Revision of Neosuarius, a subgenus of Chrysopodes (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) Author Tauber, Catherine Cornell University, Davis ,, United States of America text ZooKeys 2010 2010-04-30 44 44 1 104 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.44.387 1900f828-2e5e-41fa-9917-752c41a5315e 1313–2970 576660 Chrysopodes (Neosuarius) figuralis ( Banks, 1915 ) Figs 11b, 12b, 21–27 Chrysopa figuralis Banks, 1915: 626 [MCZ, Lectotype (by present designation): “ Chosica , Peru , 2,800 feet , 10 June ( Parish )”]; Penny 1977: 18 [species list]. Mallada verticalis Navás, 1929a: 19 [MNHN, Lectotype (by previous designation): “ Pérou mérid. Arequipa , Dr E. Escomel, 1922 Mus. Paris”]. Adams 1975: 172 [synonymy with Mallada (= Chrysopa ) figuralis ]; Penny 1977: 18 [species list]; Brooks and Barnard 1990: 272 [species list, as synonym of C . ( N .) figuralis ]; Oswald [2007 , species list, as Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) verticalis (Navás) ]; Legrand et al. 2008 [2009]: 175 [ lectotype designation; nomenclature]. Chrysopa dampfina Navás, 1927 [ 1928 ]: 324 [MNHN, Lectotype (by previous designation): “Rio Belice , cerca de Belice , Honduras Británicas , en follaje de mangles, 6 de Septiembre de 1925”]. Legrand et al. 2008 [2009]: 127 [synonymy with C . ( Neosuarius ) figuralis ]. ( Moved to synonymy with C. (N.) collaris here ). Figure 2 ļ. Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) figuralis : Variation in head and thoracic coloration: (a) Chile : Arica (b) Peru : Lima (c) Peru : La Libertad (d) Chile : Arica. Chrysopa tacorensis Navás, 1934: 15 [MZB, Lectotype (by present designation): “ Bolivia : Cerro Tacora, 3.000 m . P. Jaffuel. Ded., Jorge Donoso leg.’ B.-D.”]. Penny 1977: 21 [species list]; Brooks and Barnard 1990: 280 [species listed under ‘Chrysopa’ incertae sedis ]; Oswald 2007 [catalog lising]. New Synonym. Suarius figuralis (Banks) . Adams 1975: 172 [transfer to Suarius ]; Núñez Z., E. 1989: 72 [species list, Peru ]. Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) figuralis (Banks) . Brooks and Barnard 1990: 272 [transfer to Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) ]; Oswald 2007 [catalog listing, nomenclature]. Diagnosis . Chrysopodes ( N .) figuralis is one of four Andean Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) species with robust, waxy bodies. Unlike the other three species [ C . ( N .) porterinus , fl avescens , escomeli ], the body color is generally light green and the setae are light colored (cream to golden). It can be recognized by its distinctive pair of thick, reddish brown markings on the vertex. The antennae and palpi are light brown, but unmarked; the genae are almost entirely brown, and the tentorial pits above the clypeus are ringed with black. The male sternite 8+9 is elongate and robust, but it does not have sclerotized apodemes or invaginations as occur in C . ( N .) excomeli , flavescens and porterinus (compare Fig. 23 with Figs 43 , 51 and 67). Also, the ventral apodeme of the ninth tergite + ectoproct lacks caudal and ventral projections; it terminates at the callus cerci. The small gonarcal complex, with its flat-topped mediuncus and abruptly recurved, acutely beaked terminus, also distinguish male C . ( N .) figuralis from other Chrysopodes ( Neosurarius ) species. C . ( N .) figuralis females share a large, circular spermatheca and relatively long, slender spermathecal duct with several other C . ( Neosuarius ) species; however, it is the only one with a short, folded bursal duct. Figure 22. Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) figuralis : Forewing, hindwing (Peru: La Libertad). Description . Head (Figs 11b, 12b, 21): Width (frontal, including eyes) 1.5–1.8 mm ; ratio, head: eye width = 2.2–2.3; distance (straight line) between tentorial pits 0.43–0.51 mm . Distance between antennae ̴ 0.11–0.14 mm ; length of frons (mid-antenna – midway between tentorial pits) ̴ 0.44–0.51 mm ; length of clypeus ̴ 0.25–0.34 mm . Antenna 0.65× length of forewing ( 9.8 mm , n=1). Vertex raised slightly, rounded throughout, truncate posteriorly; surface smooth, very small sculpturing on posterior margin, shiny throughout, without setae or folds. Frons shiny, smooth. Clypeus fairly flat throughout, with basal margin straight; surface smooth; anterior margin with row of small setae. Labrum flat; surface smooth; distal margin setose, indented mesally. Head coloration : Head cream-colored, with reddish brown marks. Vertex with pair of curved, wide, brown or reddish brown, longitudinal marks; pair of thinner, longitudinal, brown stripes next to, but not touching eyes; diffuse brown stripe from mid-scape to base of toruli; brown margin around toruli, extending forward as reddish interantennal mark. Frons with diffuse brown or red marks below antennae, mesal to eyes, along clypeal margin; tentorial pits margined with brown or black. Clypeus, cream to light brown. Labrum cream. Genal area cream, with amber or tan stripe, or broad, brown stripe. Scape, pedicel cream to amber; flagellum cream-colored, with brown setae. Maxillary, labial palpi with distal segments amber to brown. Venter cream-colored to light tan. Figure 23. Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) figuralis : Male terminus, lateral (gonarcal complex, membrane at tip of S8+9, and anal region inflated). a apodeme on T9+ectoproct c.c. callus cerci ev.m. eversible membrane g.c. gonarcal complex s.p. setose subrectal plate S8+9 fused eighth and ninth sternites T7 seventh tergite T8 eighth tergite T9+ect fused ninth tergite and ectoproct. Thorax (Fig. 11b, 21): Pronotum 1.4–1.8× wider than long: 0.67–0.97 mm long; 1.1–1.3 mm wide; mottled light green to light green with a large, brown dorsal stripe mesally, dense covering of very short, pale setae. Mesonotum from mottled green with cream-colored and brown patches to golden with dark brown mesal stripe; robust, golden to dark brown setae dorsally. Metanotum from cream-colored with mesal yellowish stripe to golden with some brown spots mesally, with golden-brown to black dorsal setae. Pleural areas cream-colored to amber, without markings. Legs pale creamcolored to amber, without markings; setae pale to very light brown. Tarsal claws shallowly cleft, with quadrate base. Wings ( Fig. 22 ): Forewing 11.6–15.3 mm long, 4.6–4.9 mm wide; L:W (midpoint) ratio, 2.6–3.0. Costal margin slightly sinuous; apex fairly broad, rounded. Distal section of M (before furcation of M1 and M2), ma, m-cu1, base of Cu1 (above icu1) slightly thickened. Costal area not enlarged; height of tallest costal cell (#6, 7) = 4.2–4.8× length of first costal vein, 0.13–0.20× width of wing. Subcosta, radius slightly sinuate; most subcostal veinlets, radial cells slightly bent or straight. Eight to twelve closed radial cells (between R and Rs), height of tallest radial cell 1.3–1.6× width; other than radial crossveins, only gradate veins in contact with PsM. Four b cells, four b’ cells. First intramedian cell ovate, 0.5–0.6× width of third medial cell; inner row of three to six gradate veins; six outer gradate veins; both rows ̴regularly stepped, slightly convergent on each other. Second cell beneath Rs with i.g. at base = 1.6–2.0 mm tall, 2.8–3.4× width; third cell = 1.6–1.9 mm tall, 3.0–3.3× width. Second gradate cell 0.9–1.3 mm tall, 1.8–2.5× width; third gradate cell 0.8–1.3 mm tall, 1.8–2.8× width. Length of second cell beneath Rs with i.g. at base = 1.4–1.7× length of second gradate cell. Three intracubital cells, distal one open, icu1, icu2 each shorter than icu 3; icu1 shorter than icu2. Vein 1A forked. Hindwing narrow, with apex rounded to slightly acute; 10.5–12.2 mm long, 3.3–4.3 mm wide. Eight to twelve radial crossveins; three to five inner gradates; six to eight outer; three b cells, plus small t cell; four 4 b’ cells; two intracubital cells, distal one open. Figure 24. Chrysopodes ( Neosuarius ) figuralis : Male genitalia. (a) gonarcus, lateral (gonosaccus and low- er membrane expanded) (b) gonarcus, dorsal (gonosaccus, not shown). Both images to scale on left. c combes g.b. gonarcal bridge gc gonocristae h.i. hypandrium internum, dorsal mse microsetae on gonosaccus rod internal rod of mediuncus. Wing coloration : Hyaline, with stigma cloudy, pale. Longitudinal veins green, except Rs with basal segment dark brown, junctions with crossveins usually dark brown/ black. Forewing radial crossveins, costal veinlets, radial crossveins, r-m1, gradates, distal crossveins, cubital crossveins, distal segments of anal veins dark brown to black. Hindwing with radius dark brown at junctions with crossveins; basal radial crossveins green, distal ones brown; costal veinlets, gradates brown; other crossveins mostly green. Abdomen ( Figs 23 , 25 ): Dorsum green with yellow mesal stripe dorsally, green laterally, brownish ventrally; callus cerci yellow or cream colored. Tergites 6, 7: roughly quadrate, with rounded, convex margins ventrally; length 1.9–2.2 times greater than height (lateral view); with long, sparse setae. Pleural region P6 ( , ♁) and P7 (♁) with sparse, short setae. Sternite 6: quadrate, with dorsal margins relatively straight; length ̴0.8–0.9× height (lateral view); with dense setae. Spiracles oval, not enlarged, 0.05–0.06 mm diameter; atria not enlarged.