An updated checklist of Dryinidae, Embolemidae and Sclerogibbidae (Hymenoptera) of Kenya and Burundi, with descriptions of thirteen new species Author Olmi, Massimo Tropical Entomology Research Center, Viterbo, Via De Gasperi 10, 01100 Italy; e-mail: olmi @ unitus. it & Corresponding author Author Copeland, Robert S. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), P. O. Box 30772, Nairobi 00100, Kenya and National Museums of Kenya, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, P. O. Box 40658 Nairobi 00100, Kenya, e-mail: rcopeland @ icipe. org, hunteriazeylanica @ yahoo. com Author Guglielmino, Adalgisa Department of Agriculture, Forests, Nature and Energy, University of Tuscia, Via San Camillo de Lellis, Viterbo, 01100 Italy; e-mail: guglielm @ unitus. it Author Icipe text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2015 2015-06-01 55 1 333 380 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5304733 0374-1036 5304733 D751AC5C-5C26-4A5D-8A6C-0FF088E518ED 6. Conganteon lymanorum sp. nov. * ( Figs 1C ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : , KENYA : EASTERN: Kasaala area , 2.07486°S 38.22530°E , 740 m , 28.xi–4.xii.2013 , six-meter Malaise trap , woodland and grass, J. Bukhebi & R. Copeland leg. ( NMKE ). Diagnosis. Female almost completely testaceous-whitish, with notauli reaching about 0.5 length of scutum. Description. Female . Fully winged; length 2.7 mm . Testaceous-whitish, except petiole black, one small brown spot on dorsal surface of propodeum near metanotum, brown teeth of mandible and brown borders of ocelli. Antenna clavate; antennal segments in following proportions: 9: 4: 12: 9: 7: 7: 6: 6: 5: 6. Head dull, granulated, sculptured by many hardly visible longitudinal and irregular striae also present behind ocellar triangle; frontal line complete; occipital carina complete; POL = 6; OL = 4; OOL = 6; OPL = 6; TL = 7; greatest breadth of posterior ocelli shorter than OL (3: 4). Pronotum short, transverse, rugose; pronotal tubercle reaching tegula. Scutum with anterior half reticulate rugose and remaining surface unsculptured. Notauli incomplete, reaching approximately 0.5 length of scutum. Scutellum unsculptured. Metanotum rugose (sculpture hardly visible). Propodeum reticulate rugose, without transverse or longitudinal keels. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; distal part of stigmal vein longer than proximal part (11: 7). Protarsal segments in following proportions: 14: 3: 3.5: 7.5: 13. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 1C ) with one small preapical tooth. Segment 5 of protarsus ( Fig. 1C ) with one row of approximately 37 short and small lamellae; distal apex with group of about 5 small lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/1/2. Male . Unknown. Fig. 1. A–B – male genitalia (right half removed):A – Aphelopus severancei sp. nov. (holotype); B – A. vernonensis Olmi, 2009 (holotype); C – Conganteon lymanorum sp. nov. , chela (holotype). Scale bar: 0.14 mm for A and C; 0.09 mm for B. Differential diagnosis. Conganteon lymanorum is the only species of the genus with female almost completely testaceous. It is easily recognizable, because the females of all other known world species of Conganteon are almost completely black. Etymology. This species is named after Tim and Mike Lyman, longtime friends of the collector (RSC). Hosts. Unknown. Distribution. Only known in the type locality.