Revision of the genus Falcidius Stål (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) Author Gnezdilov, Vladimir M. Author Wilson, Michael R. text Journal of Natural History 2008 2008-06-30 42 21 - 22 1447 1475 journal article 10.1080/00222930802106229 1464-5262 5757143 Falcidius scipionis sp. nov. ( Figures 15, 16 , and 33) Falcidius doriae Dlabola 1984: 66 , figs 236–244. Type material Algeria : , holotype , Souq Ahras , Coll. E. de Bergevin ( MNHN ) . Paratypes . 2 , as holotype ( MNHN , ZIN ); 1 , 1♀ , Oued Taga , 6–11 km SW of Timgad , ‘stat. 45, wet cultivated area’, 1300–1400 m , 3–4.V.1980 , E v. Nieukerken, G. Bryan & P. Oosterbroek leg. ( ZMAN ); 1 , near Aïn Amara, 18 km SW of Guelma , 650 m , 5.V.1980 , olive yard, E v. Nieukerken, G. Bryan & P. Oosterbroek leg. ( MNHN ); 3 , 3♀ , Constantine , Coll. E. de Bergevin ( MNHN , ZIN ); 1 , 2♀ , Djebel Ouach, Coll. E. de Bergevin ( MNHN ); 1 , 1♀ , St. Charles , A. The «ry ( MNHN , ZIN ) . Description Metope with weak median and sublateral keels jointed at its upper margin. Coryphe three times as wide as long, with widely convex anterior margin. Pronotum without keels. Scutellum without keels or sometimes with weak median keel. Forewings nearly oval, with narrow hypocostal plate. Radius bifurcate, median trifurcate, cubitus anterior simple ( R 2 M 3 CuA 1). Metatarsomere I with single intermediate spine. Coloration ( Figures 15 and 16 ) . General coloration light brown yellowish. Metope with dark brown dots and traces of sensory pits. Femora and tibiae with longitudinal dark brown stripes. Apices of spines, metatarsomeres III, and claws dark brown. Abdominal tergites black. Male genitalia ( Figure 33 ) . Pygofer with weakly convex hind margin. Anal tube elongate, narrowing apically, lateral margins turned down. Anal column about onethird as long as anal tube. Each phallobase lobe with narrow supporting process and wide covering process. Ventral phallobase lobe long and wide. Aedeagal hooks turned to dorsal surface of the phallobase. Style with weakly concave hind margin. Capitulum weakly narrowing to rounded apex (in dorsal view); lateral tooth with straight margin. Female genitalia . Hind margin of sternum VII with short semicircular median process. Anal tube widely rounded apically. Body length . Males 3.7–3.8 mm ; females 4.1–4.2 mm . Distribution Algeria . Etymology The species name is derived from the name of Roman general Scipio in the third Punic war. Falcidius duffelsicus Dlabola, 1982 ( Figures 17–19 , and 34) Falcidius duffelsicus Dlabola 1982: 135 . Material examined Tunisia : , holotype , 1 , 1♀ , paratypes , 5 km N of Hammamet , 0–150 m , 9– 17.VI.1980 , J.P. Duffels leg. ( ZMAN ) ; 1♀ , about 100 km N of Hammamet , sea cliff , 31.III.1980 , J.M. Cox leg. ( BMNH ); 1 , 1♀ , 3–7 km S of Korbous , 0–100 m , 26.V.1984 , J.P. Duffels leg. ( ZIN ) . Supplementary description Metope convex (visible from above), with sublateral keels jointed at its upper margin. Coryphe 2.5 times as wide as long, sometimes with weak median keel, its anterior margin strongly convex. Pronotum sometimes with weak median keel. Scutellum with median groove. Forewings with narrow hypocostal plate. Radius and median bifurcate, cubitus anterior simple ( R 2 M 2 CuA 1). Metatarsomere I with single intermediate spine. Coloration ( Figures 17–19 ) . General coloration light brown yellowish with dark brown or black spots and stripes. Metope with large approximately rectangular black spot above clypeus and a pair of dark brown or black large rounded spots between sublateral keels apically. Upper angles of metope and traces of sensory pits dark brown. Clypeus with longitudinal brown stripes, it is edged by black stripes on each side. Rostrum with terminal segment dark brown. Coryphe with two pairs of dark brown elongate spots on each side. Forewings with dark brown longitudinal veins and light costal margin. Femora and tibiae with longitudinal dark brown strips. Spines of legs with dark brown apices. Abdominal sternites including pygofer (in males with dark brown apical angles) light yellow with brown dots at seta bases. Abdominal tergites dark brown or black excluding yellow brownish median line. Anal tube light yellow. Style light yellow excluding dark brown capitulum. Male genitalia ( Figure 34 ) . Pygofer with weakly convex hind margin. Anal tune elongate, narrowing apically (in dorsal view), apical angles turned down (in lateral view). Anal column one-third as long as anal tube. Each dorsolateral phallobase lobe with narrow supporting process and wide covering process. Ventral phallobase lobe long and wide, not narrowing apically. Ventral aedeagal hooks strongly curved, directed to dorsal suface of the phallobase. Style with weakly concave hind margin, caudodorsal angle narrowly rounded. Capitulum on long neck, narrow, narrowing apically; lateral tooth with concave margin. Female . Hind margin of sternum VII with semicircular median process. Body length . Males 3.4 mm (after Dlabola 3.4–3.6 mm ); females 3.8 mm (after Dlabola 4.1–4.2 mm ). Distribution Tunisia ( Dlabola 1982 ; present data). Falcidius ebejeri sp. nov. ( Figures 20–22 , and 35) Type material Malta : , holotype , Mtahleb , 4.III.2001 , M.J. Ebejer leg. ( NMWC ) . Paratypes : 6 ♀ , as holotype ( NMCW and ZIN ) ; 1♀ , Isole Maltesi , Ghar Lapsi ( Siggizwi ), 19.IV.1965 , C. Baroni leg. ( MNHN ) . Description Metope convex (visible from above), with very weak sublateral keels. Coryphe transverse (three times as wide as long), anterior margin weakly convex. Pronotum and scutellum without keels. Forewings with narrow hypocostal plate. Radius bifurcate, median trifurcate, cubitus anterior simple ( R 2 M 3 CuA 1); small number of transverse veins. Metatarsomere I with single intermediate spine. Coloration ( Figures 20–22 ) . General coloration light brown. Metope with large rectangular black spot above clypeus. Apical angles of metope terminated by narrow dark brown stripes. Traces of sensory pits dark brown. Anteclypeus with four longitudinal black stripes. Terminal segment of rostrum black. Forewings with dark brown longitudinal veins and yellowish transversal veins. Abdominal tergites excluding median line black. Abdominal sternites and genital segments light yellow brownish. Femora and tibiae with longitudinal dark brown stripes. Spines and metatarsomeres III with dark brown apices. Gonoplacs with dark brown margins. Female anal tube with dark apex. Male genitalia ( Figure 35 ) . Pygofer with convex hind margin. Anal tube not narrowing apically, its apical angles turned down. Anal column one-quarter to onethird as long as anal tube. Each dorsolateral phallobase lobe with rudimentary supporting process and wide covering process. Ventral phallobase lobe long and wide. Aedeagal hooks directed to dorsal surface of the phallobase. Style with weakly concave hind margin; caudodorsal angle widely rounded. Capitulum of style narrowing to apex (in dorsal view); lateral tooth with concave margin. Female genitalia . Hind margin of sternum VII with semicircular median process. Gonoplacs with a pair of weak transverse keels. Anal tube weakly narrowing apically. Body length . Male 3.6 mm ; females 4.0– 4.5 mm . Distribution Endemic species in Malta . Etymology The species is named for the collector and Maltese dipterist Dr Martin Ebejer. Falcidius hannibal sp. nov. ( Figures 23–26 , 36 , and 37) Falcidius chlorizans Dlabola 1980: 215 Type material Tunisia : , holotype , 5 km W of Sbeitla , 300 m , 17.V.1984 , J.P. Duffels leg. ( ZMAN ) . Paratypes : 4 , 8♀ , as holotype ( ZMAN , ZIN ); Algeria : 5 , 2♀ , massif des Aurès , Bouhamana , 1300 m , 11.V.1984 , J.P. Duffels leg. ( ZMAN , ZIN ); 4 , 2♀ , Batna , ‘Exp. Obenb.’ ( MNHN ; NMPC ); 9 , 13♀ , Djurdjura , 15–19.VI.1971 , 1000– 2000 m , A. Hoffer et J. Hora « k leg. ( NMPC , ZIN , NMWC ); 1♀ , Lambe«ze, VI.1885 , L. Bleuse leg. ( MNHN ) . Description Metope convex, with distinct or very weak (traces) sublateral keels jointed close to its upper margin, sometimes with weak median keel. Coryphe 2.5 times as wide as long, sometimes with median keel, anterior margin convex. Pronotum and scutellum without keels. Forewings with narrow hypocostal plate. Radius bifurcate, median tri- or tetrafurcate, cubitus anterior simple ( R 2 M 3–4 CuA 1). Metatarsomere I with one or two intermediate spines. Coloration ( Figures 23–26 ) . General coloration light yellow brownish. Metope with dark brown or black wide transverse band above clypeus. Metope and pronotum with dark brown traces of sensory pits. Postclypeus with transverse lateral dark brown stripes. Anteclypeus with dark brown spots. Rostrum with dark brown terminal segment. Forewings with light costal margin. Longitudinal veins light brown. Femora and tibiae with dark brown longitudinal stripes and spots. Abdominal tergites excluding median line black. Abdominal sternites including genital segments light yellow. Apices of spines and metatarsomeres III dark brown. Male genitalia ( Figures 36 and 37 ) . Pygofer with nearly straight or convex hind margin. Anal tube narrowing apically, its apical angles in shape of semicircular processes turned down. Anal column one-quarter as long as anal tube. Each phallobase lobe with narrow supporting process and wide covering process. Aedeagal hooks directed to dorsal surface of the phallobase. Style with weakly concave hind margin. Capitulum narrowing to truncated or rounded apex; lateral tooth with concave margin. Female genitalia . Hind margin of sternum VII with semicircular median process. Gonoplacs with a pair of weak transverse keels. Anal tube weakly narrowing apically. Body length . Males 2.7–3.2 mm ; females 3.0– 3.5 mm . Distribution Tunisia , Algeria . Etymology The species name is derived from the name of Carthaginian general Hannibăl. Note The material cited by Dlabola ( Dlabola 1980: 215 ) under the name F. chrorizans belongs to F. hannibal sp. nov. This material is included in the type series. Key to species (1) Cells of forewings with dark brown edging inside ( Figure 2 )......... 2 Cells of forewings without dark brown edging inside ( Figure 13 ).... 4 (2) Phallobase strongly enlarged proximally, with very wide covering processes ( Figure 29A,B )......................... F. marocanus Bergevin Phallobase not enlarged proximally, with moderately wide covering processes ( Figures 28A,B )................................ 3 (3) Each dorsolateral phallobase lobe with vertical supporting process situated near to its ventral margin ( Figure 27A ). Aedeagal hooks directed to the ventral margin of the phallobase. Style with strongly concave hind margin ( Figure 27D )........................... F. apterus (Fabricius) Each dorsolateral phallobase lobe with horizontal supporting process situated near to its dorsal margin ( Figure 28A ). Aedeagal hooks directed to the dorsal margin of the phallobase. Style with weakly concave hind margin ( Figure 28E )................... F. limbatus (A. Costa) (4) Metope with large black spot or band above clypeus ( Figures 19, 22 , 25 , and 26).............................................. 5 Metope without large black spot or band above clypeus ( Figure 9 ).. 7 (5) Metope with black rectangular spot above clypeus ( Figures 19 and 22 ). Forewings with dark brown longitudinal veins ( Figures 18 and 21 ).... 6 Metope with dark brown or black band above clypeus ( Figures 25 and 26 ). Forewings with light brown longitudinal veins ( Figure 24 ).......................................... F. hannibal sp. nov. (6) Metope with a pair of distinct large dark brown or black spots apically ( Figure 19 ). Coryphe with anterior margin strongly convex ( Figure 17 ). Supporting processes of the phallobase narrow ( Figure 34A )............................................. F. duffelsicus Dlabola Metope without distinct large dark brown or black spots apically ( Figure 22 ). Coryphe with anterior margin weakly convex ( Figure 20 ). Supporting processes of the phallobase rudimentary ( Figure 35A )......................................... F. ebejeri sp. nov. (7) Male anal tube strongly enlarged medially in dorsal view ( Figure 32D )......................................... F. diphtheriopsis Bergevin Male anal tube weakly enlarges medially in dorsal view ( Figure 30C ). 8 (8) Phallobase with wide supporting processes ( Figure 30A ). Lateral margins of male anal tube straight in lateral view ( Figure 30B )..... F. doriae (Ferrari) Phallobase with narrow supporting processes ( Figure 31A ). Lateral margins of male anal tube convex in lateral view ( Figure 33F )...... 9 (9) Phallobase with waist proximally ( Figures 31A,B ). Ventral phallobase lobe with a pair of longitudinal bulge-like projections basally which cover supporting processes of the phallobase (in ventral view) ( Figure 31B ).. ........................................ F. chlorizans (Rey) Phallobase without waist proximally ( Figures 33A,B ). Ventral phallobase lobe glib, not covering supporting processes of the phallobase (in ventral view) ( Figure 33B )................. F. scipionis sp. nov. Acknowlegements We are sincerely grateful to Prof. Thierry Bourgoin ( Paris , France), Prof. Vera D’Urso ( Catania , Italy ), Prof. Adalgisa Guglielmino ( Viterbo , Italy), Dr Roberto Poggi ( Genova , Italy ), Dr Hans Duffels ( Amsterdam , the Netherlands), Dr Petr Kment ( Prague , Czech Republic), Dr Pavel Lauterer and Dr Igor Malenovsky ( Brno , Czech Republic ), Dr Anna Maryan «ska-Nadachowska (Krako« w, Poland), Dr Stuart McKamey ( Washington , USA), Mr Mick Webb ( London , UK ), Mr Jerome Constant ( Bruxelles , Belgium), Dr Larry Hulde «n ( Helsinki , Finland ) for an opportunity to examine the material, Prof. Niels P. Kristensen ( Copenhagen , Denmark) for the photos of the type specimen of Cercopis aptera and Mme Claude Pierre (Paris, France ) for her help with preparation of the pictures. The study was financially supported by grants from the Royal Society (London, UK), the Russian Fund for Basic Researches (06–04–48427), and a Museum National d`Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France) grant 2007 for invited scientists. The collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences is supported by Rosnauka for UFC no. 2–2.20 .