Synopsis of the Amphibians of Equatorial Guinea based upon the Authors’ Field Work and Spanish Natural History Collections Author Sánchez-Vialas, Alberto Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; Author Calvo-Revuelta, Marta Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; Author Castroviejo-Fisher, Santiago Laboratorio de Sistemática de Vertebrados, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Av / Ipiranga, 6681, Prédio 40, sala 110, 90619 - 900, Porto Alegre, Brazil; * Corresponding author: IDlR (iriva @ mncn. csic. es) Author De, Ignacio Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2020 2020-03-31 66 8 137 230 journal article 295393 10.5281/zenodo.11105986 4c7b4d3d-1fbe-4f48-8cb2-002e928eae42 0068-547X 11105986 Afrixalus paradorsalis Perret, 1960 Photo figures 14D–E TYPE LOCALITY .— “ Foulassi , Cameroun . DISTRIBUTION .— This species ranges from southeastern Nigeria to Cameroon , Gabon and Republic of Congo . In Equatorial Guinea , A. paradorsalis has been recorded both on Bioko ( Boulenger 1906a [as Megalixalus fornasinii ]; Mertens 1965 [as Afrixalus dorsalis ]; Hydeman et al. 2017 ; Charles et al. 2018 ) and in Río Muni ( De la Riva 1994 ) ( Map 16A ). COMMENTS .— Distinct allopatric lineages were detected over most of the species range; two of them are present in Equatorial Guinea : the first one is insular, belonging to the populations from Bioko, which are closely related to another lineage distributed over the Cameroonian Volcanic Line; the second lineage ranges from southern Cameroon to Gabon and Republic of Congo ( Charles et al. 2018 ). Although no samples from Río Muni were included by Charles et al. (2018) , it is highly likely that Río Muni populations fit within this latter lineage. Descriptions of the advertisement calls from Monte Alén were provided by Bosch et al. (2000) . SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— Twelve specimens . BBPP camp, Caldera de Luba , Bioko , 03°20ʹ47.32ʺN , 08°29ʹ48.44ʺE , 28 November 2003 ( MNCN 48855 , MNCN 48860 ); Red swamp, Caldera de Luba , Bioko 03°21ʹ27.99ʺN , 08°30ʹ52.11ʺE , 27 November 2003 ( MNCN 48856– 48859 ); path behind church, Bakelele forest , Batete, Bioko, 03°26ʹ37.34ʺN , 8°30ʹ24.76ʺE , 02 December 2003 ( MNCN 48861 ) . Alexteroon Perret, 1988 Alexteroon obstetricans (Ahl, 1931) Photo figures 15A–C TYPE LOCALITY .— neotype from “Foulassi, rivière Lobô”; lost holotype from “Bipindi, Kamerun” Cameroon . DISTRIBUTION .— It occurs from Cameroon to Gabon . In Equatorial Guinea , A. obstetricans has been recorded from Monte Alén, Río Muni ( De la Riva 1994 ) ( Map 16B ). COMMENTS .— Descriptions of the advertisement calls from Monte Alén were provided by Bosch et al. (2000) . SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— No specimens of this taxon were found in the collections examined by us in this study. Arlequinus Perret, 1988 Arlequinus krebsi ( Mertens, 1938 ) Photo figures 25E–F TYPE LOCALITY .— “Mubengue”, Cameroon . DISTRIBUTION .— This species ranges from southwestern Cameroon to Bioko ( Map 27B ). COMMENTS .— The presence of Arlequinus on Bioko was expected by Mertens (1938) . This species was only known from a set of localities in southwestern Cameroon until the recently discovered population in Equatorial Guinea during the field surveys of the BBPP at the surroundings of Pico Basilé, Bioko. This Bioko population was reported by Channing & Rödel (2019) (without specific locality). See addendum in Material and Methods. SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— No specimens of this taxon were found in the collections examined by us in this study. Cryptothylax Laurent and Combaz, 1950 Cryptothylax greshoffii (Schilthuis, 1889) Photo figures 15D–E TYPE LOCALITY .— “Boma (Congo, W. Africa )”, Democratic Republic of Congo . DISTRIBUTION .— This species has been reported from Cameroon , Equatorial Guinea , Democratic Republic of Congo , Angola and Central African Republic . In Equatorial Guinea , it has been only found in Monte Alén, Río Muni ( De la Riva 1994 ) ( Map 16C ). SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— No specimens of this taxon were found in the collections examined by us in this study. Hyperolius Rapp, 1842 Hyperolius kuligae Mertens, 1940 TYPE LOCALITY .— “Camp II: 920 m über Mubenge , Kamerun-Berg ”, Cameroon . DISTRIBUTION .— This species has been recorded from Cameroon , Gabon , Democratic Republic of Congo and Equatorial Guinea ( Map 27C ). There are also dubious records of this species in Uganda ( Schiøtz 1999 ). In Equatorial Guinea , it has been recently recorded on Bioko (Channing & Rödel 2019) although new material, said to be identical to that recorded by Channing & Rodel, was collected on Bioko and identified as H. endjami ( Portik et al. 2019 , Supplemental Table 1 [said to be accessible online but not verified by us {IDLR}]). COMMENTS .— Channing & Rödel (2019) mentioned the presence of this species on Bioko (without specific locality), possibly based on specimens collected from the surroundings of Biao Lake and held at the collection of the Cornell University (not examined by us). See addendum in Material and Methods. SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— No specimens of this taxon were found in the collections examined by us in this study.