Characters of a New Genus, and of several New Species of Fishes from Madera.
Lowe, R. T.
Proceedings Of The Zoological Society Of London
Red Lion Court, Fleet Street
book chapter
Beryx splendens
Ber.ruber; pinnis ventralibus radiis duodecim mollibus.
D.4 + 14 v. 15.P.l +17. V. 1 + 12. A.4 + 30.C. ferè 30. M. B. 9.
This new species of Beryx,-a genus remarkable for the excess in number of the soft rays of the Ventral fins beyond that which is normal in Acanthapterygian Fishes, viz. five,—has their number greater than any other except Ber. Delphini, recently described by M. Valenciennes from an individual obtained from the Indian Ocean. From Ber. decadadylus, Cuv. & Val., it differs by the greater number of these rays, by a greater number also of the rays of the branchiostegous membrane, and by its less compact form. lts height is equal to the length of its head, and measures three times and a half in its total length: its pectoral and dorsal fins, of equal length, are one fifth of the entire length of the fish; and the ventral measures one sixth. The dorsal and anal fins are proportionally higher than in that species; and the latter begins under the end of the former. The caudal fin is deeply forked. The number of vertebrae, exclusive of that which supports the rays of the caudal fin, is twentythree.