Taxonomic revision of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) of Taiwan Author Lin, Yuan-Chien Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University, No. 145, Xinda Rd., Taichung City 402, Taiwan. School of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, No. 88, Tingchou Rd. Section 4, Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan. Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, No. 53, Nanhai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, 10066, Taiwan. Author Chao, Chien-Ti Author Chang, Chih-Yi Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University, No. 145, Xinda Rd., Taichung City 402, Taiwan. School of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, No. 88, Tingchou Rd. Section 4, Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan. Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, No. 53, Nanhai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, 10066, Taiwan. Author Tseng, Yen-Hsueh Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University, No. 145, Xinda Rd., Taichung City 402, Taiwan. School of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, No. 88, Tingchou Rd. Section 4, Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan. Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, No. 53, Nanhai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, 10066, Taiwan. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-09-28 839 74 102 journal article 152798 10.5852/ejt.2022.839.1933 f367315a-42a4-4116-808b-60c3a909f5e3 2118-9773 7119107 Zingiber shuanglongense C.L.Yeh & S.W.Chung Fig. 13 Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50: 168 ( Yeh et al. 2012 ), as ʻ shuanglongensis ʼ. Type : TAIWAN Nantou County Shuanglung ; 12 Apr. 2008 ; C.R. Yeh s.n. ; holotype : TAIF [ TAIF-156518 ]!. Additional material examined TAIWAN Nantou County Shuanglung Logging Trail ; T.W. Hsu 3301 ; TAIF ibid.; Y.C. Lin 1294 ; TCF Jenlun logging road ; Y.C. Lin 1306 ; TCF . – Chiayi County Shihcho to Shihtzulu ; T.W. Hsu 5546 ; TAIF Dadungshan backbend (huitouwan) ; Y.C. Lin 1292 ; TCF Dingshizhao ; Y.C. Lin 1347 ; TCF . – Kaohsiung County Tengchih Forest resort area ; C.I. Peng 11225 ; HAST Terng-Jr ; J.C. Wang et al.7528 ; TNU ibid.; S.Z. Yang 7202, 7203, 7185, 9804 ; PPI Tengchih ; T.W. Hsu 9861 ; TAIE ibid.; S.W. Wu 5084 ; TAIF ibid.; S.W. Wu 5084 ; TAIF ibid.; Y.C. Lin 1256 ; TCF Tengchih National Forest recreation area ; T.W. Hsu 14360 ; TAIE Mt. Paiyun ; Y.C. Lin 1319 ; TCF; Hsiaokuangshan logging road ; Y.C. Lin 1316 ; TCF . – Pingtung County Along Tahan forest road ; C.I. Huang et al. 2828 ; HAST Forest trail from Ali to Hsiaokueihu ; C.C. Liao et al. 636 ; HAST, TNU Xiaoguihu ; C.S. Kouh 16039 ; NCKU, TNM Tahan forest road ; Y.C. Lin 1329 ; TCF Aluwan historical trail ; Y.C. Lin 1342 ; TCF . – Taitung County Hungshih Logging Trail ; Y.P. Cheng 4381 ; TAIF Yanping forest road 11 km ; C.H. Chen 6006 ; TAIE Lichia Logging Trail ; Y.C. Lin 1338 ; TCF . Description Perennial rhizomatous herbs, 40–70 cm tall. Rhizomes fleshy, weakly aromatic, compacted, densely branched, 0.8–2.7 cm in diameter, brown externally, purplish internally; root tubers terete, distant from the rhizomes, ca 5 × 1.5 cm , brownish externally. Leafy shoots forming dense clumps, spreading, each shoot comprising 7–21 well-developed leaves at flowering. Leaves evergreen, simple, distichous; ligules ca 5 mm long, bilobed, membranaceous, pale green, auriculate; petiole 3−7 mm long, connate a pulvinus; lamina elliptic to narrowly ovate, 12−23 × 2−7 cm , length/ width ratio 2.8−6.7, adaxially green, glabrous, abaxially pale green sometimes flush, pubescent, base cuneate or obtuse, apex acuminate, margin entire, undulate, chartaceous. Inflorescences 1–4 per plant, arising from rhizomes; peduncles 2–8.3 cm long, ascending, glabrous; spike narrowly cylindrical, ca 8–9.3 × 2.0– 2.5 cm , each with 3–8 flowers; fertile bracts greenish-red, lanceolate, 2.3–3.3 × 0.5–1.0 cm, usually red tinged, involute on both sides, apex acute to attenuate, glabrous externally and internally; bracteole lanceolate, 1.7–2.2 × 0.4–0.6 cm , translucent reddish with slight red tinge, apex acute, involute on both sides, glabrous externally and internally. Flowers 6.2–7.3 cm long, much exserted beyond the bracts; calyx tubular, membranaceous, 5–10 mm long, with unilateral incision, translucent. Corolla tube slender, 2.6–3.4 cm long, creamy-white, glabrous externally and internally; dorsal corolla lobe lanceolate, ca 2.5 × 0.7 cm , red, apex acuminate, glabrous; lateral corolla lobes lanceolate, ca 2.3 × 0.6 cm , red, apex acuminate, glabrous; labellum widely obovate, ca 2.9 × 1.9 cm , purple, apex retuse, with scattered cream-white patches at base, glabrous; lateral staminodes narrowly oblong, ca 2.3 × 0.4 cm , connate to labellum at basal ⅓ to ¼, purple, apices obtuse, glabrous. Stamen one; filament ca 2 mm , glabrous; anther connective tissue creamy-white, elongate appendage wrapped around style; anther thecae two, ca 1.1 cm long, longitudinal dehiscence, pollen light yellow; anther crest beak-shaped, ca 1.3 cm long when stretched, purple, apex entire. Style filiform, white, ca 5.6 cm long, extending to the end of anther crest; stigma white, ciliate. Ovary cylindrical, trilocular, ca 5.0 × 2.8 mm , yellowish green, pubescent; epigynous glands two, narrowly conical, ca 5 mm long, pale yellow, apices sharp. Capsule elliptic, dehiscence loculicidal, ca 3.3 × 1.4 cm , usually shorter or as long as the persistent bract, pericarp yellowish-red and red inside. Seed ellipsoid, ca 6.5 × 4.5 mm , enveloped by the aril. Aril white, enveloping ¾ of the length of the seeds. Fig. 13. Zingiber shuanglongense C.L.Yeh & S.W.Chung, Shuanglung Logging Trail. A . Habit. B . Leaf adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) surface. C . Ligule. D . Rhizome. E . Inflorescence. F . Flower. G . Bracts. H . Calyx tube. I . Corolla lobes. J . Labellum. K . Stamen and pistil. L . Ovary. M . Fruit. N . Seeds. Photos: L.P. Hsu. Phenology Flowering from August to November and fruiting from October to February. Distribution Endemic to Taiwan . Conservation status This species was evaluated as Least Concerned (LC) by the Editorial Committee of the Red List of Taiwan Plants (2017) . Notes According to ICN art. 23.5 ( Turland et al. 2018 ), the adjective form of the species epithet must agree with the gender of the generic name, and must be corrected when not conforming to this article. Therefore, the gender of the original spelling of ʻ shuanglongensis ʼ by Yeh et al. (2013) did not conform to the neuter gender of ʻ Zingiber ʼ, thus needed to be corrected to ʻ shuanglongense ʼ. Bai et al. (2015b) also made the same correction for this specific epithet.