On the identity of Colletes neoqueenensis (Colletidae: Colletinae) from southern South America Author Ferrari, Rafael R. Department of Biology, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M 3 J 1 P 3, Canada (raf _ ferrari @ hotmail. com). text Journal of Melittology 2019 2019-01-23 2019 83 1 8 http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/jom.v0i83.7107 journal article 10.17161/jom.v0i83.7107 2325-4467 13145966 Colletes neoqueenensis Friese, 1910 ( Figs. 1–4 ) Colletes neoqueenensis Friese, 1910: 649 . Lectotype (examined), designated by Moure & Urban (2002: 15) and deposited at ZMB . Colletes neuqueenensis [sic]; Moure & Urban, 2002: 15 ; Montalva & Ruz, 2010: 22 . LITERATURE: Friese (1910: 649) : comparative note ( C . araucariae Friese, 1910 ); Friese (1912: 367) : key (female); Toro (1986: 123) : distribution (southern Chile ); Toro (1999: 26 , 30): key (female), note on type specimen (depository), distribution (Region XI, Chile ); Moure & Urban (2002: 15) : lectotype designation (as C . neuqueenensis ); Montalva & Ruz (2010: 22) : distribution (Regions IV–IX, Chile and Mendoza and Neuquén , Argentina ) (as C . neuqueenensis ); Ascher & Pickering (2018) : distribution (Region XI, Chile and Neuquén , Argentina ); Ferrari (2017: 126) : key (female). Figures 1–4. Female lectotype of Colletes neoqueenensis Friese. 1. Habitus, dorsal view. 2. Face, frontal view. 3. Habitus, lateral view. 4. Labels. Scale bars = 2mm. DIAGNOSIS: The female of C . neoqueenensis (the male remains unknown) can be diagnosed through the combination of the following features: clypeal mid-longitudinal area flat and not depressed; mesoscutum with pale-yellow and fuscous hairs intermixed; mesepisternum with imbricate interspaces; and metasomal terga black, covered with pale-yellow, dense tomentum. Colletes neoqueenensis is most similar to C . longiceps Friese, 1910 , but the clypeal mid-longitudinal area is densely punctate (I=0.5–1D) in the former [sparsely punctate (I=1.5–2D) in the later]. In addition, the paraocular area is covered with mixed pale-yellow black hairs in C . neoqueenensis (paraocular area with only pale-yellow hairs in C . longiceps ). Colletes neoqueenensis is also very similar to C . toroi Ferrari, 2017 , but they can be differentiated by mesoscutum with pale-yellow and fuscous hairs intermixed in the former (mesoscutum with only pale-yellow hairs in the later); and by mesepisternum with imbricate interspaces in C . neoqueenensis (interspaces smooth in C . toroi ). REDESCRIPTION: : Approximate body length 9.7 mm , head width 3.3 mm , head length 2.5 mm , intertegular distance 2.8 mm , forewing length 7.7 mm . Coloration: Black except dark-brown on ventral surface of flagellum (except proximal 1/3 of F1 black), tegula, vein R of forewing, posterior margin of pterostigma, anteroventral surfaces of front and mid tibiae, dorsal surfaces of basitarsi and tarsomeres 2–3, ventrally reflexed areas of T 1– T 2, S2 laterally, S6 mid-longitudinally. Pale-brown on wing veins (except vein R of forewing dark-brown), distal halves of pretarsal claws, dorsal surfaces of tarsomeres 3 and distitarsi, marginal zones of T 1– T 5. Reddish-brown on distal 1/3 of mandible. Tibial spurs and marginal zones of S1–S5 pale-yellow. Structure: Labrum medially concave; concavity margined by lateral ridges. Clypeal mid-longitudinal area slightly concave. Malar area ~1.1× as long as basal depth of mandible (58:52). F1 1.5× as long as its apical width (27:18). Ratio between upper and lower interocular distances ~1.1 (67:60). Genal area concave behind upper summit of compound eyes in lateral view. Anterolateral angle of pronotum rounded. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum about half as long as metanotum (26:50). Posteromedial surface of front coxa without spine. Posterior hind tibial spur pectinate. Hind basitarsus ~2.6× longer than broad (45:17). Outer rami of hind pretarsal claws 1.5× as long as inner rami (12:8). Posterolateral area of S6 flat; marginal zone depressed. Pubescence: Predominantly pale-yellow, except when stated otherwise. Head with plumose, erect, moderately long (L=1.5–2× MOD ) hairs; suberect on clypeal lateral slopes and very long (L>3× MOD ) on genal (near proboscidial fossa) and vertexal (near occipital area) areas; interantennal and frontal areas with pale-yellow and fuscous hairs intermingled; mandible and clypeal subapical pits with short setae. Mesosoma with plumose, erect, long (L=2.5–3× MOD ) hairs; moderately long (L=1.5–2× MOD ) on pronotal lobe, very long (L>3× MOD ) on mesepisternum and metanotum; mesoscutum with pale-yellow and fuscous hairs intermingled; scutellum with some fuscous tipped hairs; lateral surface of propodeum with suberect, very short (L< MOD ) hairs. Legs, scopa excepted, with suberect, short (L=1–1.5× MOD ) setae; those setae very long (L>3× MOD ) on posterior margin of mid and hind tarsi; posterior margin of front tarsus with fuscous setae; ventral surface of mid and hind basitarsi with pale-brown thick setae (thickest towards distal margin); anterior surface of hind femur and tibia with suberect, long, hairs branched only apically. T 1– T 4 covered with dense, appressed hairs; T 1 with erect, long (L=2.5–3× MOD ) hairs among appressed hairs; T 2– T 5 also with erect setae laterally, shortest (L=1–1.5× MOD ) on T 2, longest (L=2–2.5× MOD ) on T 4– T 5. Disc of T 5 with suberect, short (1–1.5× MOD ) setae; discal setae thick on T 6. S1 with erect, plumose, moderately long (L=1.5–2× MOD ) hairs. Disc of S2 with erect, very short (L< MOD ), hairs branched only apically. Disc of S2–S6 with suberect, very short (L< MOD ) setae; marginal zones with plumose hairs (except for S6). Surface sculpture: Clypeal mid-longitudinal area densely (I=0.5–1D) and moderately finely punctate (interspaces imbricate); adjacent convex area largely inpunctate and smooth. Malar area substrigulate on disc; crowded punctate on lateral slopes. Supraclypeal area imbricate. Paraocular area moderately coarsely punctate; crowded below; only moderately densely (I=1–1.5D) punctate above; interspaces imbricate throughout. Frontal area rugose. Vertexal area with minute and moderately fine punctures intermingled; interspaces rugulose (except rugose near lateral ocellus and occipital area). Mesoscutum and scutellum coarsely and densely (I<D) punctate (except crowded punctate towards posterior half of scutellum); interspaces smooth (except imbricate towards posterior margin of mesoscutum). Metanotum crowded punctate. Mesepisternum densely (I<D) and very coarsely punctate; interspaces imbricate. Metepisternum rugose above and medially; coarsely and densely (I<D) punctate below. Lateral surface of propodeum moderately densely (I=1–1.5D) and moderately finely punctate; interspaces imbricate. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum strigate. Upper area of vertical surface of metapostnotum rugose. T 1 finely and sparsely (I=2–3D) punctate; T 2– T 6 and S2–S5 minutely punctate; interspaces imbricate throughout. S6 sparsely and moderately finely punctate; interspaces imbricate. Figures 5–7. Female specimen of Colletes lycii Jörgensen from SEMC misidentified as C . neoqueenensis Friese. 5. Habitus, lateral view. 6. Face, frontal view. 7. Labels. Scale bars = 2mm. Figures 8–10. Female specimen of Colletes lycii Jörgensen from AMNH misidentified as C . neoqueenensis Friese. 8. Habitus, lateral view. 9. Face, frontal view. 10. Labels. Scale bars = 2mm. : Unknown. LECTOTYPE : , Argentina , Neuquén , 1907, Lendl Adolf coll. Lectotype ( Figs. 1–4 ) designated by Moure & Urban (2002: 649) and deposited at the ZMB . RANGE : Argentina ( Mendoza, Neuquén ). Also listed for Chile ( Regions IV and XI ) , but see “Discussion”, below. COMMENTS: Colletes neoqueenensis is an uncommon species only known to me by its female lectotype , which is in very good condition. In the original description, Friese compared C . neoqueenensis with C . araucariae Friese, 1910 (= C . sulcatus Vachal, 1909 ), however, the former species is most similar to C . longiceps and C . toroi (see “Diagnosis”, above). From C . sulcatus , C . neoqueenensis can be easily differentiated by mesepisternum with imbricate interspaces (interspaces smooth in C . sulcatus ), and posterior hind tibial spur pectinate (spur ciliate in C . sulcatus ).