New species of and taxonomic notes on Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae)AuthorNorrbom, Allen L.AuthorKorytkowski, Cheslavo A.textZootaxa20112740123journal article10.5281/zenodo.204898c011d27f-6093-4753-a32e-18f1cbf633f01175-5326204898Anastrepha trivittata
new speciesFigs. 3
17Diagnosis.Anastrepha trivittata
differs from other species of
by the color pattern of its abdomen, which has three orange brown vittae. It further differs from most species in having the side of the scutellum brown on the basal third and a “
” wing pattern, with a complete S-band broadly fused to the C-band along the costa with no marginal hyaline mark in cell r1. Species of the
group have both the disc and the side of the scutellum darker basally without an intervening yellow area at the corner as occurs in
A. trivittata
Anastrepha paradentata
A. phaeoptera
also have the side brown, but have a hyaline marginal area in cell r1. The eversible membrane, with only one row of well developed dorsobasal scales, is also unusual although similar to those of
A. castilloi
, which has a similar wing pattern, and
A. aberrans
, which has similar thoracic coloration (
Norrbom 1991
Dark orange brown to dark brown and orange, with pale yellow markings. Setae dark red brown. Head: Yellow to orange except elongate dark orange brown and brown mark on posterior side, broad and trilobed anteriorly, but not reaching lateral margin of frons, with lateral lobes extended to posterior parts of orbital plates and medial lobe including ocellar tubercle, mark tapering ventrally, almost wedge-shaped, extended to ventral margin of occiput. 4 frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed. Ocellar seta weak, 1.5 times as long as ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, straight dorsally and medially. Antenna extended 0.70 distance to ventral facial margin.
Thorax (
Fig. 3
): Mostly dark orange brown to dark brown with pale yellow areas as follows: postpronotal lobe and lateral margin of scutum bordering it, extending posteriorly to presutural supra-alar seta but interrupted before transverse suture and not extended onto notopleuron which is completely red brown; unpaired medial vitta extended from anterior margin, relatively narrow and very slightly expanding posteriorly to midway between transverse and scuto-scutellar sutures, then abruptly expanded and subrectangular, extended laterally to dorsocentral seta and posteriorly to acrostichal seta; paired dorsocentral vitta, connected anteriorly to yellow lateral area bordering postpronotal lobe and posteriorly to lateral posterior part of medial vitta; paired postsutural sublateral vitta, inverted L-shaped, connected to dorsocentral vitta along transverse suture, then extended along intra-alar line and including intra-alar seta to posterior margin; scutellum, except short semicircular brown basal area on disc, extended almost to level of basal seta, and basal third of side, extended slightly distal to basal seta, separated from brown area on disc at corner; propleuron; posterodorsal half and anteroventral margin of anepisternum; dorsal margin of katepisternum; and most of anatergite and katatergite. Scutum mostly dark orange brown to red brown, posterior margin and notopleuron diffusely darker brown. Anepisternum with dark orange brown band from anterodorsal corner to ventral end of phragma. Anepimeron dark brown except ventrally. Meron mostly brown. Anatergite and katatergite with large posteroventral dark brown spot. Subscutellum and mediotergite dark brown laterally, orange brown medially. Mesonotum
4.70 mm
long. Postpronotal lobe, scutum, and scutellum entirely microtrichose; scutal setulae yellow. Chaetotaxy typical for genus. Katepisternal seta weak, yellow, ca. half as long as anepimeral seta.
Legs: Entirely yellow to orange.
Wing (
Fig. 17
): Length
11.70 mm
, width
4.35 mm
, ratio 2.68. Apex of vein R1 at 0.57 wing length. Cell c 1.11 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 5.37 times as long as wide. Vein R2+3 without sharp bends or undulations. Crossvein r-m at 0.68 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu on vein M. Vein M moderately strongly curved apically; cell r4+5 0.91 times as wide at apex as at level of dm-cu. Cell bcu with distal lobe moderately long, length of bcu 1.61 times as long as anterior margin. Wing pattern mostly orange and orange brown. C-band mostly orange, slightly darker orange brown in pterostigma and parts of cells br and r2+3 aligned with cell bm, paler in cells bc and c, subhyaline in broad posterior medial area of cell c. C-band and S-band very broadly connected between vein R4+5 and costa; marginal hyaline area distal to apex of vein R1 absent. Hyaline area in cell br broad and elongate, very narrowly separated from vein R4+5 and more than 2.5 times as long as distal colored area of cell; cell dm with basal hyaline area moderately large. Basal half of S-band moderately broad, mostly orange, parts of posterior margin in cells dm and cu1 slightly darker, posterior margin without distinct incision in cell cu1; distal section of band orange, becoming slightly darker orange brown in distal part of cell r1, and in much of cells r2+3 and r4+5, moderately broad, at apex of vein R2+3 0.8 times width of cell r2+3, nearly even in width, slightly broader along vein r4+5, well separated from apex of vein M; hyaline area proximal to apex of band ending at vein R2+3. V-band incomplete, proximal arm slender, mostly moderate brown, faint anterior to vein M and ending slightly anterior to it, well separated from Sband; relatively narrow along posterior wing margin, extending less than half distance to vein A1+Cu2; distal arm absent.
Abdomen: Yellow with three dark orange brown vittae, connected medially on syntergite 1+2; unpaired medial vitta extending posteriorly to midlength of tergite 5, separated from narrower paired lateral marginal vittae by yellow area slightly broader than medial vitta. Tergite 6 also dark orange brown. Base of syntergite 1+2 yellow.
Female terminalia: Oviscape
9.90 mm
long, 2.11 times as long as mesonotum, straight in lateral view, entirely dark orange; spiracle at basal 0.18. Eversible membrane with 11 long hooklike dorsobasal scales in single row distal to 2–3 irregular rows of short, weakly sclerotized scales. Aculeus broken in
(tip missing), at least
8.6 mm
long, 0.87 times oviscape length; in ventral view base strongly expanded,
0.16 mm
wide; shaft
0.05 mm
wide at midlength. Spermathecae not dissected.
Wings: 7,
A. conflua
(Costa Rica: Est. Pitilla, INBioCRI001391699); 8–9,
A. levefasciata
(Peru: Tingo Maria, USNMENT00213407; Villa Santa María, USNMENT00671683); 10–11,
A. nolazcoae
(Perú: San Miguel La Cocha, USNMENT00671197, USNMENT00671195); 12,
A. paradentata
(Mexico: W of El Palmito); 13,
A. pseudanomala
(Ecuador: Onkone Gare Camp, USNMENT00054542); 14–16,
A. raveni
(Perú: Chincana, USNMENT00654975; Planchón, USNMENT00671634; Tingo Maria, USNMENT00671660); 17,
A. trivittata
(holotype); 18,
A. woodleyi
(Bolivia: Potrerillos del Guenda, USNMENT00104216).
FIGURES 19–25.
Eversible membranes: 19,
A. conflua
(Costa Rica: Est. Pitilla, INBioCRI001391699); 20,
A. kuhlmanni
(Brazil: Rio Trapicheiro); 21,
A. levefasciata
(Peru: Villa Santa María, USNMENT00671683); 22,
A. nolazcoae
(Perú: San Miguel La Cocha, USNMENT00671197); 23,
A. pseudanomala
(Ecuador: Onkone Gare Camp, USNMENT00054542); 24,
A. raveni
(Perú: Tingo Maria); 25,
A. woodleyi
(holotype); bar = 1.0 mm.
FIGURES 26–36.
Aculei: 26–28,
A. conflua
(Costa Rica: Est. Pitilla, INBioCRI001391699), whole, base and tip; 29–30,
A. levefasciata
(holotype), base and tip; 31–32,
A. nolazcoae
(Perú: San Miguel La Cocha, USNMENT00671197), whole and tip; 33,
A. paradentata
(Mexico: W of El Palmito, copied from Norrbom 1985, fig. 30C), tip; 34–35,
A. raveni
(Perú: Tingo Maria), whole and tip; 36,
A. woodleyi
(holotype), tip; bar = 0.10 mm.
FIGURES 37–40.
Male terminalia (epandrium, surstyli and proctiger, lateral; epandrium and surstyli, posterior): 37–38,
A. mucronota
(Colombia: Cachipay, USNMENT00214070); 39–40,
A. nolazcoae
FIGURES 41–44.
Male terminalia
(epandrium, surstyli and proctiger,
lateral; epandrium and surstyli, posterior): 41–42,
(Peru: Villa Santa
María, USNMENT00671857);
A. raveni
(Peru: Villa Santa María,
Distribution.Anastrepha trivittata
is known only from northern
The host plants and other aspects of the biology of this species other than dates of capture of adults are unknown.
Ψ (
: Amazonas: ca.
60 km
N of Manaus, Hwy ZF 2, km 19.5,
, terra firme, canopy fogging project transect #10, col. by hand,
18 Aug 1979
, Adis, Erwin, Montgomery,
et al.Etymology.
The name of this species is a Latin adjective referring to the three stripes on the abdomen.