Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 8. Passeriformes: Author Pachycephalidae Author Aegithalidae Author Remizidae Author Paridae Author Sittidae Author Neosittidae Author Certhiidae Author Rhabdornithidae Author Climacteridae Author Dicaeidae Author Pardalotidae Author Nectariniidae, And Author Lecroy, Mary Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Ornithology) American Museum of Natural History (lecroy @ amnh. org) text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 2010-06-03 2010 333 1 178 journal article 0003-0090 Certhia familiaris harterti Hellmayr Certhia familiaris harterti Hellmayr, 1901: 189 (Kleinasien) . Now Certhia brachydactyla harterti Hellmayr, 1901 . See Vaurie, 1959: 543 , Roselaar, 1995: 152–153 , and Harrap, 2008c: 183–184 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 684770 , unsexed adult, collected at Alemdag ( Roselaar, 1995: 153 , 5 Alum Dagh, Asia Minor, as on label), 41.03N , 29.14E (Times Atlas), Turkey , on 28 December 1868 , by T. Robson. From the H.J. Elwes Collection via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Hellmayr said that the type , from Asia Minor , was from the Elwes Collection and in the Rothschild Collection, collected on 28.12.J.8 (the ‘‘J.’’ being an obvious misreading of the ‘‘6’’ in the date). The above specimen is the only one of harterti that came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection. It bears a Rothschild type label and an Elwes Collection label, with the initials T.R., which Hartert (1920a: 439) identified as the collector, T. Robson. Dickinson (2003: 648) , with reference to Roselaar (1995: 152–153) , and Harrap (2008c: 183) included harterti in C. b. brachydactyla ; but Roselaar, as well as Vaurie (1959: 543) recognized harterti .