Andes (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Author Ramírez, Santiago text Zootaxa 2005 1065 51 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170220 221e9ad1-97ab-4052-a36e-b81de20766e5 1175­5326 170220 Euglossa (Glossurella) paisa sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–8 ) Male (females unknown) Dimensions . Total body length 11.75 mm ( 10.50–12.50 mm ); tongue in repose reaching terminal segment of metasoma; head width 4.50 mm ( 4.33–4.69 mm ); mesoscutal width 3.45 mm (3.02–4.00 mm); metasoma width 4.71 mm ( 3.97–5.04 mm ). Diagnosis . Males of Euglossa paisa are easily separated from those of all other members of subgenus Glossurella, except E. oleolucens Dressler and E. viridifrons Dressler , by lack of white paraocular markings on face; separated from males of E. oleolucens and males of E. viridifrons by presence of three distinct hair patches at basal end of midtibia, obvious blue­green integument ( E. oleolucens males with two patches of hair in midtibia, bronzy green integument coloration; E. viridifrons males with one patch of hair in midtibia, dark green integument coloration). Males of E. fuscifrons Dressler are of similar coloration, but have tiny basal midtibial tufts and well developed white paraocular markings on face. Head . Clypeus blue, protuberant in profile ( Fig. 2 ); sutures, medial and lateral keels black ( Fig. 4 ); paraocular area green; clypeoantennal area and frons blue­green with violet highlights; white paraocular markings absent; scape dark maroon without white markings, except in 3 out of 27 specimens showing faint markings <1/4 scape length from apex. Mandible bidentate. Tongue length 10.64 mm (10.00– 11.45 mm , n = 8), reaching terminal metasomal sternum when in repose. Head length 2.53 mm ( 2.32–3.07 mm ); head width 4.50 mm ( 4.33–4.69 mm ). Upper interantennal distance 1.06 mm ( 0.95–1.19 mm ); clypeus length 1.30 mm ( 1.15–1.47 mm ); minimum clypeocular distance 1.98 mm ( 1.90– 2.07 mm ). Mesosoma . Scutum blue­green with violet highlights; scutellum blue­green with golden highlights in a few places; pronotum green with some violet highlights; mesepisternum shiny dark violet anteriorly (difficult to see, unless head is removed), sides green, light green with golden highlights near posterior margin; metepisternum light green on anterior half, brown on posterior half (latter difficult to see, unless metasoma is removed). Metasoma . First four abdominal terga green as viewed from above, dark green with violet highlights as viewed from anterior, light green when viewed from posterior; terga V­ VII light green with substantial golden highlights; sterna green with golden highlights. Second sternite with two shallow semicircular depressions filled with sparse yellow setae ( Fig. 5 ) separated by 1.45 mm ( 1.30–1.56 mm , n = 7). Total body length 11.75 mm ( 10.50–12.50 mm ); mesoscutum width 3.45 mm (3.02–4.00 mm); metasoma width 4.71 mm ( 3.97–5.04 mm ). Legs : Midtibia curved, slender with curved velvet area reaching apical end by anterior margin (Figs. 7,8); curved apical spur present. Three separate hair tufts basally on midtibia . Basal tuft (I) small, subcircular; middle tuft (II) arched, elongate; apical tuft (III) wider than (II), subtriangular ( Fig 8 ). Hindtibia triangular, obtuse anteriorly, acute posteriorly, slightly arched apically ( Fig. 6 ). FIGURES 2–5. Euglossa paisa n. sp. : lateral profile (2) of male holotype (TA125); upper view (3) of male paratype (TA105); frontal view (4) of head of male holotype (TA125); ventral view (5) of metasoma of male paratype (TA124) showing semicircular depressions on second sternum. Pilosity . Long (~ 0.6 mm ) unbranched black setae on mesoscutum and scutellum ( Fig. 2 ), dense in profile; dense long (~1.0 mm), plumose light yellow hair on gena, pronotum, mesepisternum, episternum; unbranched sparse short (~ 0.2 mm ) black hair on metasomal terga; unbranched medium length (~ 0.4 mm ) sparse yellow setae on sterna. Foretibia, fore­ and midbasitarsi fringed with both branched and unbranched long, yellow hair. Wings . Wing venation maroon, somewhat translucent; wing membrane amber. Jugal comb at base of hind wing with 14–17 bristles ( n = 9), sometimes even variable within individuals. Etymology. The specific epithet is from the vernacular Spanish word paisa , which alludes to the people and culture native to the “ Paisa region”, the area where Euglossa paisa is known to occur, i.e. the Colombian departamentos of Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda. Holotype . COLOMBIA , Antioquia , Municipality of Anorí, La Forzosa Natural Reserve ( 6º 59’ 15.8” N , 75º 08’ 34.6” W 1700 m ) iii.30.2003 ( leg. Tatiana Arias). Male collected with trap baited with methyl salicylate, individually labeled as TA125, deposited in the Collection Alexander von Humboldt ( Colombia ). FIGURE 6–8. Euglossa paisa n. sp. : hind leg (6) of paratype (TA109) showing enlarged tibia with slit opening through which males deposit collected fragrances; midtibia (7) of the paratype (TA101); the midtibia line drawing (8) was based on a paratype specimen (TA124). Paratypes . COLOMBIA . Antioquia , municipality of Anorí, La Forzosa Natural Reserve ( 6º 59’15.8” N , 75º 08’ 34.6” W 1700 m ) iii.30.2003 ( leg. T. Arias): 25 males collected in traps baited with methyl salicylate and cineole and individually labeled: TA084, TA085, TA090, TA098, TA101, TA105­TA116, TA118–TA124. Quindio , municipality of Circasia, Silencio forest ( 04º 38’ 32.7” N , 75º 38’ 34.9” W ; 1760 m ) xi.14.2004 ( leg. Jorge Hernán Bermudez): one male collected in trap baited with methyl salicylate, labeled BER 55; i.27.05 ( leg. J. H. Bermudez) one male collected in trap baited with methyl salicylate, labeled BER 56. Paratypes will be distributed to the Museum of Comparative Zoology ( MCZ , Harvard University), Collection Alexander von Humboldt ( Colombia ), Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (Universidad Nacional de Colombia ), and National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C. Var ia t io n . The 27 examined specimens showed considerable uniformity in most of the characters used in the description. For example, head length varied 6.11% and head width 2.15%; interantennal distance varied 5.31%, clypeus length varied 4.98%, and clypeocular distance varied 2.00%. Further, total body length varied 5.50%, scutum width 6.48%, and metasoma width 5.35%. Tongue length varied 4.85%. However, considerable variability was observed in the distance between the semicircular depressions of the second metasomal sternum (9.37%). Also, the integument of the metasomal terga is dark green with violet highlights in specimens from the northern locality of Anorí and lighter green with golden highlights in specimens from the southern locality of Silencio (see Fig. 1 ). Although this could be due to preservation techniques rather than real variation since all Silencio specimens were deposited in 100% ethanol and all Anorí specimens were pindried.