Chlamydastis Meyrick of Costa Rica: barcodes, biology, and descriptions of 36 new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) Author Phillips-Rodríguez, Eugenie Dry Forest Conservation Fund, Sector Santa Rosa, Área de Conservación Guanacaste, phillipsrodriguez @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 798045 C-A 872 - 4 F 6 A- 82 F 4 - 5 AC 78 A 04 DDA 3 Author Brown, John W. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC, 20013 - 7012, USA tortricidae. jwb @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 3 C 52 FC 4 E-E 988 - 4 AD 6 - B 0 D 1 - 9 A 5 CA 74 CB 24 C Author Hallwachs, Winnie Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Author Janzen, Daniel H. Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-05-28 2021 868 1 96 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5042023 1942-1354 5042023 1738B3CE-22AC-409B-9B04-DAD91322B278 Chlamydastis paulhansoni Phillips and Brown , new species Figures 20 , 67 Holotype . Male , Costa Rica , Puntarenas , Area de Conservación Osa , Los Charcos , 1 km E de Banegas , 50 m , 6.x.2010 , E. Phillips , INB0004269423, GenBank accession code MH827052 ( MNCR-A ). Paratypes ( 15♂ ). See Appendix 1. Diagnosis. Chlamydastis paulhansoni is most similar to the Costa Rican species C. elenaulateae and C. gladysrojasae and the Peruvian species C. chlorosticta (TL: Chanchamayo, Perú ). It can be distinguished from the last by its smaller forewing length ( 10.1 mm in C. paulhansoni , 15.0 mm in C . chlorosticta ), its paler hindwing color (grayish brown in C. paulhansoni , dark brown in C . chlorosticta ), and its more extensive green scaling (less green scaling in C . chlorosticta ). Chlamydastis paulhansoni can be distinguished from C. elenaulateae by its longer gnathos and narrower and less deeply emarginated apex of the uncus. Chlamydastis chlorosticta was described from the holotype female illustrated by Clarke (1955: 183) that lacks its abdomen. Hence, for comparison of this species to C. paulhansoni , we used a male from the type locality of C. chlorosticta deposited in the USNM. The most conspicuous difference in the male genitalia bewteen C. paulhansoni and C. chlorosticta are the lateral processes of the juxta, which are uniform in width in the specimen from Perú (i.e., C. chlorosticta ) in contrast to those of C. paulhansoni that are broadened at each end. Description. MALE ( Fig. 20 ). Head . Frons and vertex cream, collar brownish; labial palpus with first and second segment brownish, third segment paler; antenna with sensory setae ca. 1.5 times width of flagellomere. Thorax . Base of tegulae and anterior margin of prothorax brownish, mesothorax pale brown, metathorax pale brown with a semicircular blotch of green scales on posterior end. FW length 9.6–10.1 mm ; FW brown with faint olive green overscaling on most of wing; brown in costal 0.5, with faint black lines along veins; slightly paler in lower 0.5, without lines along veins; a small green spot near premedial line. Abdomen . Dorsum pale brown, venter darker with paired, tiny cream spots on A4–7. Genitalia ( Fig. 67 ) with uncus long, slender, emarginated apically; valva ovate, with rounded apex, strongly veined, with dense cluster of specialized setae near mid-costa; sacculus short, rhomboidal, with a free distal end, confined to basal 0.15 of valva; juxta with slender, slightly apically-dilated lateral processes; phallus nearly straight with long, slender sclerite in vesica. FEMALE. Unknown. DNA barcodes. The three barcodes of C . paulhansoni are identical and form a uniform BIN (BOLD:ABU9416) with a distance of 3.85% to the nearest neighbor, C. elenaulateae . Distribution. Chlamydastis paulhansoni is only known from the lowlands of the Península de Osa in southern Costa Rica . Biology. The immature stages and larva are unknown. Etymology. Chlamydastis paulhansoni is named in honor of Paul Hanson in recognition of his taxonomic contributions to the national biodiversity inventory of Costa Rica .