The centipedes (Chilopoda) of Corsica: catalogue of species with faunistic, zoogeographical and ecological remarks Author Zapparoli, Marzio Author Iorio, Etienne text International Journal of Myriapodology 2012 7 15 68 journal article 1875-2543-7-15 CC27B4BD-EB24-46CA-A6B9-469F5ECF7660 6. Lithobius (Lithobius) castaneus Newport, 1844 Lithobius castaneus Newport: Leger and Duboscq 1903 : 309. (1) Lithobius castaneus Newp.: Verhoeff 1925a : 656. (2) Lithobius castaneus : Broelemann 1926 : 231. (3) Lithobius castaneus Newp.: Verhoeff 1926 : 271. (4) Lithobius castaneus Newport, 1844: Broelemann 1930 : 311, figs 439-441. (5) Lithobius castaneus remyi Verhoeff 1943 : 15, fig. 19. (6) Lithobius castaneus Newp.: Attems 1949 : 114. (7) Lithobius castaneus remyi Verh.: Manfredi 1956 : 292. (8) Lithobius (Lithobius) castaneus Newport, 1844: Minelli 1978 : 154. (9) Lithobius castaneus Newport, 1844: Demange 1981 : 256. (10) Lithobius castaneus Newport, 1844: Foddai et al. 1996 : 360, Tab. I. (11) Lithobius (Lithobius) castaneus Newport, 1844: Geoffroy and Iorio 2009 : 675. (12) Lithobius (Lithobius) castaneus Newport, 1844: Iorio 2010b : 42, 75, 95, fig. 61. (13) Literature records. General. Sardinia-Corsica (9). Corsica (2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13). Epigeic. Corse-du-Sud, 2A - Bastelica, Val d'Ese , 1671 m, Fagus sylvatica (13) [III]. Between Bastelica and Mount Renoso, 1200 m, Quercetum (13) [II]. Piana, Aitone forest (4) [II]. Haute-Corse, 2B - Corte (1) [I]. Valdoniella [= Valdu Niellu], 1000-1100 m (6, loc. typ. of Lithobius castaneus remyi Verhoeff, 1943) [III]. Vivario, 600 m (13) [I]. Vizzavona (1) [III]. Cave. Haute-Corse, 2B - [Castiglione], cave of [A] Leccia Torta, [670 m] (8) [I]. Material examined. Epigeic. Corse-du-Sud, 2A - Evisa, falls of Aitone, Pinus laricio wood, 900 m: 17.IV.2004, MZ, 2 ♂♂, 1 imm. MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Evisa, falls of Aitone, 1000 m: 3.VIII.1997, MZ, 1 ex MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Haute-Corse, 2B - Asco River valley, 1000 m: 6.VIII.1997, MZ, 1 ♀ imm. MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Col de Vergiu, eastern slope, 1150 m: 15.IV.2004, MZ, 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ MZ det. (CMZ) [III]. Corte, Restonica Valley, Pinus laricio wood,950-1000 m: 15.IV.2004, MZ, 6 ♂♂, 5 ♂♂ imm., 2 ♀♀, 3 ♀♀ imm. MZ det. (CMZ) [II]. Mount Rotondo, NW slope, Vallone loc. Rinoso, 1800-2200 m: 26.VII.1982, AVT, 2 exx MZ det. (CMZ) [IV]. Olmi-Cappella, near the cemetery: 20.XI.2010, JR-JML, 1 ♂ EI det. (CEI) [II]. Vizzavona, Fagus sylvatica wood, 1600 m: 2.IV.1991, RA, 1 ex MZ det. (CMZ) [III]. Vizzavona: VII.1915, EB, 9 exx MZ det. (CMZ) [III]. Cave. Haute-Corse, 2B - Castiglione, cave of A Leccia Torta, [670 m]: 2010, JR-JML, 1 ♂ EI det. (CEI) [I]. General distribution. Europe: Austria (south), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France (Pyrenees, Alpes Maritimes, Corsica), Italy (mainland, Sicily, Sardinia), Malta, Portugal (mainland), Serbia, Slovenia, Spain (mainland); records from Bulgaria require confirmation; North Africa: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia; Central America: Guatemala (introduced, established?). Chorotype. S-European. Ecological notes. 600-2200 m, inferior altitudinal limit probably lower; woodland species recorded from localities in all vegetation belts except the Alpine, in Pinus laricio woods (2 sites), Fagus sylvatica woods (2 sites) and in Quercus woods (1 site); also in caves (1 record). See Remy (1950) , Manfredi (1956) , Iorio (2010b) . Remarks. To this species refers the generic quotation of "Chilopodes" published in Remy (1950 : 26) from the cave of A Leccia Torta (collection date 1948) later published as Lithobius castaneus remyi by Manfredi (1956) .