Seven new genera and thirty-four new species of buccinoid gastropods (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae) from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska Author Mclean, James H. Author Clark, Roger N. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-09-26 5351 2 151 201 journal article 270509 10.11646/zootaxa.5351.2.1 b3b05d51-3aeb-49c7-bbc1-0365bc92c886 1175-5326 8391375 F34F6B3C-F251-4D8E-B002-A96BD70CA1BE Aleutijapelion aleuticus (Dall, 1895) Figures 6 B–E Beringius aleuticus Dall, 1895:711 , pl. 29, fig. 2. Type locality: Amutka Pass, Aleutian Is. , Alaska ( 52°15.00 N , 171°40.00 W ), 454 m (R/ V Albatross Station # 3481). Type material: Holotype , USNM 106999 , 66 mm . FIGURE 6. A . Metajapelion adelphicus (Dall, 1907) RNC 4967, Off Okinoshima Island, Japan, 182 m, 97.4 mm; B–E . Aleutijapelion aleuticus (Dall, 1895) ; B . Holotype, USNM 106999, Amutka Pass, 454 m, 65.0 mm; C . RNC 4772, S of Umnak Island, 86 m, 74.3 mm; D . Operculum of RNC 4772, 28 mm; E . Radula, RNC 4880, W of Carlisle Island, 228 m, bar = 100 µm; F–H . Aleutijapelion mirandus ; F . Holotype, LACM 3664, N of Amlia Island, 423 m, 74.4 mm; G . RNC 5019, E of Kiska Island, 268 m, 91.7 mm; H . Radula, RNC 4639, S of Atka Island, 207 m, bar = 200 µm. Referred material: LACM 181446 , 1 sp. , 73.2 mm . S of Kodiak Island , 118 m ; RNC 4631 , 1 sp. , 72.16 mm . S of Kodiak Island ( 56°29.85 N , 152°30.06 W ), 297 m ( NMFS 57-200101 - 146 ) ; LACM 181447 , 1 sp. , 50.5 mm . ESE of Chirikov Island , SW of Kodiak Id. , 122 m ; CASIZ 149898 , 67.4 mm . Samalga Pass , Islands of Four Mountains ( 52º55.8 N , 169º20.4 W ), 401 m ( NMFS 23-200001 - 33 ) ; RNC 4611 , 1 sp. , 66.4 mm . Shumagin Is. , SE of Alaska Peninsula ( 54°41.13 N , 158°00.15 W ), 440 m ( NMFS 57-200101 - 92 ) ; RNC 4646 , 1 sp. , 59.5 mm . Shumagin Is. , Shumagin Is. , SE of Alaska Peninsula ( 54°30.70 N , 158°52.02 W ), 361 m ( NMFS 159-200901 - 73 ) ; RNC 4705 , 1 sp. , 81.5 mm . S of Unalaska Island , Fox Ids. ( 53°06.2 N , 166°58.66 W ), 294 m ( NMFS 57-200101 - 8 ) ; RNC 4772 , 1 sp. , 74.34 mm . S of Umnak Id. , Fox Ids. ( 53°27.12 N , 168°29.93 W ), 86 m ( NMFS 143-200601 - 23 ) ; RNC 4880 , 1 sp. , 63.25 mm . W of Carlisle Island , Islands of Four Mountains ( 52°55.86 N , 170°24.58 W ), 228 m ( NMFS 143- 200601 - 29 ) ; RNC 4881 , 1 sp. , 80.14 mm . S of Yunaska Island , Islands of Four Mountains ( 52°31.75 N , 170°33.55 W ), 220 m ( NMFS 143-200601 - 40 ) ; RNC 4689 , 1 sp. , 78.9 mm . W of Tanaga Island , Andreanof Ids. ( 51°39.68 N , 178°25.57 W ), 373 m ( NMFS 143-201201 - 125 ) . Description: Relatively large shells (largest examined 81 mm , RNC 4705); whorls rounded; periostracum thin, adherent, olive green to brown, shiny, not flaking in dry shells; color pattern two-tone, lighter on sharply defined basal area. protoconch with 2.5 whorls extended (but not nearly as much as in Beringius ), scarcely if at all increasing in size; seven or eight teleconch whorls; axial lacking (except for growth lines), spiral sculpture absent, or if present, consisting of a few low, faint, irregular cords, or faint oblique ridges on upper part of whorl; siphonal canal short, base deeply notched near pillar; anterior lip extending below anterior tip of pillar. Lip of mature shell thickened and slightly flaring; lip continuous across anal sinus, connecting to narrow parietal shield in mature shells. Operculum (fig. 6 D) large, nearly filling aperture, narrowing anteriorly, concave on exterior surface. Radula: (fig. 12 E) Typical of this subfamily. Rachidian tooth reduced to a simple, chevron shaped, acuspate plate. Lateral teeth rather narrow, tricuspid, the outer cusp long curved, inner two cusps much smaller. Distribution: Western Gulf of Alaska , S of Kodiak Island ( 152°29 W ) to central Aleutian Islands, west to Tanaga Pass, Andreanof Ids. ( 178°25 W ), at depths of 86– 454 m . Habitat: Black sand and gravel or muddy sand and gravel with pebbles. Water temperatures of 3.7–5.0°C. Remarks: This species differs from Aleutijapelion mirandus n. sp. in having a broader profile, and in lacking the narrow, channeled shoulder Also resembles Boreancistrolepis excelsus (see remarks under that species).