African Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae): redescriptions of C. africana Kingsley, 1882, C. togoensis Hilgendorf, 1893, C. natalensis Bouvier, 1925 and C. roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 with descriptions of 14 new species Author Jasmine Richard Author Paul F. Clark text Zootaxa 2009 2009-02-04 1995 1 75 journal article 29144 10.5281/zenodo.1455866 3f0364f8-ad91-4eff-932a-523ab28ee21d 1455866 Caridina roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 comb. nov. ( Figs. 9 , 10 ) Caridina africana var. roubaudi Bouvier 1925 : 217 , fig. 477. Material examined. Syntypes : Congo Brazzaville, E. Roubaud and Weiss 15.6.1907 , MNHN Na 627, 10♂, 23♀ ovig., 46♀ (mostly damaged). The ovig. specimen with a rostral formula of (3) 14/3 is selected here as the lectotype ; the remainder are paralectotypes . Description. Total length : 11–20 mm . Carapace length : 3.5–5 mm . Rostrum ( Fig. 9a, b, c ): usually extending to middle of third segment of antennular peduncle or shorter, rarely extending to end of antennular peduncle. 1.5–2.9 mm in length. 0.4–0.5 × long as carapace. 12–17 (mostly 12–14) teeth on dorsal margin arranged up to tip. 2–4 (mostly 3) post-orbital teeth. 1–7 (mostly 1–4) teeth on ventral margin leaving short distal end unarmed. Tip pointed. Formula (2–4) 12–17/1–7 mostly (3) 12–14/1–4. Antennular peduncle ( Fig. 9d ): 0.4–0.6 × carapace. Stylocerite 0.8–1.0 × length of basal segment. Anterolateral teeth of basal segment 0.3–0.6 × second segment. 5–10 segments bearing aesthetascs. First pereiopod ( Fig. 10a ): dactylus 0.9–1.2 × palm of propodus. Chela 2.0–2.5 × long as broad. Carpus1.6–2 × long as broad, anterior excavation deep. Second pereiopod ( Fig. 10b ): long and slender. Dactylus 1.1–1.4 × long as palm of propodus. Chela 2.3–2.9 × long as broad. Carpus 3.4–4 × long as broad. Bristle-like setae arranged at tip of chelae of first and second pereiopods. Third pereiopod ( Fig. 10c, d ): dactylus 3.0–3.5 × long as broad. 5–9 spines on dactylus (including terminal spines), mostly 6–7. Propodus 4.0–4.8 × long as dactylus and 9–11 × long as broad with 15–20 spines arranged along inner margin. Carpus 0.5–0.6 × long as propodus, with minute spines on inner margin. Merus 1.8–2.0 × carpus length. Merus with 4–5 large spines on posterior margin. Fifth pereiopod ( Fig. 10e, f ): dactylus 4–5 × long as broad with 40–50 spines arranged in comb-like fashion on inner margin. Propodus 12–13 × long as broad and 3–4 × long as dactylus with 12–16 spines arranged along posterior margin. Carpus 0.4–0.6 × propodus length and with minute spines along inner margin. Merus 1.5–1.7 × carpus length, with 3 large spines at posterior margin. FIGURE 9. Caridina roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 comb. nov. , MNHN Na 627, ♀ ovig.: a) Entire; b) Anterior region of cephalothorax. ♀: c) Anterior region of cephalothorax; d) Antennular peduncle. FIGURE 10. Caridina roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 comb. nov. , MNHN Na 627, ♀: a) First pereiopod; b) Second pereiopod; c) Third pereiopod; d) Dactylus of third pereiopod; e) Fifth pereiopod; f) Dactylus of fifth pereiopod. ♂: g) First pleopod; h) Endopod of first pleopod. ♀ovig.: i) First pleopod; j) Eggs. ♂: k) Second pleopod; l) appendix masculina; m) Telson; n) Posterior margin of telson; o) Uropod; p) Uropod diaeresis spinules; q) Preanal carina. Setobranchs : 1 on all pereiopods. First male pleopod ( Fig. 10g , h ): endopod 0.4–0.5 × exopod length, appendix interna absent, several setae arranged along margin. First female pleopod ( Fig. 10i ): endopod 0.7–0.9 × long as exopod. Eggs ( Fig. 10j ): 12–16, 1.1–1.3 × 0.7–0.8 mm in size. Second male pleopod ( Fig. 10k, l ): Appendix masculina 1.3–1.5 × appendix interna and 0.4–0.5 × endopod. Sixth abdominal somite : 0.35–0.5 × long as carapace. Telson ( Fig. 10m , n ): broad, 1.0–1.2 × long as sixth abdominal somite. Dorsal spines 3–6 pairs (including sub terminal spine). 1 pair of plain lateral spines and 4–5 pairs or 7or 9 stalked densely plumose setae present at rounded posterior margin. Uropod ( Fig.10o, p ): 12–18 (mostly 12–14) diaeresis spinules. Preanal carina ( Fig. 10q ): rounded with fine setae along margin, unarmed. Remarks. Bouvier (1925) described Caridina africana var. roubaudi from Brazzaville, Republic of Congo . The type specimens of this species were examined and found to be distinct from C. africana Kingsley (1882) as well as from C. togoensis Hilgendorf (1893) by following characters. The smaller size of the adults ( 11–20 mm ); shorter rostrum, usually shorter than the antennular peduncle, rarely equal to the antennular peduncle; 12–17 (mostly 12–14) teeth on the dorsal margin of rostrum always arranged to the tip; 1–7 (mostly 1–4) teeth are arranged on the vental margin with an unarmed distal end; stylocerite is 0.8–1.0 of the first segment and the anterolateral tooth 0.3–0.6 × the second antennular peduncle segment; the endopod of the first pleopod of male is 0.4–0.5 × the exopod; the number of uropod diaeresis spinules is 12–18, but mostly 12–14; 12– 16 eggs of 1.1–1.3 × 0.7–0.8 mm size. Consequently, Caridina africana var. roubaudi ( Bouvier, 1925 ) is here given species status.