Curculionidae of Guam Author Zimmerman, Elwood C. Entomologist Bernice P. Bishop Museum text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 73 146 book chapter d0309e8b-3179-4162-946c-08cef1c82013 5159964 4. Trigonops subfasciata (Boheman) Faust , Stett. Ent. Zeitung 58 : 236 , 1897 . Celeuthetes subfasciatus Boheman , Eugenies Resa , 126 , 1859 . Holotype male: derm reddish brown; densely clothed with mostly pale brown scales intermixed with almost white scales, almost concolorous; darker scales forming a patch on either side of base of pronotum before elytral intervals 3-5; elytra with a rather vague broad V of paler scales, the apex of which is on the suture above apex of ventrite 2 arms across sixth interval just in front of middle; dorsal squamae smooth, shiny and with a rather pearly luster, rounded, convex and appearing hard. , Head with dense scaling concealing punctures which give rise to decumbent setae that extend well beyond margins of punctures; eyes conspicuously convex, moderately prominent, strongly interrupting lateral cephalic outline, little longer than half distance between them. Rostrmn with area between transrostral carina and basal suture flat longitudinally, abruptly and obviously depressed below level of carina, slightly convex laterally, without a median carina, squamose part somewhat more than half as long as interocular breadth; apical declivitous part, with exception of a few minute scales near base, bare and shiny, densely and rather coarsely punctate Antennae (left antenna lost from type) with scape longer than funicle plus first segment of club; funicular segments as follows in length: (1, 1.5) (2, 1.1) (3, 0.9) (4, 5, 6 and 7, 0.8), club elongate oval, as long as funicular segments 7 plus 6 plus 5 plus half of 4, second segment six tenths as long as basal segment Prothorax slightly longer than broad, broadest slightly behind middle, arcuate on sides, somewhat more narrowed anteriorly than posteriorly, slightly, almost imperceptibly constricted just before apex, disk slightly, gently convex longitudinally, rather densely punctate, the punctures usually separated by interstices about as broad as their diameters, obscured by dense scaling, setae arising from interstices instead of from punctures, strongly arcuate, medially inclined. Elytra subovate, three fourths as broad as long, twice as long as prothorax, almost straight in longitudinal dorsal outline in basal half, base concave rather straightly expanded on sides to basal fourth thence rather evenly arcuate to pointed apex; striae deep throughout; intervals almost flat on disk, obviously convex at sides and apex; scaling very dense, closely appressed; setae on disk decumbent, becoming erect caudad, interval one with two rows on declivity Legs with hind femora reaching beyond base of fifth ventrite, broadest part of club twice as broad as base and about five eighths of length from base, densely squamose, almost all of setae slanting and not strongly decumbent, hind tibiae slightly shorter than femora, densely squamose and bristling witl1 setae. Sternum with intercoxal process of the prosternum half as broad as a fore coxa, distance between coxal cavity and fore margin one third that between cavity and hind margin, coarsely punctured, scales coarsely reticulate, numerous; mesosternum with area just laterad to coxa bare, but epimera densely squamose, intercoxal process densely squamose; metasternum between mid and hind coxae about three fourths as long as breadth of a metacoxa, closely set with large deep punctures in middle, punctures becoming smaller laterally, each puncture bearing a long slanting seta, densely clothed with coarsely reticulate iridescent scales. Venter with first ventrite broadly and conspicuously impressed in male, first two ventrites coarsely and densely punctate, punctures bearing conspicuous erect setae, densely squamose, but less densely so down middle of first ventrite and at middle of base of second; ventrites 3 and 4 with a row of coarse setiferous punctures from side to side; ventrite 5 densely and coarsely punctate, setose and conspicuously sqnamose Length, 6 mm; breadth, 3 mm. Holotype male, labeled " Guam " and "Kinb.", in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum at Stockholm. It is strange that this species is not represented among the many Guaman specimens of the genus before me. It is obviously closely allied to Trigonops hirsuta , but the prostrate discal elytral setae and different squamae will distinguish the species.