Revisional study on the genus Mimastra (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Part 3: Mimastra oblonga and M. tarsalis species groups Author Bezděk, Jan text Zootaxa 2011 2011-02-16 2766 30 56 journal article 1175-5326 Mimastra latimana Allard, 1889 , status restored ( Figs 6 , 24 , 32 , 40 , 48, 58) Mimastra latimanus Allard, 1889: 308 (original description); Medvedev & Dang, 1982: 90 (host plants). Mimastra latimana : Wilcox, 1973: 483 (catalogue); Kimoto, 1989: 90 (= soreli ); Medvedev, 2009: 265 (as syn. of cyanura ). Mimastra semimarginata var. latimana : Allard, 1890: 83 (key). Mimastra ( Mimastra ) latimanus : Weise, 1924: 125 (catalogue). Mimastra soreli : Kimoto, 1989: 85 (key), 90. Type locality. “Hu, Qui-Nhon”. Type material. Syntypes : 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ ( MNHN ), labelled: “Hu [w, h] // 1899 [vertically] / Ex-Musaeo / E. ALLARD [w, p]” . Additional material studied. 42 specimens CHINA : YUNNAN : 1♀ , Xishuangbanna , 27 km NW of Jinghong , vic. Beng Gang Ha Ni , 2208.74 N 10035.50 E, 1800–2000 m , 29.v.2008 , A. Weigel leg. ( NMEG ) ; 1♀ , Xishuangbanna , 27 km NW of Jinghong , Beng Gang Ha Ni , 2208.745 N 10035.498 E, 1800 m , 5.v.2008 , A. Weigel leg. ( NMEG ) ; 1♀ , Xishuangbanna , 37 km NW of Jinghong , Guo Men Shan , 2217.91 N 10038.85 E, 1080 m , 26.v.2008 , A. Weigel leg. ( NMEG ) . LAOS : 4♂♂ 2♀♀ , Hua Phan prov. , Ban Saluei , Phu Phan Mt. , 20°15´N 104°02´E , 1500–2000 m , 26.iv.–11.v.2001 , J. Bezděk leg. ( JBBC ) ; 12♂♂ 2♀♀ , Hua Phan prov. , Ban Saluei , Phu Phan Mt. , 20°13´N 103°59´E , 1300–2000 m , 6.–18.v.2004 , J. Bezděk leg. ( JBBC ) ; 1♂ , Hua Phan prov. , Ban Saluei , Phu Phan Mt. , 20°12–13.5´N 103°59.5´– 104°01´E , 1340–1870 m , 15.iv.–15.v.2008 , Lao collector leg. ( NMPC ) . VIETNAM : 1♂ 1♀ , Lang Bian , 12 km N of Dalat , 1203´ N 10827 ´E, 17.–21.iv.1995 , P. Pacholátko & L. Dembick leg. ( JVJC ) ; 1♂ 1♀ , Tonkin , 1901, Sauter leg. ( SMNS ) ; 1♂ , Dong-hoi Mts. , 300–800 m , 24.iii.1963 , Kabakov leg. ( SMNS ) ; 1♂ , Dong-hoi Mts. , 430 m , 30.iii.1963 , Kabakov leg. ( SMNS ) ; 1♂ , Dac Lak prov. , Buonloi , on Trema , 1982, L. N. Medvedev leg. ( NMEG ) ; 5♂♂ 6♀♀ , Annam , without additional data ( NMPC ) . Description. Body length: males: 7.6–9.6 mm , females: 8.5–10.3 mm . Male: Head yellow, base of vertex with metallic black irregular collar – laterally extended but not touching eyes, narrow median stripe almost reaching frontal tubercles, apices of mandibles black. Antennomeres 1–4 yellow, rest gradually darkenned. Pronotum yellow with 7 black spots: two narrow stripes along lateral margin and 5 discal spots forming shape of alphabet ‘M’ (two large black spots laterally near posterior angles; three small indistinct spots in the middle of disc and in front of pronotal base which are often brownish or indistinct). Scutellum yellow. Elytra yellow with posterior half of sutural margins and elytral apex dark. Pro- and mesosternum yellow. Metasternum and abdomen black with blue metallic tint. Forelegs yellow, femora with thin black stripe on outer margin, tibiae with thin black stripe on both inner and outer margins, protarsi yellow, apical segments often infuscate. Middle and hind legs yellow, femora with thin black stripe on outer margin, tibiae brown, gradually darkened to apex, with distinct dark stripe on outer margin, tarsi dark brown to black. Labrum transverse, with several long pale setae, anterior margin moderately incised. Head shiny, glabrous, with several pale setae ventral to antennal sockets and in anterior part of clypeus. Interocular space 1.7 times as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Frontal tubercles subtriangular, distinctly elevated, separated from each other by a thin furrow. Interantennal space as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Vertex with impressed median line. Antennae filiform, 0.95 times as long as body, length ratio of antennomeres 1–11 equals 34-13-22-42- 40-40-40-38-37-35-40. Pronotum transverse, 1.50 times as broad as long, widest at proximal third, slightly convergent posteriorly. Surface lustrous, covered with very fine punctures, glabrous, with two distinct transverse lateral depressions. Anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin slightly rounded, sinuate, lateral margins nearly straight. All margins distinctly bordered. Anterior angles moderately swollen, slightly produced anteriorly, posterior angles obtusely angulate. All angles with setigerous pore bearing one long pale seta. Scutellum triangular with rounded apex, shiny, glabrous. Elytra shiny, slightly divergent posteriorly, covered with small dense confused punctures, glabrous (only with several pale hairs on apical slopes). Humeral calli well developed. Epipleura narrow, gradually disappearing before apex. Macropterous. Ventral surface shiny, finely punctate, densely covered with pale hairs. Last ventrite impressed in middle, posterior margin almost straight with two feebly indicated incisions. First protarsomere pear-shaped, cavity covers basal two third of profile in inner lateral view ( Fig. 32 ). Protibia distinctly widened anteriorly ( Fig. 40 ). Apex of first metatarsomere prolonged posteriorly ( Fig. 58 ). Basimetatarsomere as long as two following tarsomeres combined. Median lobe of aedeagus relatively narrow, more or less parallel, with median ventral groove in apical two thirds ( Fig. 24 ). Female: First protarsomere not enlarged. Abdomen robust, convex, last ventrite with regularly rounded posterior margin. Spermathecal cornu as long as but wider than nodulus, basally almost straight, then regularly rounded, nodulus oval, proximal spermathecal duct shorter than nodulus (Fig. 48). Differential diagnosis. Having yellow elytra with dark apical and posterior half of sutural margins, M. latimana resembles specimens of M. oblonga without apical elytral spots. Both species can be distinguished by the shape of first metatarsomere which is prolonged posteriorly in M. latimana ( Fig. 58 ) and not prolonged in M. oblonga ( Fig. 57 ). Distribution. Vietnam ( Allard 1889 , Medvedev & Dang 1982 , present paper). Newly recorded from Laos and China : Yunnan . Erroneously listed also from Philippines ( Allard 1890 ). Host plants. Medvedev & Dang (1982) listed Trema velutina Planch. (Ulmaceae) and Callicarpa candicans Burm. (Verbenaceae) as host plants.