The genus Styringomyia LOEW in Australia (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Limoniidae) Author Theischinger, Günther Author D, Zacariah Author Martin, John text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-12-17 50 2 1587 1633 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5273151 0253-116X 5273151 Styringomyia williamsi THEISCHINGER & BILLINGHAM nov.sp. ( Figs 37-43 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l. Holotype : Australia , New South Wales , Otford , 7-x-1961 , D.K. McAlpine ( AM ) . Paratypes : New South Wales : 1♂ , Barrington House , 13-xi-1967 , N. Dobrotworsky ( ANIC ) ; 1♂ , Bruxner Park , Coff’s Harbour , 1-xi-1965 , M.S. Upton ( ANIC ) ; 1♂ , Bruxner Park , 16-iv-1970 ; 2♂♂ , same locality (1) & (2), 19-iv-1970 , D.H. Colless (all ANIC ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , in copula, Bruxner Park , nr Coff’s Harbour , 7-ix-1983 , Daniels & Schneider ( ANIC ). Dorragan N.P. , North Brother Mtn , 450 m , subtropical rainforest, malaise trap : 1♂ , 7♀♀ , 29-xii-1998 - 4-i-1999 ; 1♂ , 1♀ , 14-28-i-1999 ; 5♂♂ , 31♀♀ , 1-30-iii-1999 ; 9♀♀ , 25.xi- 24-xii-1999 ; all G. Williams ( AM ). 1♂ , 18 mi. Dorrigo-Coramba Rd , 18-iv-1970 , D.H. Colless ( ANIC ) ; 1♂ , Minnamurra Falls , near Kiama , 9-ii-1962 , D.K. McAlpine ( AM ) ; 1♀ , 15-xi-1960 , I.F.B. Common & M.S. Upton ( ANIC ) ; 2♂♂ , 1♀ , 3 sn, Nanack Fire Rd , 29 mi. Dorrigo-Coramba , 18-iv-1970 , D.H. Colless ( ANIC ) ; 1♂ , Otford , 10-ii-1962 , D.K. McAlpine ( AM ) ; Port Macquarie , Sea Acres NR , 10m , subtropical rainforest, malaise trap : 21♀♀ , 14- 28-ii-1999 ; 5♀♀ , 11-25-xi-1999 ; all G. Williams ( AM ). Queensland : 2♂♂ , Cunningham Gap , 2,500’, 5-iv-1969 , N. Dobrotworsky ; 1♂ , same locality, 23-ii-1962 , I.M. Mackerras (all ANIC ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Dalrymple Creek at Goomburra Valley Campground, Goomburra ( 27.978844°S / 152.293154°E ), 29-iv-2017 , Z. Billingham ( MV ) . D e s c r i p t i o n Male ( Figs 37, 38 , 40-43 ) Head. Including rostrum, palps and antennae pale yellowish brown to greyish brown. Thorax. Nota largely pale greyish brown; two dorsal lines and sides of scutum somewhat darker; pronotum, lateral margins of presutural portion of scutum, two spots on postsutural portion of scutum and scutellum bright to dull yellowish white. Pleura and sterna greyish brown. Legs pale to dull greyish yellow with only extreme tip of femora and tibiae more or less distinctly darkened and last tarsal segment and claws dark greyish brown. Wings. Very slightly infumed greyish yellow and with darker grey spots at crossveins. Abdomen. Largely brownish yellow with apical ½ to ¾ of tergites dark greyish brown. Hypopygium. Tergite 9/10 long, wide, truncate, slightly narrowing from base to apex sided with small ear-like expansions slightly past third quarter of its length. Sternite 9 widely trapezoidal, almost hemispherical ending in three lobes, the median very short and wide and flat, the lateral ones short and strongly setose; two moderately long and rather thin subapical setae. Gonocoxites curved, almost conical with more than the basal three fourths markedly expanded and with rather slim apical spine and abundant setae along the mesal face at the apical end of the expansion. Gonostyli a single element represented by a slightly curved lobe triangularly expanded subbasally, with abundant setae and two large apical spines and a subapical one bearing a secondary spine. What is detectable of the aedeagus appears flat and wide. Dimensions. Wing length 5.1-5.5 mm . Female ( Fig. 39 ) Head. Including rostrum and antennae yellowish to pale greyish brown, palps somewhat darker and postocular section greyish brown. Thorax. Largely brownish yellow. Legs pale brownish yellow with extreme tip of femora and tibiae slightly darkened and last tarsal segment and claws dark greyish brown. Wings. Infumed with pale greyish and with somewhat darker spots on crossveins. Abdomen. Largely dull yellow with tergites almost wholly greyish brown. Terminalia. As specified under S. bipunctata group. Dimensions. Wing length 4.7-5.5 mm . D i s t r i b u t i o n. South-eastern; known from south-eastern Queensland and New South Wales ( Map 3 ). E t y m o l o g y.ThisspeciesisgratefullydedicatedtoG.Williams who collected and made available for study the bulk of the material. D i s c u s s i o n Styringomyia williamsi nov.sp. , S. bipunctata , and S. coronata nov.sp. are a closely-knit group of species with sternite 9 of male ending in three small extensions (see also under S. bipunctata ). S. williamsi can be distinguished from S. bipunctata , its closest ally, possible its sister taxon by the shorter, flatter and wider medi- an extension of sternite 9 and by its more southern versus tropical distribution. Both, S. bipunctata and S. williamsi have the three extensions of sternite 9 shorter and the thinner apical portion of the gonocoxites markedly shorter than S. coronata .