The Caucasus as a major hotspot of biodiversity: Evidence from the millipede family Anthroleucosomatidae (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida)
Antić, Dragan Ž.
Makarov, Slobodan E.
journal article
Key to
species in the Caucasus
1. Adults with 28 or 30 segments, including telson.............................................................2
- Adults with 29 or 31 segments, including telson............................................................24
2. Male posterior gonopods with well-developed and somewhat robust telopodites (
Figs 5
D, 9D)........................3
- Male posterior gonopods with small, poorly-developed telopodites (
Figs 14
D, 17D, 20D, 41D, 44G, 55D, 60H ect)........ 5
3. Coxal process of male leg-pair 7 with very short and thick setae. Midbody walking legs with enlarged and somewhat elongated coxae.....................................................................
Alloiopus solitarius
Attems, 1951
- Coxal process of male leg-pair 7, if present, without characteristic setae. Midbody walking legs with normal coxae......................................................................................
gen. nov.
4. Male leg-pair 7 with a posterior coxal horn (
Fig. 4
C). Macrochaetae of body segments short and bacilliform (
Figs 2
B, 3)..............................................................................
G. bacillichaetum
gen. et sp. nov.
- Male leg-pair 7 without posterior coxal horn. Macrochaetae of body segments medium-sized and trichoid (
Fig. 7
G. trichochaetum
gen. et sp. nov.
5. Coxites of posterior gonopods with a single coxal process (
Figs 14
D; 17D; 55D; 81D; 82D, E, F; 85D; 86D, E, F; 89D; 90F, G, H)..................................................................................................6
- Coxites of posterior gonopods with paired coxal processes (
Figs 20
D; 23D; 27D; 37D; 41D; 59D; 64D; 68D; 72D; 77D; 165G, H).................................................................................................11
6. Posterior margins of pleurotergites without limbus...........................................................7
- Posterior margins of pleurotergites with a denticulate limbus (
Figs 80
D; 84D, 88D)............
gen. nov.
... 9
7. Anterior gonopods with a medial syncoxal structure and lateral parts; without anterior sternal sac (
Fig. 14
Alpinella waltheri
gen. et sp. nov.
- Anterior gonopods in the form of shields; with an anterior sternal sac (
Figs 17
A; 55A)...............................8
8. Prefemur of male leg-pair 7 with two distinctive, well-developed, apical and basal horns (
Fig. 16
C). Anterior gonopods with a medial, unpaired, bifurcated process (
Fig. 17
A)......................... ..
Brachychaetosoma turbanovi
gen. et sp. nov.
- Prefemur of male leg-pair 7 without any special structures. Anterior gonopods in the form of rounded shields, without medial bifurcated process; each shield with one distinctive, subtriangular and acuminate horn in anterior view (
Fig. 55
Georgiosoma bicornutum
gen. et sp. nov.
9. Coxal processes of anterior gonopods narrow (
Figs 81
A; 82A; 89A; 90A)........................................10
- Coxal processes of anterior gonopods expanded in the middle (
Fig. 85
D. magnum
gen. et sp. nov.
10. Coxal processes of anterior gonopods ending with a few denticles (
Figs 81
B; 82A)....... ..
D. denticulatum
gen. et sp. nov.
- Coxal processes of anterior gonopods ending with a long, laterally and downward orientated horn (
Figs 89
A; 90B)......................................................................................
D. zeraboseli
gen. et sp. nov.
11. Anterior gonopods with robust anterior sternal processes fused in distal ¾ (
Fig. 165
A). Body length ±
6 mm
gen. et sp. nov.
- Anterior gonopods without robust anterior sternal processes. Body length Ż
8 mm
12. Coxites of posterior gonopods with a pair of flagelliform processes (eg
Fig. 27
- Coxal processes of posterior gonopods not flagelliform, but shorter and thicker (
Figs 68
D; 72D; 77D).................................................................................................
gen. nov.
13. Anterior gonopods with shield-like coxal processes (eg
Fig. 27
Strasser, 1970
, 14
- Anterior gonopods with an unpaired medial part and two lateral processes (
Figs 59
A; 64A; 65A).................................................................................................
gen. nov.
14. Adults with 28 segments, including telson...................................................
C. variabile
sp. nov.
- Adults with 30 segments, including telson................................................................. 15
15. Anterior gonopods with two distinctive, bifurcated, posterior projections/processes (
Fig. 20
B, C)... ..
C. elephantum
sp. nov.
- Anterior gonopods without such a posterior projection.......................................................16
16. Posterior coxal processes of anterior gonopods starting with an anterior horn (
Figs 23
C; 27C; 31B)....................17
- Posterior coxal processes of anterior gonopods starting with a lamella (
Fig. 37
C. minellii
sp. nov.
17. Both anterior shields of the anterior gonopods divided distally into a medial and a lateral part (
Figs 31
A; 34A).......... 18
- Anterior shields of anterior gonopods unipartite (
Figs 23
A; 27A)............................................... 19
18. Prefemur of male leg-pair 7 with a mesal dentate bulge in basal half.......................
C. lohmanderi
Strasser, 1970
- Prefemur of male leg-pair 7 without any peculiarities......................................... ..
C. kelasuri
sp. nov.
19. Coxae of male leg-pair 7 with a small, posterior, dentate, subtriangular process (
Fig. 22
D)...... ..
C. fanagoriyskaya
sp. nov.
- Male leg-pair 7 without peculiarities...................................................
C. glabroscutum
sp. nov.
20. Lateral horns and medial part of anterior gonopods almost equally high (
Figs 59
A; 60A).....................................................................................................
H. feminaepectorum
gen. et sp. nov.
- Lateral horns clearly higher than medial part (
Figs 64
A; 65A).................................................21
21. Medial part acuminate in anterior view (
Fig. 64
A). Lateral horns with lateral shoulders.......
H. longicorne
gen. et sp. nov.
- Medial part squarish in anterior view. Lateral horns without lateral shoulders.. ..
H. mauriesi
Golovatch and Makarov, 2011
22. Anterior coxal shields squarish or nearly rounded (
Figs 68
A; 77A; 78A). Posterior coxal processes with an additional lateral process (
Figs 68
B, C; 77B, C; 78C, D, E)................................................................. 23
- Anterior coxal shields cordiform (
Figs 72
A, 73A). Posterior coxal processes without an additional lateral process (
Fig. 72
B, C)...............................................................................
P. cordatum
gen. et sp. nov.
23. Shields nearly rounded (
Figs 77
A; 78A). Lateral process club-like (
Figs 77
B; 78C). Coxae of male leg-pair 7 with two short processes (
Fig. 76
P. subrotundatum
gen. et sp. nov.
- Shields squarish (
Fig. 68
A). Lateral process long and slender (
Fig. 68
B, C). Coxae of male leg-pair 7 with only one rudimen- tary coxal process (Fig. 67B)....................................................... ..
P. attemsi
gen. et sp. nov.
24. Anterior gonopods anteriorly with a pair of flagella/pseudoflagella or thorn-like processes (
Figs 120
A; 124A; 125A; 128A; 133A; 137A; 142A; 146A; 150A; 151A)..................................................................25
- Anterior gonopods without such structures.................................................................32
25. Anterior gonopods anteriorly with a pair of hidden processes, with only distal third visible (
Fig. 133
Cryptacan- thophorella
gen. et sp. nov.
- Anterior gonopods anteriorly with a fully visible pair of flagella/pseudoflagella or thorn-like processes (eg
Figs 120
A; 137A; 146A)..............................................................................................26
26. Body with 29 segments in adults (including telson). Anterior gonopods anteriorly with a pair of flagella protected by a well- developed anterior sternal lamella (
Fig. 138
Flagellophorella hoffmani
gen. et sp. nov.
- Body with 31 segments in adults (including telson). Anterior gonopods anteriorly with a pair of pseudoflagella or thorn-like processes, without protective lamella (eg
Figs 120
A; 146A)...................................................27
27. Anterior gonopods anteriorly with a pair of thorn-like processes (
Figs 120
A; 124A; 128A). Sternal plate with a small sternal sac.........................................................................
gen. nov.
- Anterior gonopods anteriorly with long and slender processes in the form of pseudoflagella (
Figs 142
A; 146A; 150A). Sternal plate with a sternal lamella.................................................
gen. nov.
, 30
28. Body length
16–18 mm
, pigmentless. Head 5–7 ocelli. Walking legs and antennae elongated. Cavernicolous species (
Fig. 118
A. barjadzei
gen. et sp. nov.
- Body length ±
10.5 mm
, pigmented. Head with 13–17 ocelli. Walking legs and antennae normal. Epigean species (
Figs 121
; 126)................................................................................................29
29. Lateral lamella of anterior gonopods higher than thorn-like processes (
Fig. 124
A). Coxal processes of posterior gonopods well-developed (
Fig. 124
D)....................................................... ..
A. chegemi
gen. et sp. nov.
- Lateral lamella of anterior gonopods denticulate and lower than thorn-like processes (
Fig. 128
A). Coxal processes of posterior gonopods small (
Fig. 128
A. irystoni
gen. et sp. nov.
30. Basal parts of anterior gonopods very wide and rounded (
Fig. 142
P. eskovi
gen. et sp. nov.
- Basal parts of anterior gonopods not rounded; almost same in width as remaining parts of gonopods...................31
31. Anterior gonopods with fimbriated lateral parts showing numerous single, bi- or three-ramous fringes/fingers orientated poste- riorly (
Fig. 146
P. mirabilis
gen. et sp. nov.
- Anterior gonopods in the form of butterfly wings; with neither fimbriated lateral parts nor fringes/fingers (
Fig. 150
P. papilioformis
gen. et sp. nov.
32. Posterior gonopods without traces of telopodites................................
Ratcheuma excorne
Golovatch, 1985
- Posterior gonopods with telopodites......................................................................33
33. Anterior gonopods divided into at least two or more lateral branches (
Figs 94
A; 98A; 103A; 108A; 112A; 116A)......... 3 4
- Anterior gonopods unipartite............................................................................39
34. Anterior gonopods with a medial part and four pairs of processes (
Fig. 94
Enghoffiella insolita
gen. et sp. nov.
- Anterior gonopods with a medial part and two lateral branches, inner and outer (98A; 103A; 108A; 112A; 116A)............................................................................
Ceuca, 1976
, 35
35. Anterior gonopods with a poorly-developed, hairless, sternal lamella (
Figs 98
A; 99A)...........
M. giljarovi
Lang, 1959
- Anterior gonopods with a well-developed, mainly densely setose, sternal lamella (
Figs 103
A; 108A; 112A; 116A)........3 6
36. Inner branch of anterior gonopods with a characteristic hook-shaped process (
Figs 103
A; 104C–D)... ...
M. hamatum
sp. nov.
- Inner branch of anterior gonopods without a hook-shaped process..............................................37
37. Outer branch of lateral part of anterior gonopods fimbriated and with numerous simple, bi- or triramous fringes/fingers (
Figs 116
A, C; 117B–D).....................................................................
M. torsivum
sp. nov.
- Outer branch not fimbriated............................................................................ 38
38. Sternal plate with a stongly developed, hairy, sternal lamella with a raised, medial, bifurcated part (
Figs 108
A; 109A). Outer branches strongly developed, wide, lamellar (
Figs 108
A; 109A). Male leg-pair 7 with a coxal cavity, prefemur with a poster- omesal acuminate process (
Fig. 107
M. lamellohirsutum
sp. nov.
- Sternal lamella not as above. Outer branches narrower, not in the form of a lamella. Male leg-pair 7 with neither a coxal cavity nor a prefemoral acuminate process.................................................
M. martensi
Mauriès, 1982
39. Male leg-pair 6 particularly robust and bizarre (
Figs 154
C; 158C). Coxites of posterior gonopods with numerous arrow-shaped filaments (
Figs 155
D; 159D)..........................................................
gen. nov.
- Male leg-pair 6 not as above. Coxites of posterior gonopods without arrow-shaped filaments......................... 41
40. Arrow-shaped filaments on coxites of posterior gonopods more numerous, with an isolated long filament (
Fig. 159
H. polysagittae
gen. et sp. nov.
- Arrow-shaped filaments on coxites of posterior gonopods significantly less numerous, an isolated filament absent (
Fig. 155
D).......................................................................... ..
H. oligosagittae
gen. et sp. nov.
41. Head in males with a medial frontal tubercle between antennal sockets and with a depression between both ocellaria (
Fig. 10
B, C)....................................................................
Adshardicus strasseri
Golovatch, 1981
- Head in males normal.........................................................
gen. nov.
42. Shields of anterior gonopods with numerous striae (
Figs 46
A; 47A). Coxal processes of posterior gonopods with one or two knife-like lobes (
Fig. 46
C. billi
gen. et sp. nov.
- Shields of anterior gonopods almost completely smooth (
Figs 51
A; 52A). Coxal processes of posterior gonopods with more numerous knife-like lobes (
Figs 49
E, F; 51D).......................................
C. polylobatus
gen. et sp. nov.