Review Of The Nearctic Gallwasp Species Of The Genus Bassettia Ashmead, 1887, With Description Of New Species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) Author Melika, G Author Abrahamson, WG text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2007 2007-05-31 53 2 131 148 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12585553 2064-2474 12585553 Bassettia tenuana WELD , 1921 ( Fig. 5 ) Bassettia tenuana WELD 1921: 232 . Female and gall. Type material examined – Holotype female “Las Vegas N. M.”, red “22581 USNM ” and 1 paratype female with the same labels. Two other females “ Bassettia tenuana, Weld ”, red “ Paratype No. 22581, USNM ”, “15601d”, “710”, “Flagstaff, Ariz. Apr.” designated by L. WELD as paratypes of B. tenuana , belong to a new species, B. weldi . Other material examined – 48 females : 37 with “ L. H. Weld , Collector”, “Hillasboro, N. M.”, “Reared May, 8.22.”, “Hopk. US , 15638a.”; 1 with “Beut. Coll. rec’d 1935”, “710”, “Q. fendleri”, “Cut out, Nov. 11”, “Shoemaker N. M.”; 2 with “Beut. Coll. rec’d 1935”, “Oat. 1921.”, “Las Vegas Hot, Spr. N. M.” (in the USNM ); and 8 females from the AMNH collection, collected also in New Mexico . Diagnosis – Closely related to B. weldi (see Diagnosis for B. weldi ). Biology – Only the asexual generation is known which induces stem galls mainly at the base of young sprouts, with larval cells hidden under the bark on Q. fendleri (= Q. × pauciloba RYDB . (pro sp.) [ gambelii × turbinella ]. Adults emerge in April ( WELD 1921 ). Distribution – USA : New Mexico (Las Vegas).