A revision of and key to the world species of Mycterothrips Trybom (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) Author Okajima, Masami Masumoto And Shûji text Zootaxa 2006 2006-07-17 1261 1261 1 90 journal article 1175­5334 Mycterothrips fasciatus sp. nov. (figs. 70–77) Description . Female . Distended body length 1.3–1.7 mm . Body uniformly dark brown; antennal segments I to II, IV to VIII dark brown, III pale brown with base and apex distinctly paler than other segments; fore wings with two dark bands at apex and middle, scale pale with extreme base slightly shaded ( Fig. 73 ); all femora dark brown; all tibiae dark brown with apex slightly yellowish; all tarsi yellowish; prominent body setae dark brown. FIGURES 70–72 . Mycterothrips fasciatus sp. nov. Female: (70) Head & pronotum; (71) Antenna (right); (72) Mesonotum & metascutum. FIGURES 73–75 . Mycterothrips fasciatus sp. nov. Female: (73) Fore wing (right); (74) Tergum & laterotergite V (right side); (75) Terga VIII–X (sculpture on tergum IX omitted). Head 1.3–1.8 times as wide as long, cheeks slightly rounded. Ocellar setae III situated between posterior ocelli, 2.2–3.5 times as long as distance between their bases. Postocular setae I the longest ( Fig. 70 ). Antennal segment III subequal to IV, VI longest and tapering in distal half ( Fig. 71 ). Antennal segments I to VIII length/width as followings; 0.9–1.4, 0.8–1.5, 2.1–2.6, 2.0–2.6, 1.3–1.9, 1.8–2.4, 0.8–1.3, 2.4–3.5. Pronotum 1.5–1.6 times as wide as long, indistinctly sculptured medially, with 19–31 (mean 25, n=21) discal setae ( holotype 26); a pair of conspicuous anteromarginal setae subequal in length to posteromarginal setae I; posteroangular setae I almost as long as setae II, 0.4–0.6 times as long as pronotal median length; posteromarginal setae I 1.2–2.1 times as long as setae II, 0.2–0.4 times as long as pronotal median length ( Fig. 70 ). Mesonotum distinctly sculptured with narrow­spaced transverse anastomosing striae; median pair of setae near posterior margin; anteromedian CPS present ( Fig. 72 ). Metascutum reticulate medially; median pair of setae near anterior margin and 0.5–0.8 times as long as metascutal median length ( Fig. 72 ). Fore wings usually with 23–40 (mean 28, n=42) setae on costal vein ( holotype 29 on left, 26 on right), 10–17 (mean 13, n=42) setae on second vein ( holotype 14 on left, 13 on right). Abdominal terga and laterotergites without ciliate microtrichia on lines of sculpture, a few lines of sculpture slightly extending mesad of B2 setae on terga II to VII, posterior margin of terga II to VII with microtrichia developed laterally ( Fig. 74 ); tergum II with three lateral marginal setae ( Fig. 74 ); terga VI to VIII with B4 setae minute ( Fig. 75 ); tergum IX with posterior pair of CPS only; B1 setae, B2 setae and B3 setae 0.7–1.0 times, 0.9–1.1 times and 0.8–0.9 times as long as tergum IX median length, respectively ( Fig. 75 ); tergum X with median slit in distal third ( Fig. 75 ); sterna without discal setae. Ovipositor 1.8–2.4 times as long as pronotal median length. Measurements (in µm). Holotype (female). Distended body length 1,545. Head length (width across cheeks) 118 (183); compound eye dorsal length (width) 75 (50); ocellar setae III length (interval) 51 (20). Pronotal median length (width) 130 (195); posteroangular setae I length 64, setae II length 75; posteromarginal setae I length 31, setae II length 23. Metascutal median length 100; median setae length 50. Fore wing length 950. Tergum IX median length 105, B1 setae length 95, B2 setae length 110, B3 setae length 88. Ovipositor length 280. Antennal segments I to VIII length (width) as follows: 30 (30), 43 (30), 60 (25), 55 (25), 35 (23), 43 (20), 10 (8), 15 (5). Male . Macropterous. Distended body length 1.0– 1.2 mm . Antennal segment VI almost the same as that of female, with some rows of microtrichia on dorsal and ventral surfaces ( Fig. 76 ). Abdominal tergum IX with posterior pair of CPS near B1 setae, B1 closer to each other than to B2 setae and almost as long as B2 setae, SB setae absent ( Fig. 77 ); sterna without discal setae. Hypomere not expanded at apex ( Fig. 77 ). Measurements (in µm). Paratype (male). Distended body length 1,049 –1,169 . Head length (width across cheeks) 90–103 (146–149); compound eye dorsal length (width) 60– 68 (43–45); ocellar setae III length (interval) 35–47 (5–6). Pronotal median length (width) 101–103 (159–164); posteroangular setae I length 49–53, setae II length53–54; posteromarginal setae I length 20–26, setae II length 2–16. Metascutal median length 77– 81; median setae length 13–15. Fore wing length 709–830. Antennal segments I to VIII length (width) as follows: 27–29 (27), 30–32 (26–27), 47–53 (22–25), 49–50 (24–25), 32– 35 (20–22), 41–43 (20), 10(7), 15–16 (5). FIGURES 76–77 . Mycterothrips fasciatus sp. nov. Male: (76) Antenna (right). Male: (77) Tergum IX with apex of hypomere (sculpture omitted). hy: hypomere. Type series . Japan : Holotype (female), Okayama Pref. , Niimi City, Kusama, on leaves of Ilex pedunculosa [ Aquifoliaceae ], 23­x­1994 , S. Okajima. Paratypes : 97 females and 5 males same data as the holotype . 2 females , Hiroshima Pref. , Hiroshima City, Higashi­ku, Mt. Ushita­yama, on leaves of Machilus thunbergii [ Lauraceae ], 25­x­1994 , S. Okajima. 1 female , Kanagawa Pref. , Zushi City, Jinmuji Forest Res., on leaves of Castanopsis cuspidate [ Fagaceae ], 27­iv­1993 , S. Okajima. 1 female , Kanagawa Pref. , Atsugi City, Funako, Tokyo University of Agriculture, on leaves of Aucuba japonica [ Cornaceae ], 22­v­2002 , M. Masumoto. 1 female , Kanagawa Pref. , Hayama­cho, Mt. Futago­yama, Ficus erecta [ Moraceae ], 2­x­2005 , M. Maumoto. 1 female , Hyogo Pref. , Taisanji Forest, on dead branches of ever­green tree, 6­i­1984 , S. Okajima. 39 females , Fukushima Pref. , Hinoemata, on leaves of Ilex sp. , 20­ix­2000 , M. Masumoto. 1 female , Fukushima Pref. , Fukushima City, Matsukawa, nr. Fukushima University, Pleiobrastus chino [ Poaceae ], 30­x­1998 , T . Tsutsumi. 1 female , Fukushima Pref. , Fukushima City, Matsukawa, nr. Fukushima University, dead branches of Aralia cordata [ Araliaceae ], 11­ xi­1999 , T . Tsutsumi. 1 female , Fukushima Pref. , Fukushima City, Matsukawa,. Fukushima University, Miscanthus sinensis [ Poaceae ], 22­x­2000 , T . Tsutsumi. 1 female , Fukushima Pref. , Fukushima City, Matsukawa,. Fukushima University, on Rhus javanica [ Anacardiaceae ], 22­x­2000 , T . Tsutsumi. Non­paratypic specimens. Japan : 1 female , Okinawa Pref. , Ishigaki­jima Is. , Takeda­rindou , on bamboo leaves, 3­iii­1996 , T . Tsutsumi ( FU ). 2 females and 1 male , Okinawa Pref. , Yonaguni­jima Is. , Mandabaru­rindou , on Miscanthus sinensis , 5­iv­1999 , T . Tsutsumi ( FU ). West Malaysia : Cameron Highland , Tanah Rata , on dead leaves and branches, 18­ix­1990 , T . Nonaka & S. Okajima ( TUA ) . The holotype and most paratypes are deposited in TUA , Atsugi , Japan . Comments . This species can be distinguished easily from other members by the mesonotum with closely spaced transverse striae, and the distinctly banded fore wings. The Taiwanese species, M. araliae , appears to be closely related by the following character states: shape of antennal segments III–VI with apical neck and segment VI tapering in distal third, male abdominal tergum IX and hypomere indicated above. An Indian species, M. setiventris , may also be closely related to this species, although it has numerous microtrichia on abdominal terga and sternal discal setae. Moreover, males of setiventris have many setae on antennal segment VI ( Fig. 132 ). Etymology . In reference to the banded fore wings of the species.