The symphytognathoid spiders of the Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China (Araneae: Araneoidea): Systematics and diversity of micro-orbweavers Author Miller, Jeremy Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands Author Griswold, Charles California Academy of Sciences ,, United States of America Author Yin, Chang College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University ,, China text ZooKeys 2009 2009-05-31 11 11 9 195 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.11.160 6bed073a-175c-42e6-bb99-645c99d55b4f 1313–2970 576459 C631A347-306E-4773-84A4-E4712329186B Mysmena changouzi Miller, Griswold & Yin , sp. n. 3DE671ED-2BC6-4EE3-ACC5-B19342794CC7 Figs 11 G-I, 15 A-E, 16-17 , 18 A-C, 19 , 20 A, 96 Material Examined. Holotype : CHINA : Yunnan : Gaoligong Shan , Nujiang Prefecture : Nujiang State Nature Reserve , No. 12 Bridge Camp area , 16.3 airkm W of Gongshan , 27.715°N , 98.502°E , 2775 m , 15-19 July 2000 , H.-M. Yan , D. Kavanaugh , C.E. Griswold , H.-B. Liang , D. Ubick , & D.-Z. Dong (CASENT 9029311, HNU ), 1 ♁. Paratypes : [same data as holotype] (CASENT 9006233, CAS ), 7 ♁, 20 ♀ , 3 juvs ; [same data as holotype] (CASENT 9029312, HNU ), 7 ♁, 20 ♀ , 4 juvs ; Gaoligong Shan , Nujiang Prefecture : Gongshan Co. , Danzhu He drainage, 13.5 airkm SSW of Gongshan , 27.631°N , 98.621°E , 2700 m , 31 June-5 July 2000 , D. Kavanaugh , C. Griswold , H.-B. Liang , D. Ubick , H.-M. Yan , & D.-Z. Dong (CASENT 9016287, CAS ), 1 ♀ ; Fugong Co. , Lishadi , Shibali Yaku (pass #31), 27.21230°N , 98.69600°E , 3604 m , 5 August 2005 , boulder field to bamboo thicket, under rocks, P. Paquin , PP-2105 (CASENT 9022563, HNU ), 1 ♀ , 1 juv ; [same data] (CASENT 9022564, CAS ), 1 ♀ ; Fugong Co. , Lishadi , 500 m before Shibali Yaku (pass #31), 27.21354°N , 98.70021°E , 3585 m , 7 August 2005 , stable scree slope on soil, P. Paquin , PP-2405 (CASENT 9022612, CAS ), 1 ♁, 6 ♀ , 5 juvs ; [same data] (CASENT 9022610, HNU ), 7 ♀ , 5 juvs ; Fugong Co. , Lishadi , 10.5 km W of Shibali , 100 m N road, 27.20192°N , 98.71321°E , 3250 m , 17 August 2005 , in wet leaf litter, conifer forest, rhododendron patch, P. Paquin , PP-4205 (CASENT 9022546, HNU ), 1 ♀ , 1 juv ; Fugong Co. , Lishadi , 3 km W of Shibali (first waterfall), 27.17312°N , 98.76764°E , 3019 m , 9 August 2005 , scree slope and moist ravine with rocky cliffs, P. Paquin , D. Kavanaugh , PP-2905 (CASENT 9022592, HNU ), 1 ♀ ; [same data] (CASENT 9022591, CAS ), 1 ♀ ; Shibali forest station, 27.16636°N , 98.77667°E , 2563 m , 4 May 2004 , good forest, sifting leaf litter, C. Griswold , D. Kavanaugh , CGY28 (CASENT 9020063, HNU ), 1 ♀ ; Fugong Co. , 4.5 km N Aludi Village , 22.1 km N Fugong , 26.10829°N , 98.87162°E , 1250 m , 23 April 2004 , in stream gorge, C. Griswold , CGY07 (CASENT 9020741, HNU ), 1 ♀ . Etymology . Formed from the Chinese words for long (chān) and hook (gōu zi ), referring to shape of the epigynal scape. Diagnosis . Male distinguished by the trilobate cymbial base (Fig. 17B). Further distinguished from M. goudao by the presence of folds across the cymbial groove (Fig. 17A), as opposed to tubercles in M. guodao ( Fig. 29A ). Female distinguished from other Chinese mysmenids except Mysmenella pseudojobi Lin & Li, 2008 by the long, soft, wrinkled scape of more or less uniform width from base to rounded tip (Fig. 18B); distinguished from M. pseudojobi by the clear differentiation between bulbous spermathecae and spiral copulatory ducts ( Lin and Li 2008 : fig. 12F), spermathecae not clearly differentiated from copulatory ducts in M. changouzi ( Fig. 11I ). Description . Carapace tan with dusky markings, male with weak sulci closer to margin of prosoma than ALE (Fig. 17E-F). Sternum dusky brown. Legs light brown. Femoral spots on legs I and II, indistinct on II in male. Abdomen dark brown with white spots; posterior tubercle absent (Fig. 15A-E). Male palp: Embolus spiral, follows tegular groove for most of length (Fig. 17B), engages with cymbium distally (Fig. 16B). Cymbium with trilobate base on prolateral side (Fig. 17B), middle part with wide shallow groove crossed by transverse striations (Fig. 17A), tip with two lobes (Fig. 17C). Vulva: Epigynum a soft, flexible scape ( Figs 11H , 18B). Sclerotized portion of spermatheca/copulatory duct complexes separated by nearly their width ( Fig. 11I ). Male (CASENT 9006233): Total length 0.68, carapace 0.36 long, 0.35 wide, clypeus 0.10, sternum 0.25 long, 0.25 wide, coxa IV separated by 2.00 times their width. Macrosetae: Leg I: patella d1, tibia d1, metatarsus p1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d1, v3; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal macroseta nearly straight, only slightly kinked near center (Fig. 17D). Metatarsal trichobothria: TmI: 0.34; TmII: 0.41; TmIII: 0.29. Leg measurements: see Appendix A. Epiandrous gland spigots in two widely spaced clusters of three spigots each (Fig. 18C). Posterior lateral spinnerets with flagelliform and aggregate gland spigots reduced to nubbins (Fig. 19F). Female (CASENT 9006233): Total length 0.92, carapace 0.41 long, 0.36 wide, clypeus 0.08, sternum 0.25 long, 0.25 wide, coxa IV separated by 1.79 times their width. Macrosetae: Leg I: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal trichobothria: TmI: 0.33; TmII: 0.31; TmIII: 0.41. Leg measurements: see Appendix A. Spinnerets (Fig. 19A-D). Natural History. This species builds a three-dimensional spherical web typical of the Mysmenidae ( Fig. 20A ).