New taxa and new records of Oemini Lacordaire, 1868 and Ectenessini Martins, 1998 from French Guiana (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) Author Dalens, Pierre-Henri Author Touroult, Julien text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-04-25 2014 359 1 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5179167 1942-1354 5179167 828F7166-9E64-4DD9-BD69-1515D461A170 Sphagoeme premarginata sp. nov. ( Figures 1–2 ) Type material. Holotype female, French Guiana : Piste de Kaw pk 38 (nº1430 from IRD collection; light trapping), 20.VIII.1995 , E. Giesbert leg. ( MNHN ) . Allotype male, French Guiana : Saül ( Montagne Pelée ; light trap ), 09.IX.2010 , SEAG leg . ( PHDC ). Paratypes- French Guiana : Roura ( Montagne des Chevaux ; Lumivie ®), male, 10.VIII.2013 , SEAG leg . ( PHDC ); ( Lumivie ®), male, 24.VIII.2013 , SEAG leg . ( PHDC ); ( automatic solar trap ), female, 07.IX.2013 , SEAG leg . ( PHDC ) . Diagnosis . This new species belongs to the group I ( sahlbergi ) according to Martins’ key (1997). It can be distinguished by the “U” shape elytral pattern, and the well-marked median lateral tubercle of the pronotum, without lateral tubercle at anterior part. Description. Female ( Fig. 1 ). General aspect testaceous with brown parts: palpi, apex of mandibles, most part of antennomeres II-IV, IX-XI, apex of VIII, “U” shaped mark and apex of elytra, apical quarter of femora and apical part of each tarsomere. Head nearly glabrous, with few setae on anterior part of frons; integument microsculptured with sparse punctures; maxillary palpi slightly longer than labial ones; labium short; clypeus transverse; submentum with sparse setae; gula smooth; frons depressed and transverse, with frontoclypeal suture straight, frontal suture deep, coronal suture visible towards upper interocular space; antennal tubercles barely prominent; upper ocular lobes with 4 rows of ommatidia; dorsal interocular space about 3.5 times wider than one upper lobe; antennae surpassing elytral apex at antennomere VIII, with sparse setae on inner side, more abundant on antennomeres III to V; scape subcylindrical, slightly enlarged on dorsal side, with sparse punctures; antennomeres with shallower punctuation than scape. Antennal formula reported to scape: I=1.0; II=0.3; III=1.9; IV=1.9; V=2,0; VI=1.8; VII=1.8; VIII=1.5; IX=1.5; X=1.4; XI=1.4. Prothorax subquadrate, with distinct lateral tubercle at middle. Pronotum microscultured; disc with four weak gibbosities, sparse punctures, nearly glabrous. Prosternal process narrow, ending at level of posterior margin of procoxae. Scutellum subquadrate with rounded apex. Elytra elongate, 2.8 times longer than humeral width; sides subparallel, narrowing at apex; apex broadly rounded; integument microsculptured among larger punctures, denser on disc; five longitudinal rows of long erect setae extending from large punctures, converging towards apex. Mesosternal process broad, wider than half of mesocoxa, notched at apex. Metasternum with long golden setae; metasternal suture totally visible. Ventrites with double golden setation: one long, sparse, and another shorter, dense recumbent; first ventrite triangular between metacoxae. Legs long and slender; femora barely flattened, fusiform, prolegs nearly glabrous, mesolegs with few golden semi-erect setae and metalegs with more setae; tibiae straight, increasingly setose towards apex; metatarsomere I equal to II and II together. Male ( Fig. 2 ). Aspect more slender; antennae longer: antennomere VII surpassing elytral apex. Antennal formula reported to scape: I=1.0; II=0.2; III=1.7; IV=1.7; V=1.7; VI=1.6; VII=1.5; VIII=1.4; IX=1.3; X=1.3; XI=1.5. Anterior area of prosternum with dimorphic sexual punctation, not reaching anterior margin and laterally developed to first third. Forelegs elongate. Figures 1–7 . Habitus of Oemini species from French Guiana. 1) Sphagoeme premarginata sp. nov. , female holotype (IRD/MNHN). 2) Sphagoeme premarginata sp. nov. , male, allotype (PHDC). 3) Sphagoeme paraensis Martins, 1977 , female. 4) Atenizus apicalis sp. nov. , male paratype. 5) Atenizus apicalis sp. nov. , female paratype. 6) Atenizus simplex Bates, 1884 , male. 7) Atenizus simplex Bates, 1884 , female. Dimensions . In mm (male/female): total length, 8.8/9.2, humeral width, 2.0/2.2 Etymology. Allusive to the elytral pattern, with the “U” shaped black mark parallel to margins.