Oriental species of clusiid flies (Diptera: Clusiidae: Clusiinae)
Sasakawa, Mitsuhiro
journal article
Sobarocephala baculigera
sp. nov.
Figs 6–8
male (
, Luzon, Nueva Vizcaya, Dalton Pass,
9-10. IV. 1968
, D. E. Hardy.
3, Nueva Vizcaya,
6 km
W of Imugan,
11. IV. 1968
, D. E. Hardy.
Mesoscutum trivittate, median vitta extending to scutellum; thoracic pleura brown dorsally and yellow ventrally; abdomen entirely brownish black; fore femur with fb; surstylus lobate, with nine or 10 spinules along inner anteroventral margin; phallus slightly shorter than phallapodeme, paraphallus not pointed apically.
MALE. Head including antenna and palpus yellow, frons faintly brown-tinged, ocellar triangle brown, parafacialia, gena, and postgena whitish tomentose. Antenna yellow, first flagellomere brown dorsoapically above base of arista (variable in size), arista dark brown. Thorax yellow; mesoscutum faintly brown-tinged, with shiny brown median stripe between dc-lines, narrowing before transverse suture and ending at middle between anterior margin of scutum and transverse suture, posteriorly extending to apex of scutellum, and with pale brown lateral spot between sa-line and wing base; scutellum with lateroproximal margin yellow, lsc situated on edge of dark area; pleura shining, propleuron, anepimeron, and katatergite pale brown, anepisternum and anatergite dark brown, mediotergite entirely yellow. Wing hyaline, very faintly brown-tinged anteriorly; calypter pale yellow, with margin and fringe pale brown; halter yellow. Legs yellow, fore tibia and tarsus pale brown, tibiae and tarsi of mid and hind legs very faintly brown-tinged. Abdomen shining, brownish black; cercus white. Bristles on head and thorax yellowish brown, those on abdomen brownish black.
Frons 1.5–1.7 times as wide as eye, parallel-sided dorsally, slightly diverging ventrally; ventral parafrontalia and dorsal parafacialia projecting beyond eye in profile, forming distinct angle at level of antennal base; or three (detectable by pits); oc short; poc almost twice as long as oc; face with carina swollen below antennal bases but narrowing ventrally to middle level; eye 1.7 times as high as wide; gena 1/4 as high as eye; pm three or four.
Mesoscutum with three dc, first dc 1/3–1/2 as long as second, second dc 2/3 length of third dc; acr in six or seven irregular rows before level of second dc but in about four rows behind that; scutellum with long lsc and asc. Wing 3.1–3.2 (3.1) mm long; costa with three sections in proportion of 34–36: 10: 5, r-m at middle of cell dm, M1 ratio 3.2–3.5, ultimate section of CuA1 about 1/2 as long as penultimate section (12: 20). Fore femur with several fb; mid tibia with dp and one long spur.
Epandrium with surstylus (
Figs 6, 7
) oval in lateral view, about 1/2 as high as epandrium, bearing a row of nine or 10 spines and two spinules along inner anteroventral margin; cerci united; proctiger somewhat Y-shaped. Hypandrium (
Fig. 8
) with two long setae; postgonite narrow, with several setulae apically. Phallapodeme (
Fig. 8
) 510 µm long; basiphallus+mesophallus 100 µm long; distiphallus 365 µm long, shield-shaped; paraphallus rodlike, microscopically setulose; ejaculatory apodeme 180 µm long, rod-like, 75 µm wide.
Male genitalia of
Sobarocephala baculigera
sp. nov.
(6–8, holotype) and
S. eurystylis
sp. nov.
(9–11, holotype). See Figs 1–3 for explanation of parts; 7, 10, anterior view, left half, with detail of cercal armature of former. Scale=0.1 mm.
Body length 3.0–3.2 (3.0) mm.
FEMALE. Unknown.
The coloration and chaetotaxy of this new species are generally similar to those of
Sobarocephala fuscifaciae
sp. nov.
, but this species is easily recognized by its yellow face and mediotergite, short and narrow lateral spots in addition to the broad median stripe on the mesoscutum, and oval surstylus.
The specific name refers to the rod-like paraphallus (Latin: