Taxonomic study of the genus Myrmarachne of Borneo (Araneae: Salticidae)
Yamasaki, Takeshi
Ahmad, Abdul Hamid
journal article
Myrmarachne markaha
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Figs 28
A–G, 29A–F)
Myrmarachne markaha
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 51
Figs 20–21
Non-type material examined
4 males
1 female
, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
27–29 II 2008
, T. Yamasaki leg.;
3 males
2 females
3 juveniles
, same loc.,
4–6 X 2010
, T. Yamasaki leg.;
2 males
, Inobong, Crocker Range Park, Sabah, Borneo,
26 X 2010
, T. Yamasaki leg.
. Very slender, blackish species. In males, chelicera distinctly longer than carapace (
Figs 28
A–B); retrolateral cheliceral teeth very small (
Fig. 28
D). In females, copulatory atria small, round; bean-like median pocket present in front of epigastric furrow (
Figs 29
, male. A, body, dorsal view; B, chelicera and carapace, lateral view; C, maxillae, labium, sternum and coxae; D, chelicera and fang, ventral view; E, palp, ventral view; F, palp, lateral view; G, palpal tibia, dorsal view. (Scales. A–D: 1 mm; E–G: 0.25 mm)
(male/female). Carapace length 1.78–2.35/1.68–1.90, width 1.03–1.38/0.89–1.01. Abdomen length 2.15–3.30/2.00–2.80. Chelicera length 1.65–3.35. Sternum length 0.90–1.28/0.80–1.00. Width of eye row I 0.94–1.20/0.88–0.98; II 0.86–1.08/0.80–0.90; III 1.03–1.30/0.93–1.06. ALE–PLE 0.70–0.90/0.65–0.74; ALE– PME 0.31–0.42/0.33–0.36. Eye size: AME 0.31–0.40/0.30–0.35, ALE 0.15–0.20/0.15, PME 0.05–0.06/0.04–0.05, PLE 0.16–0.21/0.15–0.18.
Figs 28
A–G). Cephalic part almost flat dorsally,. Dorsum of thoracic part in lateral view gradually sloping downward. Chelicera slender, almost parallel-sided, and distinctly longer than carapace, with eight to twelve prolateral and four to seven very small retrolateral teeth; first apical prolateral tooth large. Fang almost straight with curved tip, and without tooth-like apophysis. Sternum slender, slightly overlapped by coxae I and II.
Abdomen very slender without distinct constriction, and with slender dorsal scutum that is strongly incised on each lateral outline anteriorly.
Palp (
Figs 28
E–G). Tegulum small round with c-shaped seminal reservoir in retrolateral part of tegulum. Embolus forming two round coils; embolus coils small, occupying less than half of venter of cymbium. RTA strongly curved in base. With palp in dorsal and ventral views flange of RTA projecting outward.
Leg spination. Femur I md 1–2, pd 1; patella I rv 1; tibia I pv 3, rv 3–4; metatarus I pv 2, rv 2; femur II md 1– 2, pd 1; tibia II rv 1–2; metatarsus II pv 1–2, rv 2; femur III md 2, pd 1; femur IV md 2, pd 1.
Coloration and pilosity. Carapace brown with white lateral marking fringed with white hairs on anterolateral part above coxae I and II; cephalic part covered with white hairs dorsally; dorsum between cephalic and thoracic parts light brown; Thoracic part sparsely covered with thick white hairs dorsally. Chelicera light brown. Maxilla and labium brown. Sternum brownish cream. Abdomen covered with fine hairs, with transparent dark brown dorsal scutum; anterior integument except for scutum cream; posterior integument except for scutum greyish cream; two pairs of markings fringed with thick white hairs present on posterior part of scutum.
Figs 29
A–F). Cephalic part almost flat. Constriction behind PLEs very shallow dorsally. Thoracic part weakly convex. Chelicera with six prolateral and seven or eight retrolateral teeth. Sternum almost as in males. Abdomen elongate-oval without dorsal scutum.
Epigyne (
Figs 29
D–F). Copulatory atria containing openings small, round. Sclerotised copulatory ducts without twist, extending to below lower margins of copulatory atria. Median pocket opening ventrally, bean-like shape.
, female. A, body, dorsal view; B, chelicera and carapace, lateral view; C, maxillae, labium, sternum and coxae; D and F, internal structure of epigyne, ventral view; E, internal structure of epigyne, dorsal view. (Scales. A–C: 1 mm; D–E: 0.25 mm; F: 0.10 mm)
Leg spination. Tibia I pv 3, rv 3; metatarsus I pv 2, rv 2; tibia II rv 2; metatarsus II pv 1–2, rv 2.
Coloration and pilosity. Carapace dark brown to brown, with white markings on anterolateral part of carapace above coxae I and II; dorsum of cephalic part covered with short and long hairs; dorsum of constriction behind PLE light brown; thoracic part sparsely covered with short hairs. Maxilla and labium pale brown. Sternum pale orange to pale brown; posterior part darker than anterior part. Coxae I, II and III cream; coxa IV cream, and slightly tinged with pale brown. Abdomen cream and tinged with grey, and covered with fine hairs; obscure grey longitudinal marking present from anterior to middle part; grey transverse band present on posterior part.
. Luzon, Mindanao (Barrion & Litsinger 1995), Borneo.
. Although we did not examine the
material of
, our specimens agreed with the original description by Barrion & Litsinger (1995).
The males of
are easily distinguished from the other Bornean species by the slender body and the long chelicera. The females of the species have a unique median pocket in front of the epigastric furrow.
. The species is arboreal, and often occurs in gardens and parks. In the present study, the species is abundant in the campus of Universiti