A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Author Ellenrieder, Natalia Von Author Garrison, Rosser W. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-01 4361 1 1 76 journal article 31258 10.11646/zootaxa.4361.1.1 b15f5f11-6a00-4158-8ec8-3d0004605c28 1175-5326 1069337 53489D29-C68F-44FD-9EA2-CFCA7B949630 Protoneura aurantiaca Selys, 1886 Figs. 3 ( habitus), 27 ( habitus), 49 ( mes. plate), 73 (gen. lig.), 99 ( app.), 122 (map) Protoneura aurantiaca Selys, 1886: 213 –214 (description of from Panama ?);— Calvert (1903: 140, 143, pl. 5, Fig. 44 ; in key, redescription of from Mexico and Guatemala , illustration of S10) ;— Calvert (1907: 394, 396; in key) ;— Williamson (1915: 619, 624–625, Figs. 4 , 17 ; in key, description of , notes on types , illustration of wings and thoracic pattern) ;— Paulson (1982: 252; Mexico , Guatemala , Costa Rica , Panama ) ;— Donnelly (1989: 436–437, Figs. 3, 4 , 6 ; diagnosis from P. sulfurata , illustrations of S10 and mesostigmal plate) ;— Measey (1994: 45; Belize ) ; — Novelo-Gutiérrez (1994: 26–29, 31, Figs. 1–8 ; description of larva, illustrations of habitus, prementum, labial palp, mandibles, antenna, gonapophysis, cerci, and caudal lamellae, diagnosis from larvae of P. ailsa and P. cupida ) ;— Boomsma & Dunkle (1996: 25; Belize ) ;— González-Soriano & Novelo-Gutiérrez (1996: 162; Mexico ) ;— González-Soriano (1997: 253; Mexico ) ;— González-Soriano (2001: 337, notes on biology) ; — Alonso-Eguía Lis et al. (2002 : 352; Mexico );— Rehn (2003: 212; in phylogenetic analysis) ;— Paulson (2009b; IUCN assessment) ;— Garrison et al. (2010 : 379, Figs. 2506, 2507; illustration head, pronotum and mesostigmal plate);— González-Soriano & Paulson (2011: 302, 307; Mexico ) ;—González- Soriano et al. (2011: 184; Mexico );— González-Soriano & Novelo-Gutiérrez (2011: 2, Appendix VIII.21.2; Mexico ) ;— Garrison & von Ellenrieder (2013: 22; Costa Rica ) . Primary types . Holotype : Panama ? [ RBINS ]. Specimens examined. 60 ♂ 21 ♀ : MEXICO , San Luis Potosí State : 6 ♂ 2 ♀, Huichihuayan, route 85, km 399 {21°28' N, 98°58'3'' W, 100 m }, 7 viii 1966 , O.S. Flint, Jr. leg. [USNM]; 1 ♂ , same data but [RWG] ; 8 ♂, Huichihuayan, S of Valles, km 410, San Brown Hacienda, 25–27 ix 1938 , L.J. Lipovsky leg. [UMMZ]; 1 ♀ , Huehuetlán , about 9 mi N of Matlapa on highway 85 { 21°26' N , 98°54' W }, 11 iv 1963 , R.L. Pyke leg. [ FSCA ]; Tabasco State : 1 ♂ , Teapa { 17°33' N , 92°57' W }, H.H. Smith leg. [ UMMZ ]; Veracruz State : 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , Presidio , 40 km SE of Cordoba { 19°5' N , 96°58' W , 1,599 m } O.S. Flint & M.A. Ortiz leg. [ USNM ] ; 1 ♂ , stream 4.3 mi E of Cordoba , by highway 150 { 18 53' N , 96 50' W }, 13 viii 1965 , D.R. Paulson leg. [ UMMZ ] ; 1 ♂ , same data but [ FSCA ] ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , Laguna Azul , Emilia, and Arroyo de Laguna Escondida near Los Tuxtlas Biological Station , 27 viii 1988 , S.W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA ] ; 7 ♂ 5 ♀ , vicinity of Lagunas Azul and Emilia , Los Tuxtlas Biological Station , about 30 km NE of Catemaco ( 18°25'12'' N , 95°6'36'' W , 600 m ), 7–14 1982 , R.W. Garrison leg. [RWG] ; 2 ♂ 1 ♀ , same data but [ FSCA ] ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , same data but [ CSCA ] ; 2 ♂ , same data but [ UMMZ ]; Chiapas State : 3 ♂ 3 ♀ , Cascada Mizolja , km 47, Palenque-Ocotzingo Road , 20 km S of Palenque ( 17°20'3'' N , 91°58'37'' W , 260 m ), 25 ix 1983 , R.W. Garrison leg. [RWG] ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , same data but [ FSCA ]. BELIZE , Cayo Dist. : 1 ♂ , medium stream 20.2 mi SE of Belmopan on Hummingbird highway, 27 iii 1986 , S.W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA ] ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (in tandem), river and small tributary, just east of Roaring Creek at W highway ( 17°15' N , 88°47' W }, 27 iii 1986 , S.W. Dunkle leg. [RWG]; 2 ♂ 2 ♀ , Río Frío at Cave , 1 mile W of Augustine , small forest stream in hardwoods { 16°58' N , 89°0' W , 460 m }, 23 iii 1986 , S.W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA ]; 1 ♂ , stream on W highway at Unitedville School, 30 v 1993 , S.W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA ]; Toledo Dist. : 4 ♂ 1 ♀ , Blue Creek Village along Blue Creek ( 16°11'52'' N , 89°2'32'' W , 42 m ), 7–8 i 1989 , N.E. Adams leg. [ USNM ]. GUATEMALA , Zacapa Dept. : 2 ♂ 1 ♀, Los Amates, along a small wetweather stream in woods {15°16' N, 89°6' W}, 21 vi 1909 , E.B. Williamson leg. [UMMZ]; 1 ♂ , same data but [ USNM ] ; 1 ♂ , same data but [ FSCA ]. NICARAGUA , Río San Juan Dept .: 1 ♂ , San Juan River , Refugio Bartola ( 10°58'12'' N , 84°20'24'' W , 30 m ), 4 v 2001 , G. Grether leg. [RWG]. COSTA RICA , Heredia Prov. : 2 ♂, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, La Selva Biological Station, stream in primary forest and grassy area (10°28' N, 84°1' W, 60 m ), 25 viii 1988 , C. Esquivel H. leg. [FSCA]; 1 ♂ , Finca La Selva ( 10°26'59'' N , 84°3'52'' W , 37 m ), 25 xi 1986 , T.C. Emmel leg. [ FSCA ] ; 1 ♂ , Sarapiquí , small flood plain pool at small clear water river 9.7 km SE of Puerto Viejo { 10°22' N , 83°55' W }, 2 iii 1987 , S.W. Dunkle leg. [ FSCA ] ; 1 ♂ , La Horqueta , ditch at road ( 10°20'22'' N , 83°57'27'' W , 78 m ), 27 v 2013 , N. von Ellenrieder & R.W. Garrison leg. [RWG]; Limón Prov. : 1 ♂ , La Lola , 28.3 mi W of Limón , 22 vii 1963 , F.G. Thompson leg. [ FSCA ]. Characterization. Male: Epicranium black with an orange spot along anterior margin of postfrons, black stripes on thorax, dorsum of S1, distal portion of S3, and S4–10; pale colors red to orange, and yellow ventrally ( Fig. 3 ). Pronotum anterior lobe black with medial and lateral orange spots, middle lobe with dorsum orange, and posterior lobe entirely orange. Mesepisternum orange with middorsal carina black and a narrow black stripe along distal 1/4 of mesepisternal-mesepimeral suture; mesepimeron orange anteriorly and black posteriorly; metepisternum orange with black along posterior margin; metepimeron entirely pale orange to yellow. Leg yellow with tips of femur, tibia, and tarsi narrowly brown to black, femur and tibia usually with two diffuse brownish rings sub-basally and subapically; tibial spurs shorter than twice intervening spaces. Genital ligula lacking lateral lobes and with a slightly concave distal margin, with lateral margins of distal segment spiculate and laterodistal corners not projected ventrally ( Fig. 73 ). Cercus shorter than S10 length, slightly shorter than paraproct, about as long as wide, with a depression on external dorsolateral surface and a longitudinal split along ventrodistal portion, dorsal margin with a distal concavity and ventral margin slightly convex in lateral view ( Fig. 99a ), with medial surface concave and with a small blunt ventrobasal tooth and two apical pointed dorsal teeth, one on distal margin and one on medial surface, visible in dorsal and mediodorsal views ( Figs. 99b, c ). Paraproct shorter than S10 length, at midlength narrowing to half its basal width and ending in a triangular tip ( Fig. 99 ). TL 35.5–40; Hw 17–18. Female: As male but middle lobe of pronotum with orange restricted to a lateral band; black stripe extending along distal 3/4 of mesepisternal-mesepimeral suture, and all abdominal segments black dorsally; pale lateral area of S9 extended medially to about 2/3 of segment height. Middle lobe of pronotum lacking pronounced lateral depressions; posterior lobe entire, with sides straight converging to a smoothly convex tip, directed dorsally. Mesostigmal plate approximately triangular with a central concavity, anterior margin carinate and sinuous, and posteromedial corner contiguous with a carina extending midway to middorsal carina, surrounding a depression on mesepisternum ( Fig. 49 ). TL 36–38; Hw 19.5–22. Diagnosis. Among the species with male paraproct no longer than S10 length, P. aurantiaca shares male cercus that is approximately quadrangular, about as long as wide, with a ventrodistal longitudinal split and depression on external dorsolateral surface, concave medial surface, and two short apical teeth in dorsal view ( Figs. 98 ; 99; 105; 115); and genital ligula distal segment with lateral margins spiculate ( Figs. 72 ; 73; 79; 89) only with P. amatoria , P. cupida , and P. sulfurata . It is diagnosed from P. amatoria under that species, and it can be differentiated from the other two species by its orange color ( Fig. 3 ; pale blue in P. cupida and bright yellow in P. sulfurata , Figs. 9 ; 19). The carinate and sinuous anterior margin of female mesostigmal plate ( Fig. 49 ) is unique within the genus. Habitat and biology. Adults found along small wet-weather stream in woods in Guatemala ( Williamson 1915 ), and in Belize ( Measey 1994 ) along fast-flowing rivers and streams surrounded by forest, open to shady, and at a trickle in a swamp. Larvae were found among shoreline aquatic vegetation at a small clear pond and in small pools of a rocky shaded stream running through high-elevation perennial forest ( Novelo-Gutiérrez 1994 ). González-Soriano (2001) observed small aggregations of males hovering at 3–4 m above ground level near the edge of a small stream in Mexico . Distribution. Mexico and Belize south to Nicaragua and Costa Rica ( Fig. 122 ), and possibly Panama (dubious type locality). Assessed as Least Concern by IUCN ( Paulson 2009b ).