A List of the Recent Clam Shrimps (Crustacea: Laevicaudata, Spinicaudata, Cyclestherida) of Australia, Including a Description of a New Species of Eocyzicus Author Richter, Stefan Author Timms, Brian V. text Records of the Australian Museum 2005 2005-11-30 57 3 341 354 https://journals.australian.museum/richter-and-timms-2005-rec-aust-mus-573-341354/ journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.57.2005.1454 2201-4349 4685620 Limnadopsis parvispinus Henry, 1924 Limnadopsis parvispinus Henry, 1924: 121 (list), 132 (key), 132– 133, pl. 32, figs. 1–7; Brtek, 1997: 58 (list). Type material examined . 333, 10♀♀ ( AM G5224 , AM G5226 , syntypes ): the three males possess 24–25 pairs of legs, five females 24–26 pairs of legs; the legs of the other five females could not be counted. Although the exact number of pairs of legs is difficult to determine, we conclude that L. parvispinus has no more than 26 pairs of legs. This implies that one important character—”about 30 pairs of legs”—in Henry’s description and in her key is imprecise Distribution . Lake Cowal (Bland district), Mossgiel ( New South Wales ). Additional distribution records in Timms & Richter (2002) : Bloodwood Station and localities near Bloodwood Station ( New South Wales ); Currawinya National Park , Rockwell and Wombah Stations ( Queensland ) . Cyclestheriidae Sars, 1899 Cyclestheriidae Sars, 1899 Valves flattened by circular in profile, clear, and with few (<5) growth lines. Body short, trunk of 16 segments, each with a pair of foliaceous appendages, all similar except for decreasing size posteriorly. Telson sclerified, dorsally adorned with strong spines and with two strong claws. Eyes sessile, fused. The family Cyclestheriidae is monotypic, with Cyclestheria hislopi as the only species. Paracyclestheria sinensis Shen & Dai, 1987 is, according to Olesen et al . (1996) , probably a juvenile of C. hislopi . An overview of the distribution of Cyclestheria hislopi in Australia is given by Timms (1986) .A complete list of references is given by Olesen et al . (1996) . New records from South East Asia including new drawings of the species were provided by Martin et al . (2003) . Consequently, the present list is restricted to the first two descriptions and the Australian records.