Additional Characters In Perlesta Baumanni Stark (Plecoptera: Perlidae), With Notes On Other Ouachita Mountain Species Author Stark, Bill P. text Illiesia 2007 2007-06-26 3 5 43 45 journal article 47f88e07-b6c5-43b7-aa51-48606a82d9c9 1854-0392 4758693 Perlesta baumanni Stark, 1989 Perlesta baumanni Stark, 1989:276 . Holotype ( United States National Museum ), Mill Creek , near Y‐ City , Scott Co. , Arkansas Perlesta baumanni : Poulton & Stewart, 1991:39 Perlesta baumanni : Stark, 2004:90 3 4 Figs. 1‐4. Perlesta baumanni . 1. Head and pronotal color pattern; 2. Male tergum 10; 3. Aedeagus, dorsal aspect; 4. Aedeagus, lateral aspect. Material examined. Arkansas : Scott Co. , Tan‐ a‐ hill Creek , Y‐ City , 13 May 2007 , B. Stark , 1 ♂ . Oklahoma : Latimer Co. , Turkey Creek , Hwy 270 east of Red Oak , 12 May 2007 , B. Stark , 7 ♂ . LeFlore Co. , Hodge Creek , Holsom Creek Road , 2 miles west of Hwy 270, 13 May 2007 , B. Stark , 10 ♂ , 5 ♀ . Adult habitus. Color pattern.‐ The head is darkly pigmented, particularly on the area forward of the epicranial suture ( Fig.1 ); the black suture line extends laterally beyond the ocelli about midway to the eye. Dark pigment extends laterally in front of the eye to the margins of the head, but an obscure pale spot interrupts the dark pigment anterolaterad to the ocelli. Forward of the M‐ line a dark median area is surrounded by pale pigment. The pronotum is dark brown with darker rugosities and black sutures. Abdominal terga 6‐10 are dark, with tergum 10 very dark over most of the surface ( Fig. 2 ); abdominal sterna 8‐10 are dark brown to black. Apical cercal segments are black, but several segments at midlength are banded with dark apices and pale basal bands. Male aedeagus. Aedeagal tube + sac long and slender, caecum very small ( Figs. 3‐4 ). Dorsal patch broad basally, covering entire surface, but patch narrows gradually to a point on the caecum from near midlength. Lateral sclerites slender and projecting forward beyond base of dorsal patch.