Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae) Author Hennemann, Frank H. 0000-0002-6547-4704 Tannenwaldallee 53, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany. hennemann @ phasmatodea. com; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 651 FCCFA- 271 B- 48 A 3 - A 58 E-A 30 FDC 739493 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6547 - 4704; Website: www. phasmatodea. com Author Conle, Oskar V. 0000-0002-6547-4704 Tannenwaldallee 53, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany. hennemann @ phasmatodea. com; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 651 FCCFA- 271 B- 48 A 3 - A 58 E-A 30 FDC 739493 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6547 - 4704; Website: www. phasmatodea. com & Am Freischütz 16, 47058 Duisburg, Germany. conle @ phasmatodea. de; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: D 2712 C 02 - 7973 - 4 FAA-A 186 - 5 F 8540 A 66691 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5609 - 5107; Website: www. phasmatodea. com * Corresponding author & Tannenwaldallee 53, 61348 Bad Homburg, Germany. hennemann @ phasmatodea. com; http: // zoobank. org / urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 651 FCCFA- 271 B- 48 A 3 - A 58 E-A 30 FDC 739493 https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6547 - 4704; Website: www. phasmatodea. com text Zootaxa 2024 2024-04-26 5444 1 1 454 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5444.1.1 1175-5334 11071464 5DE4A9DD-99F7-4E23-AD50-58DC491BB75E Phanocles barbadosense sp. n. A46DDA84-A154-4994-B7EF-2AF071D0BBED ( Figs. 53D–E , 55H , 57D , 64R–S , 66D–F ) Bacteria maxwelli Redtenbacher, 1908: 420 (in part—only paralectotypes from Barbados in NHMW). Brock, 1998: 42 (in part). Zompro, 2001: 199. HT , : Coll. Br. v. W., Barbados , Maxwell Lefrey; det. Redtenb. , B. Maxwelli [ NHMW , No. 813] . PT , : Coll. Br. v. W., Barbados , Maxwell Lefrey; det. Redtenb. , B. Maxwelli [ NHMW , No. 813] . PT , : Coll. Br. v. W., Barbados , Maxwell Lefrey; det. Redtenb. , B. Maxwelli ; 24.274 [ NHMW , No. 813] . PT , : Coll. Br. v. W., Barbados , Maxwell Lefrey; det. Redtenb. , B. Maxwelli [ NHMW , No. 813] . PT , : Coll. Br. v. W., Barbados , Maxwell Lefrey; det. Redtenb., B. Maxwelli ; B. Maxwelli m. Barbados , Type [NHMW, No. 813]. PT , : Barbados , X. 1902 [ ANSP ] . PT , : Barbados , IX.20.1902 [ ANSP ] . Diagnosis. Females of this new species ( Figs. 53D–E ) are similar to the other Antillean members of the genus P. keratosqueleton ( Olivier, 1792 ) comb. n. and P. muticus ( Redtenbacher, 1908 ) and some of the species represented in northern South America (e. g. P. chaperi ( Redtenbacher, 1908 ) comb. n. from Venezuela ). They however differ from the three mentioned species by the more prominent posterolateral lobe of abdominal tergum VII and roundly deflexed lateral margins of abdominal terga VIII and IX ( Figs. 64R–S ). Males ( Fig. 55H ) are particularly similar to those of P. muticus ( Redtenbacher, 1908 ) from Trinidad but differ by the smaller size, stockier body and legs, less elongate basitarsi, less distinctly sinuate posterior margin of the anal segment and much more prominent central protuberance of the poculum ( Fig. 66D ). From the other Antillean species, P. keratosqueleton , they can easily be separated by the more narrow, parallel-sided anal segment and having the central protuberance of the poculum more obtuse and compressed laterally ( Fig. 66D ). Etymology. Named after the island of Barbados , the type-locality and only known distribution of this new species. Description. ♀♀ ( Fig. 53D–E ): Moderately sized (body length including subgenital plate 130.0–171.0 mm) and slender, with a globose, bi-cornute head, a granulose to tubercular thorax and a moderately elongate subgenital plate, that projects beyond the tip of the abdomen by ± the length of the anal segment. General colouration greyish or ochreous mid brown and to a variable degree all over furnished with pale grey and blackish speckles. Granules of the head and thorax ochre to dull red. Eyes dark brown. Antennae mid to dark brown dorsally and blackish ventrally. Head ( Fig. 57D ): Globose with the vertex roundly convex, broadest at the eyes and the genae gently convex; 1.2x longer than wide. Between the eyes with a pair of moderately prominent, forward directed horns, that are strongly laterally compressed anteriorly and have the apex and anterior margin unevenly dentate. Vertex with a variable number of granules, that are roughly arranged in longitudinal rows. Eyes strongly convex, circular in outline and their diameter contained 2.5x in length of genae. Antennae reaching about half way along median segment. Scapus compressed dorsoventrally, very slightly constricted towards the base and with the lateral margins straight; almost 2x longer than wide. Pedicellus round in cross-section, much narrower and roughly half the length of scapus. Thorax: Pronotum about as long but a little narrower than head, 1.5x longer than wide and roundly rectangular in dorsal aspect. Anterior margin strongly raised, tubercular and with a distinct median pair of tubercles ( Fig. 57D ); the posterior portion in particular irregularly set with granules and a pair of somewhat enlarged granules directly in front and behind the transverse median sulcus. Transverse median sulcus distinct, weakly curved and expanding over complete width of segment. Mesothorax 7.9x longer than prothorax, very gently constricted anteriorly and the posterior portion slightly expanded. Metanotum less than one-third the length of mesonotum, 2.8x longer than wide and weakly narrowed medially. Meso- and metanotum with a fine longitudinal median carina and unevenly set with small, rounded tubercles; a longitudinal lateral marginal row of granules and minute intercalated granulations indicated on mesonotum. Meso- and metapleurae with a marginal row of fairly distinct tubercles. Meso- and metasternum very sparsely supplied with some scattered low tubercles. Abdomen: All segments sparsely granulose. Median segment 1.1x longer than metanotum, gently constricted medially and 4x longer than width of anterior margin. Segment II shorter than median segment, II–IV parallel-sided and slightly increasing in length, VI–VI equal in length and longest segments; VI 3.2x longer than wide. VII narrower than all preceding and only two-thirds the length of VI; tergum with lateral margins deflexed in posterior portion and forming a moderately distinct, obtusely rounded lobe ( Figs. 64R–S ). Praeopercular organ indistinct and only formed by a shallow posteromedian swelling and the somewhat deflexed and rounded apex of the two lateral longitudinal carinae of sternum VII. Terga VIII–X roughly uniform in width; VIII less than half the length of VII, 1.9 longer than wide and gently constricted medially; IX about half the length of VIII and roundly rectangular in dorsal aspect. VIII and IX both with a weakly indicated medio-longitudinal carina and the lateral margins moderately deflexed and rounded ( Figs. 64R–S ). Anal segment longer than IX, 1.5x longer than wide, carinate medio-longitudinally and rectangular, the posterior margin with a very shallow median emargination and the outer angles narrowly rounded. Epiproct very small, triangular and almost fully concealed under anal segment. Cerci very small, obtuse. Gonapophyses VIII elongate with the apical conspicuously broadened, angular and angled up-wards and projecting beyond tip of abdomen by about half the length of anal segment. Subgenital plate distinctly keeled longitudinally with the apex pointed and projecting over apex of abdomen by ± the length of anal segment ( Figs. 64R–S ). Legs: All fairly short and moderately robust, the meso- and metafemora gently downcurved. Profemora shorter than mesothorax, mesofemora equal in length to metathorax, metafemora reaching about two-thirds the way along abdominal segment IV and metatibiae reaching to posterior margin of abdominal segment VI. Two lower outer carinae of meso- and metafemora roundly to angularly but fairly indistinctly deflexed sub-basally. Dorsal carina of all basitarsi with a small, obtusely triangular crest medially. Probasitarsus as long as remaining tarsomeres except claw; meso- and metabasitarsus a little longer than combined length of following three tarsomeres. ♂♂ ( Figs. 55H ): Moderately sized (body length 74.3–81.6 mm ), apterous with a fairly globose, weakly bi-cornute head and a distinct, pointed central protuberance of the poculum. Body surface entirely smooth and slightly glossy. General colour of body ochre mid brown to greyish dark brown. Lower portion of genae whitish and with a very fine dark brown postocular line. Eyes dull reddish brown. Meso- and metafemora and all tibiae with two broad but faint pale transverse bands. Antennae reddish mid to dark brown. Head: Shape generally as in ♀♀ , but vertex flattened and smooth, broadest at the eyes and slightly narrowing towards the posterior. Between the eyes with a pair of small, conical but rather obtuse, forward pointing horns. Posterior margin with four short longitudinal impressions.Eyes large, circular in outline and projecting hemispherical from head capsule, their diameter contained 1.8x in length of genae.Antennae at least reaching to abdominal segment II (broken in all available specimens). Scapus and pedicellus basically as in ♀♀ . Thorax: Pronotum slightly narrower and shorter than head, rectangular in dorsal aspect with the lateral margins weakly concave; 1.6x longer than wide. Surface smooth and with an impressed longitudinal median line, the transverse median sulcus as in ♀♀ but somewhat less pronounced. Mesothorax about 9.5x longer than prothorax, a little narrower than prothorax and uniform in diameter with only a slight widening at posterior margin. Mesonotum with a weakly indicated medio-longitudinal carina, meso- and metanotum both with a fine but uneven longitudinal carina along lateral surfaces. Metanotum less than one-quarter the length of mesonotum and weakly constricted medially. Meso- and metasternum simple. Abdomen: Median segment almost 1.7x longer than metanotum, very gently constricted medially and almost 8x longer than wide. Segment II only four-fifth the length of median segment, 5x longer than wide and longer than all following segments. II–VII of uniform width and gradually decreasing in length with VII only three-fifth the length of II and 3x longer than wide. All sterna smooth. Tergum VIII a little less than half the length of VII and trapezoidal in dorsal aspect with posterior margin 1.4x wider than anterior margin. IX about as long but narrower than VIII, constricted medially and with posterior margin somewhat narrower than anterior margin; lateral margins slightly deflexed and very weakly rounded ( Fig. 66D ). VIII and IX each with an obtuse longitudinal lateral bulge, that is curved arched on IX. Anal segment 1.2x longer than IX, weakly tectate longitudinally, shape almost rectangular in dorsal aspect with the posterior portion just slightly deflexed; the posterior margin only very gently concave and the outer angles somewhat inflated and obtusely rounded ( Fig. 66E ); ventral surface of posterior margin set with several minute black teeth. Vomer elongate, strongly arched somewhat curved towards the left, strongly narrowing in the apical half and with a spiniform sub-basal, somewhat anteriad directed tooth on the left ( Figs. 66D, F ). Cerci elongate, slender, round in cross-section and gently upcurved; the apex slightly club-like. Poculum strongly convex, cup-shaped, reaching to posterior margin of tergum IX and with a distinct laterally compressed and rounded central protrusion ( Figs. 66F ), the posterior margin obtusely triangular ( Fig. 66F ). Legs: All moderately long and slender, wholly unarmed. Profemora equal in length to pro- and mesonotum combined, mesofemora about as long as mesothorax, metafemora projecting over posterior margin of abdominal segment IV and metatibiae projecting over the apex of the abdomen. All basitarsi slender and longer than remaining tarsomeres combined. Comments. See section on P. keratosqueleton ( Olivier, 1792 ) in the list of species above. Eggs unknown. Table 31: Measurements of Phanocles barbadosense sp. n.