Oribatids from Switzerland IX (Acari: Oribatidae, Mycobatidae 2) (Acarologica Genavensia CI) Author Mahunka, S. text Archives des Sciences, Geneve 2001 54 129 138 http://unknown journal article ORI9394 Schweizerzetes perlongus (Balogh, 1959) (Figs 1-9) Material examined: Switzerland : VS-30: Valais : Torrenthorn, above Leukerbad, 2575-2750 m .; 6.VIII.1968 ; leg. C. Besuchet - (155). Measurements (Swiss specimens): Length of body: 305-327 ym , width of body: 173-191 ym . Prodorsum: Rostral apex with a U-shaped incision. Behind it, on the lateral margin, a pair of small teeth. Lamellae well developed, originating medially, translamella wide. Lamellar cusps long, truncate, bearing long, conspicuously ciliated lamellar FIGS 4-7. Schweizerzetes perlongus (Balogh, 1959) - 4: anterior part of body, 5: rostral region in lateral view, 6: posterior end of notogaster from posterior view, 7: sensillus and interlamellar region. setae reaching far over the rostral apex. Sensillus comparatively short, reaching to translamella. The basal part of the prodorsum with a well sclerotised crest between the bothridia, connecting a pair of (Fig. 5) enantiophyses. Insertions of the interlamellar setae connected by a weak crest located behind them. They are long and reach beyond the level of the lamellar cusps, ciliate, and originating conspicuously near to each other. Lateral part of podosoma (Fig. 6): Tutorium lamelliform, with a short, incised (dentate) cusp. Rostral setae arising at its base, on short tubercles. Genal tooth strongly narrowing anteriorly, sharply pointed. Reaching far over the insertion of rostral seta. Pedotectum I very large, covering acetabula I, convex anteriorly and deeply concave basally. Porose area in the humeral region conspicuous. Exostigmatal setae short, arising at the bases of pedotecta I. Pedotecta II small, custodium very large, reaching anteriorly to level of pedotectum II. Discidium also large, circumpedal carina long, reaching to the lateral margin of ventral plate. Notogaster: Anterior tectum of notogaster straight, or slightly convex medially; well covering the bothridia and the interbothridial region. Pteromorpha partly hinged, with a long desclerotization line. Ten pairs of comparatively long but narrow and smooth notogastral setae, three pairs of areae porosae in normal position. Posterior notogastral tectum clearly divided. Ventral region (Fig. 2): Subcapitulum without mental tectum, normal. Epimeral surface ornamented by weak lines. Epimeral setae short, finely roughened. Epimeral setal formula: 3-1-3-3. Anogenital setae short, simple. Anogenital setae also short, simple, anogenital setal formula: 6-1-2-3. Lyrifissures lad in paraanal position. Legs: All legs monodactylous. Femora of legs with a blade-like formation ventrally, being narrow on legs I-III and broad on femora IV. Tibia of leg II with a great spur in anterodorsal position. Tibia of leg I without apophysis, solenidium phi1 arising on the surface of the segment, behind phi2 (Fig. 8). Leg setal formula: I: 1 - 5 - 3+1 - 4+2 - 19+2 - 1 (Fig. 8) II: 1 - 4 - 3+1 - 4+1 - 15+2 - 1 IV: 1 - 2 - 2 - 3+1 - 12 - 1 (Fig. 9). Remarks: See the remarks after the description of the genus.