Curculionidae of Guam Author Zimmerman, Elwood C. Entomologist Bernice P. Bishop Museum text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 73 146 book chapter d0309e8b-3179-4162-946c-08cef1c82013 5159964 45. Rhabdocnemis obscura (Boisduval) (pl. 7, A; misspelled obscurus on plate). Calandra obscura Boisduval, Voy . Astrolabe, Ent. 2 : 448 , 1835 . Sphenophorus insularis Boheman , Eugenies Resa, Ins ., 148 , 1859 . Sphenophorns nudicollis Kirsh , Mus. Dresden, Mitt. 2 : 156 , 1877 . Sphenophorus promissus Pascoe , Mus. civ. stor. nat. Genova, Ann. II, 2 : 300 , 1885 . Sphenophorus tincturatus Pascoe , Mus. civ. stor. nat. Genova, Ann. II, 2 : 301 , 1885 . Sphenophorus beccarii Pascoe , Mus. civ. stor. nat. Genova, Ann. II, 2 : 301 , 1885 . Sphenophorus interruptocostatus Schaufuss , Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 19 : 204 , 1885 . This is the common sugar-cane pest so widespread in the Pacific. Mr. Swezey took the following specimens: six, Piti, from sugar cane, Oct. 16, 1936 ; four, Agana, from royal palm, Oct. 3 ; and seven, Talofofo, from betel nut palm, June 17.