Three new species of Baetodes Needham & Murphy (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Colombia Author Salinas, Luis G. Author Dias, Lucimar G. Author Salles, Frederico F. Author Bacca, Tito text Zootaxa 2011 3110 61 68 journal article 45903 10.5281/zenodo.207411 1f0c302d-162e-4fd5-881d-ee1c47c451b8 1175-5326 207411 Baetodes diasae Salinas , sp. nov ( Figs 11–21 ) Nymph. Length of body: 5.0 mm; cerci: 5.4 mm ; terminal filament: 0.60 mm ; antennae 1.3 mm . Head . Colour yellowish; area between lateral ocelli and compound eyes brown. Antennae brown. Mouthparts . Labrum. Semicircular, expanded laterally ( Fig. 12 ), length about 0.45× maximum width; distal margin with slight medial emargination; lateral margin with one row of long, fine and simple setae; medial setae short; dorsally with one subapical row of 3+13 long setae of subequal length. Left mandible ( Fig. 13 ): outer margin almost convex; incisors fused, inner and outer set of incisors with seven denticles; prostheca robust; margin between prostheca and mola straight, without tuft of setae; tuft of spine-like setae at apex and base of mola absent; denticles of mola slightly separated; basal half with short, fine, simple setae scattered over dorsal surface. Right mandible ( Fig. 14 ): outer margin almost convex; incisors fused; inner and outer set of incisors with seven denticles; prostheca reduced to one spine-like seta; margin between prostheca and mola straight; denticles of mola fused; tuft of setae at apex of mola present, reduced to one small seta; basal half with short, fine, simple setae scattered over dorsal surface. Maxilla ( Fig. 15 ): crown of galea-lacinia with four denticles; inner-dorsal row of setae on inner margin of maxilla with non pectinate dentisetae; medial protuberance of galea-lacinia with four spine-like setae; palp subequal in length to galea-lacinia, segment II subequal in length to segment I. Hypopharynx ( Fig. 16 ): lingua with distal margin rounded and subequal in length to superlingua; spine-like setae present in lingua; superlingua not expanded; short, fine, simple setae scattered over distal margin of lingua and superlingua. Labium ( Fig. 21 ): g lossa robust and subequal to paraglossa, inner margin with spine-like setae, apex with long spine-like and two pectinate setae of same length, outer margin bare, ventral surface bare; paraglossa subrectangular, apex curved, truncated, with three rows of setae, the first nonpectinate, the others apically pectinate and ventrally bare; palp: segment subequal in length to segments II and III combined, segment I bare and with micropores, segment II without distomedial protuberance, inner and outer margin bare or with few simple setae, segment III rounded, length 2× width, covered with spine-like and fine, simple setae. Thorax. Light brown. Pronotum with darks band in submedian region. Mesonotum brownish. Pleura and sternum reddish. Pronotum without elevation. Mesonotum without tubercle. Metanotum with tubercle subequal in length to first abdominal tubercle. Legs ( Figs. 19–20 ) light brown; white bands on medial part of the femur. Forefemur : length about 4× maximum width; dorsally with one row short, fine and simple setae alternating with 7–8 short and pointed clavate setae ( Fig. 20 ); ventrally with one row of fine simple setae and one row of spine-like setae. Tibia : dorsally with one row of short, fine, simple setae; ventrally with one row of short, fine, simple spine-like setae; posterior surface with one row of fine and simple setae. Tarsus dorsally with short, fine, simple setae; ventrally with one row of short spine-like setae; tarsal claw ( Fig. 18 ) with one row of 6–7 denticles increasing in size distally. Coxal gills : one on each coxa and with one basal projection ( Fig. 17 ). FIGURE 11. Baetodes diasae sp. nov. Lateral view of abdomen. FIGURES 12–21. Baetodes diasae sp. nov. (12) labrum; (13) left mandible; (14) right mandible; (15) maxilla; (16) hypopharynx; (17) coxal gill; (18) tarsal claw; (19) foreleg; (20) forefemora, detail of dorsal margin; (21) labium. Abdomen. Colour yellowish with brown bands. Abdominal tubercles : pointed and directed posteriorly on segments I–IX ( Fig. 11 Terga I–IX with a dark brown medial band and with one brown lateral band. Sterna light yellow. Caudal filaments light brown. Adults : unknown. Diagnosis. Baetodes diasae sp. nov. can be distinguished from the other known species of the genus by the following combination of characteristics: 1 ) dorsal surface of labrum with one subapical row of 3+13 long setae of subequal length ( Fig. 12 ); 2) apex of glossa with two pectinate setae ( Fig. 21 ); 3) coxal gills simple with basal projection ( Fig. 17 ); 4) dorsal edge of femora with one row of short, fine and simple setae alternating with 7–8 short and pointed clavate setae ( Fig. 20 ); 5) tarsal claws ( Fig. 18 ) with one row of 6–7 denticles increasing in size distally; 6) abdominal tubercles pointed and directed posteriorly ( Fig. 11 ). Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Lucimar Gomes Dias in recognition of her contribution as the advisor of Luis Salinas in Ephemeroptera studies. Material examined. Holotype . Colombia , Nariño, Pasto, Quebrada Santa Marta , in 24.IX.2006 . Dias, L.G; Bacca,T, Castillo, G; Rodriguez, M. cols. Paratype . 24 nymphs collected, same data and locality as holotype . Holotype and 2 nymphal paratypes deposited in CEBUC , 2 nymphal paratypes in MEUV , 2 nymphal paratypes in CEU- NES, 2 nymphal paratypes and remaining material in PSO. Discussion. Others six species of Baetodes possesses coxal gills simple ( B. peniculus Mayo, 1973 ; B. uruguay Nieto, 2004 ; B. santatereza Salles & Polegatto, 2008 ; B. liviae Salles & Polegatto, 2008 ; B. edmundsi Koss, 1972 and B. noventus Cohen & Allen, 1972 ), however B. diasae sp.nov differs from these species because it is the only species in the genus that has coxal gills with one basal projection.