Catalog of type specimens of invertebrates in the collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil. VI. Hexapoda: Hemiptera: Heteroptera Author Rodrigues, Higor D. D. Author Ferreira-Keppler, Ruth L. text Zootaxa 2013 3716 2 192 206 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3716.2.4 f637bad6-19bb-4047-88d7-569042908ce1 1175-5326 218945 F6C0FE2C-8D6F-48C8-8A0E-C28A6650F76D Limnocoris Stål, 1860 bachmanni De Carlo, 1967: 198 , fig. 11. Paratypes : 1 macropterous male (Hemip003), 1 macropterous female (Hemip002), pinned; Brazil , Pará, Belém, Igarapé Benfica, Sa875, 13 .XII.1960, W. Sattler coll. Remarks: Junior synonym of Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967 (Nieser & Lopez-Ruf, 2001: 320) . birabeni De Carlo, 1967: 193, fig. 16. Paratype : 1 macropterous male (Hemip004), pinned; Brazil , Pará, Rio Arapiuns, Igarapé Curi, S279b, 20.XI.1952 , H. Sioli coll. Remarks: Nieser & Lopez-Ruf (2001) revised a part of the species of Limnocoris , and indicate that the holotype of this species is deposited in the ZSMC. bruchi De Carlo, 1967: 194, fig. 15. Paratypes : 3 macropterous males (Hemip005, 007–008), 1 macropterous female (Hemip006), pinned; Brazil , Amazonas, Rio São Manoel, S36, 06 .V.1941, H. Sioli col. Remarks: Altogether, there are two male paratypes in the original description, although in the INPA has three male paratypes . Nieser & Lopez-Ruf (2001) revised a part of the species of Limnocoris , and indicate that the holotype of this species is deposited in the ZSMC. burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967: 197 , fig. 13. Paratypes : 1 macropterous male (Hemip010), 1 macropterous female (Hemip009), pinned; Brazil , Amazonas, Rio Negro, Igarapé Jandiá, S266b, 19.IX.1952 , H. Sioli coll. Remarks: As Nieser & Lopez-Ruf (2001) commented (page 320), this species is considered a senior synonym of Limnocoris bachmanni De Carlo, 1967 because of page priority. fittkaui De Carlo, 1967: 195, fig. 14. Paratypes : 2 macropterous males (Hemip013–014) and 1 macropterous female (Hemip011), pinned; Brazil , Amazonas, Rio Cuieiras, Igarapé Cachoeira, A425–1, 26 .XI.1962, E.J. Fittkau coll. 1 macropterous female (Hemip012), same data, except A428–3, 27 .XI.1962. Remarks: Nieser & Lopez-Ruf (2001) revised a part of the species of Limnocoris , and indicate that the holotype of this species is deposited in the ZSMC. illiesi De Carlo, 1967: 192, fig. 7. Paratype : 1 brachypterous male (Hemip015), pinned; Brazil , Amazonas, Rio Marauia, A501, 28 .I.1963, E.J. Fittkau coll. Remarks: Nieser & Lopez-Ruf (2001) revised a part of the species of Limnocoris , and indicate that the holotype of this species is deposited in the ZSMC. Notonectidae Latreille, 1802 Buenoa Kirkaldy, 1904 dilaticrus Barbosa, Nessimian & Ferreira-Keppler, 2010: 50, figs. 1–5. Holotype : macropterous male (Hemip178), alcohol; Brazil , Amazonas, Barcelos, Serra do Aracá, Igarapé da Anta, 1116 m ( 00,90844ºN / 63,44009ºW ), 31.VII.2009 , N. Ferreira Jr. coll. Paratypes : 1 macropterous male (Hemip178P1), 1 macropterous female (Hemip178P2), same data of holotype ; 1 macropterous male (Hemip178P3), same data of holotype , except Igarapé, 1110 m ( 00.90612ºN / 63.45923ºW ), 01.VIII.2009 . 1 macropterous male (Hemip178P4), alcohol; Brazil , Roraima, Alto Alegre, Serra dos Surucucus, Rio Talemu-u baixo, 01.XII.1991 , V. Py-Daniel & U.C. Barbosa colls. exilidens Barbosa, Nessimian & Ferreira-Keppler, 2010: 52, figs. 6–8. Holotype : macropterous male (Hemip179), alcohol; Brazil , Amazonas, Barcelos, Serra do Aracá, base, Igarapé da Anta, 152 m ( 00.87913ºN / 63.45395ºW ), 03.VIII.2009 , U.G. Neiss coll. Paratype : 1 macropterous male (Hemip179P1); same data of holotype . Martarega White, 1879 nieseri Barbosa, Ribeiro & Nessimian, 2012: 1034, figs. 2A–E, 13A. Holotype : brachypterous male (Hemip180), alcohol; Brazil , Amazonas, Barcelos, Comunidade de Samauma, Igarapé Samauma, kinon (19#), alt. 49m ( 0.00133ºN / 62.82436ºW ), 09.VIII.2009 , N. Ferreira-Jr. coll. Paratypes : 2 brachypterous females (Hemip180P1–P2), same data of holotype . 6 brachypterous males (Hemip180P3–P8), 3 brachypterous females (Hemip180P9–P11), alcohol; Brazil , Amazonas, Barcelos, Serra do Aracá, Igarapé Tabocall, 32m ( 0.00813ºN / 62.81941ºW ), 08.VII.2009 , J.L. Nessimian, U.G. Neiss, J. O . Silva, A.P.M. Santos, F.F. Salles & N. Ferreira-Jr. colls. 5 brachypterous female (Hemip180P12–P16), alcohol; Brazil , Amazonas, Barcelos, Igarapé Cuieiras, #05 ( 0.44660ºN / 63.26163ºW ), 27.VII.2009 , N. Hamada, C.A.S. Azevedo & A.M. O . Pes colls. 1 brachypterous male (Hemip180P17), alcohol; Brazil , Amazonas, limite entre os municípios de Barcelos e Novo Airão, Parque Nacional do Jaú, Rio Carabinani ( 1.99ºS / 61.52ºW ), 28.VI.1994 , L. Aquino coll. oriximinaensis Barbosa, Nessimian & Ferreira-Keppler, 2010: 60, figs. 1–9. Holotype : brachypterous male (Hemip177), alcohol; Brazil , Pará, Oriximiná, Cachoeira Porteira, alto Rio Trombetas, margem direita ( 1.765ºS / 55.866ºW ), 12.III.1996 , U.C. Barbosa coll. Paratypes : 3 brachypterous males (Hemip177P1–P3), 6 brachypterous females (Hemip177P4–P9), same data of holotype . pydanieli Barbosa, Ribeiro & Nessimian, 2012: 1037, figs. 3A–D, 13A. Holotype : brachypterous male (Hemip181), alcohol; Brazil , Rondônia, Ariquemes, Rio Jamari, Igarapé Bom Futuro ( 10.133ºS / 63.200ºW ), 30.VII.1985 , V. Py-Daniel & L.S. Aquino colls. Infraorder Pentatomomorpha Leston, Pendergrast & Southwood, 1954 Coreidae Leach, 1815 Althos Kirkaldy, 1904 terminalis Brailovsky, 1990: 76 , figs. 13–15, 67–68, 85–86, 106, 124, 239. Paratype : 1 male (Hemipt110), pinned; Brazil , Minas Gerais, Serra do Caraça, 1380 m , XI.1961 , Kloss, Lenko, Martins & Silva colls. Remarks: In the original description, the author mentions the Serra do Caraça belonging to the state of Mato Grosso (central-west Brazil ), but it belongs actually to Minas Gerais (southeastern Brazil ), in the municipalities of Santa Barbara and Catas Altas. Cebrenis Stål, 1862 chapadana Brailovsky, 1995: 52 , figs. 18–19, 50–51, 97–98, 121, 159. Paratypes : 1 female (Hemipt108P1), 1 male (Hemipt108P2), pinned; Brazil , Goiás, Jataí, Fazenda Cachoeirinha, X.1962 , no collector. 1 female (Hemipt108P3), 2 males (Hemipt108P4–P5), glued to a pinned paper; Brazil , Tocantins, Dianópolis, 16–22.I.1962 , J. Bechyné coll. Remarks: The state of Tocantins and Goiás, were once a single state in the past. Thus, in the original description, Dianópolis Municipality was included as Goiás, but actually is in the state of Tocantins. gibbosa Brailovsky, 1995: 38 , figs. 85–86, 169. Paratype : 1 male (Hemipt112), pinned; Brazil , Roraima, Ilha de Maracá, Rio Uraricoera, 21–30.XI.1987 , J.A. Albertino et al . colls. Cnemomis Stål, 1860 fasciata Brailovsky & Barrera, 1986: 127 , figs. 6, 12, 28–29, 37. Holotype : male (Hemipt106), pinned; Brazil , Rondônia, 2775, 03 .VIII.1966, Eduardo coll. Paratype : 1 female (Hemipt106P1), pinned; same data of holotype . nodulosa Brailovsky & Barrera, 1986: 124 , figs. 3, 10, 16, 22–23, 31. Paratype : 1 male (Hemipt109), pinned; Brazil , Goiás, Jataí, I.1955 , no collector. Dalmatomammurius Brailovsky, 1982 sobrius Brailovsky, 1990: 349 , figs. 6, 10, 18–19, 30. Paratypes : 2 males (Hemipt099P1–P2), pinned; Brazil , Pará, Oriximiná, 19.IX.1965 , Expedition D.Z. Goeldi coll. vegetus Brailovsky, 1990: 350 , figs. 2, 11, 20–21, 24, 29. Paratypes : 2 females (Hemipt100P1–P2), pinned; Brazil , Amazonas, Lago Amanã, light, 10.IX.1979 , R. Best coll. Himellastella Brailovsky & Barrera, 1998 conica Brailovsky & Barrera, 1998: 750, figs. 1–10. Paratype : 1 male (Hemipt107), pinned; Brazil , Amazonas, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, V.1968 , 3049, E.V. Silva & A. Faustino colls.