Curculionidae of Guam Author Zimmerman, Elwood C. Entomologist Bernice P. Bishop Museum text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 73 146 book chapter d0309e8b-3179-4162-946c-08cef1c82013 5159964 Menectetorus vitiensis (Zimmerman) , new combination . Chaetectetorus vitiensis Zimmerman , Haw. Ent. Soc., Proc. 9 ( 3 ): 447 , fig. 1 , 1937 . Fiji . All the members of this genus have very dense, spongy scaling; the elytra are usually more or less fasciculate and the pronotum has a number of large, conspicuous discal foveae. Most of the species thus far described have been recorded from Australia , but one has been described from New Guinea , one from Fiji , one from Samoa , and the genotype from Burma . I have seen other species, however, that show that the genus also inhabits the Philippines and is well represented on the mainland of New Guinea .