Revision of the Palaearctic and Oriental representatives of Lachnocrepis LeConte and Oodes Bonelli (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with special account on Chinese species Author Guéorguiev, Borislav 0000-0002-8532-0657 Author Liang, Hongbin 0000-0002-9668-1167 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-09-08 4850 1 1 89 journal article 8579 10.11646/zootaxa.4850.1.1 686337a2-1528-43d0-ae32-68ca023d8df3 1175-5326 4407072 18AA0411-0E54-4922-84C7-608EAC68D281 22. Nothoodes longus ( Andrewes, 1940 ) , comb. n. ( Figs 31 A–J, Table 5 ) Oodes longus Andrewes, 1940: 205 ( type locality: ‘Brahmaputra River Goalundo–Gauhati’ [Brahmaputra River between the town of Goalundo Ghat, Bangladesh and the city of Gawahati, India ]. References . Oodes longus : Andrewes 1940: 204 (identification key; distribution: ‘N.E. India’); Ali 1967: 17 (comparison with O . basrensis Ali, 1967 ); Lorenz 1998: 305 ; Lorenz 2005: 325 . Type material . Oodes longus Andrewes : holotype , ‘Type [white rounded label with red band, p] // Brahmaputra River Goalundo–Gauhati July 1919 Fletcher coll [w, p] // Oodes longus Andr. Type H.E.Andrewes det. [w, h/p]’ (BMNH). Paratypes , one male and two females, labelled as follows: 1♂ , ‘Para-type [white rounded label with yellow band, p] // Brahmaputra River Goalundo–Gauhati July 1919 Fletcher coll [w, p] // Oodes longus And. Paratype [w, h]’ ( MNHN , box ‘ Oodini Chlaeniini , Abacetini & others det. by H.E. Andrewes’); 1♀ , ‘Brahmaputra River Goalundo–Gauhati July 1919 Fletcher coll [w, p] // Co-type [white rounded label with green band, p] // Oodes longus cotype Andr. H.E.Andrewes det. [w, h/p] // H.E.Andrewes Coll. B.M.1945–97. [w, p]’ (BMNH); 1♀ , ‘Brahmaputra River Goalundo–Gauhati July 1919 Fletcher coll [w, p] // Co-type [white rounded label with green band, p] // H.E.Andrewes Coll. B.M.1945–97. [w, p]’ (BMNH). Other material examined . INDIA : A s s a m State : 2♂♂ , ‘ INDIA ( Assam State Dibrugarh distr.) Dibrugarh (at light) 2.–3.VI.2006 Guillaume de Rougemont’ ( NMNHS , cDW). ? MYANMAR : Tanintharyi Region : 1♂ , ‘Tenasserim. Papun. Adamson’s Coll. 1908–102.’ [specimen determined as variation of O . longus by H.E. Andrewes] (BMNH). TME: 7 specimens . TGE: 3♂♂ . Diagnosis . This species is distinguished from other Nothoodes species by its less impressed elytral striae (more perceptible in anterior half of elytra). It is further separated from other congeners, except N . taprobanae , by its greater PW/HW and lower EW/PW ( Table 5 ). Nothoodes longus is easily separated from N . taprobanae by its larger size, 13 mm or more. FIGURE 31. Nothoodes longus Andrewes, 1940 (A–H: male paratype; I–J: male specimen, India, Dibrugarh). A, I: habitus; B: mentum; C: prosternal process; D: right metepisternum and metacoxa (arrow shows lateral end of metacoxal basal sulcus); E: median lobe of aedeagus, left lateral view; F: same, anterior dorsal view; G: same, ventral view; H: same, posterior dorsal view; J: head and pronotum. Scale lines = 2 mm (Figs A, I); = 0.5 mm (Figs B–C, E–H); = 1 mm (Figs D, J). Description (based on male sex). Habitus . Moderately large specimens (BL: 13.0– 13.6 mm , BW: 5.1–5.2 mm ), with subelongate and convex body ( Figs 31A, I ). Ratios and measurements . See Table 5 . Color and luster . Body black dorsally and ventrally; antennae, palpi, and tarsomeres rufous to rufopiceous. Integument markedly shiny; dorsal surface with greenish hue, ventral surface without iridescence. Punctuation . Dorsal surface without punctures except posterolateral parts of pronotum with large and shallow punctures extending laterally to posterior half; sides of prosternum and proepisternum, abdominal ventrites 1–5 at base and at sides, and ventrite 6 at apex with dense and shallow punctures; meso- and metepisternum, and sides of metasternum with dense and coarse punctures. Head . About half as wide as pronotum ( Table 5 ). Mentum tooth widely rounded (specimens from Tenasserim) to truncate ( paratype ) apically, with distinct paramedial border ( Fig. 31B ). Thorax . Pronotum ( Fig. 31J ) with sides weakly rounded toward posterior angles; maximum width close to posterior angles; laterobasal impressions subtle; base moderately sinuate. Prosternum without or with indistinct median longitudinal sulcus; prosternal process subelongate, bordered subapically, unbordered at base and at apex ( Fig. 31C ). Metepisternum longer than wide (MA/MM: 0.84–0.88), its coadunation with epipleuron short, located anteriorly ( Fig. 31D ). Elytra . Apical sinuation distinct but weak. Basal margin distinct laterally, forming a small denticle at shoulder, decreasing medially and disappearing at level between striae 2 and 3. Granulation in marginal furrow continuous. Parascutellar striola and striae 1–4 rather shallow (shallower than in N . taprobanae ); striola and striae in anterior half punctured. Intervals 1–7 flat, interval 8 moderately convex. Legs . Male mesotibia with a swelling in apical half. Protarsomeres 1–3 of male moderately dilated, with second tarsomere slightly wider than long (W/Lp2: 1.14–1.18). Male genitalia . Median lobe ( Figs 31E, F, G, H ) arcuate laterally, with basal bulb reduced at base, widely open dorsally; angle between basal bulb and shaft obtuse; shaft broadened proximally, narrowed distally; apex short and straight; apical lamella straight, narrow distally, rounded at tip; ostium nearly reaching basal bulb; internal sac with proximal sclerite smaller and distal one larger. Female genitalia . Unknown. Distribution . Oriental region: India ( West Bengal , Assam ), Bangladesh ,? Myanmar . The presence of the species in Myanmar needs confirmation since the record from Tenasserim is based on an earlier determination by the first author. The record from Bihar State , India ( Andrewes 1940 ), refers to N . angustatus (see “Notes”). Bionomics. All known specimens from India and Bangladesh were collected near banks of the river Brahmaputra. Notes . The male from “Pusa” designated by Andrewes (1940: 205) as a paratype of Oodes longus belongs to N . angustatus (see “Type material. Oodes longus Andrewes ” under N . angustatus ). Most likely the female paratype from Bihar is not conspecific with N . longus .