2
SMBA SBC166 SBC 12 August 1979 North Rockall 2274 57.12 10.33 2
SMBA SBC216 SBC 3 August 1982 North Rockall 2200 57.32 10.38 2
Note: Taxon key: 1, Chauliopleona amdrupii ; 2, C. armata ; 3, C. bamberi ; 4, C. hastata ; 5, Saurotipleona julii . Gear key: AT, Agassiz Trawl; BC, box-corer; DG, Day grab; DS, detritus sledge; ES and RP, epibenthic sled; Sn, Sneli sledge (= detritus sledge); Mega, MC, M, multi-corer; SBC, spade-box corer. Decimal latitude and longitude values are rounded to two decimal points, latter °W unless stated otherwise, ‘Temp.’ to one. Figure 1. Chauliopleona . Sketch drawings: (A) measurement of cheliped carpal shield aspect ratio l/b; C. armata , non-ovigerous female, co-type, Ingolf Stn 22; (B) habitus; (C) pleonite-5 spur; (D) cheliped, distal; (E) cheliped, fixed finger; (F) pereopod-1, distal; (G) uropod. C. hastata , non-ovigerous female co-type, Ingolf Stn 125: (H) habitus; (J) pleonite-5 spur, pleotelson, and uropod; (K) cheliped, distal; (L) pereopod-1, distal; C. hastata one of two cotypes, Ingolf Stn 102: (M) pleonite-5 spur. Not to scale. status, Sieg’ s subfamily Akanthophoreinae was elevated to the Akanthophoreidae only recently (Błażewicz-Paszkowycz and Bamber 2011 ). A phylogenetic analysis confirming the monophyly of most of the previously assigned genera and new family members has been carried out recently (Larsen and Araújo-Silva 2014). Within a fairly conservative overall morphology, specialised characters such as high pleonal spurs, lateral pleotelson spurs, crenation or nodules on various regions of the cheliped, extension of a cheliped carpal shield, slender uropods with one or two-segmented exopods, and grooved and serrate dactylus of pereopods 4–6 are part of the morphological expression within this taxon. The following two genera are typical akanthophoreids, from their overall habitus to the narrow mandibular molars that carry a palmate array of distal spines. The latter character is quite different from that expressed in akanthophoreid-like taxa such as Portaratrum and Leptognathioides where the molar is broader and has a coronal spine array ( Bird 2014 ).