Two new species of the previously monospecific genus Guipuzcosoma Vicente & Mauriès, 1980 from Spain, with establishment of Guipuzcosomatidae fam. nov. (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida) Author Antić, Dragan University of Belgrade-Faculty of Biology, Institute of Zoology, Studentski Trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia & Serbian Biospeleological Society, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Author Mauriès, Jean-Paul 0000-0002-0575-6937 Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Dpt. Origines & Evolution, Section Arthropodes, 61 rue Buffon F- 75005 Paris, France mauries. jean-paul @ wanadoo. fr; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0575 - 6937 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-01-26 5093 2 142 168 journal article 2406 10.11646/zootaxa.5093.2.2 ffbad455-ad57-4fa5-8efa-d18cc2d12e40 1175-5326 5905141 31913C5B-A8D5-4A30-8D9E-4C7C9E953E1E Guipuzcosoma karinae sp. nov. Figs 2–6 , 12 Diagnosis . Differs from both congeners in the structure of the angiocoxites 1, which are almost the same width in their entire length, with an acuminate distal part bent laterad vs. distal processes reduced, with lateral bumps in G. comasi , or long and sigmoid in G. reipi sp. nov. The anterior part of the mesal bursal valve in G. karinae sp. nov. is subquadrangular with convex lateral margins, vs. heart-shaped in G. comasi or quadrangular with straight lateral margins in G. reipi sp. nov. Additionally, G. karinae sp. nov. differs from G. comasi by subtriangular vs. rounded lateral parts of the colpocoxites in posterior view, or by less differentiated coxal processes on leg-pairs 7 and 11 compared to G. reipi sp. nov. Significant differences also exist in the shape of the posterior part of the medial bursal structure of the vulvae in all three species. Name. The new species is named in honour of colleague and friend, myriapodologist Karin Voigtländer (SMNG), one of the collectors. A noun in the genitive case. Material examined. ( 4 ♂♂ , 7 ♀♀ , 13 juveniles ) Holotype : SPAIN ; Navarre province , Leitza , Ariz Mendiak , between area “Ustarleku” and “Karobieta”, Gorriztaran / Ibaia-stream valley , 43.0789 , -1.8839 , 550 m a.s.l. , Alnus wood along stream, on the lower edge of the slope, under leaves and stones; 20 April 2009 ; K. Voigtländer leg; SMNG . Paratypes : SPAIN1 ♀ ; same data as for holotype ; IZB1 juvenile ; same data as for holotype ; SMNG1 ♀ , Navarre province , Leitza, Ariz Mendiak, between area “Ustarleku” and “Karobieta”, above side stream to Gorriztaran, 43.0778 , -1.8775 , 615 m a.s.l., grove of Castanea , pollard trees on the slope with Ranunculus ficaria , Daphne , Helleborus , Salvia , Rubus , Lathrea , loamy and calcareous soil, under bark of thick rotten trunk; 20 April 2009 ; N. Lindner leg.; SMNG1 ♂ (used for SEM ), 1 ♀ ; Navarre province , Leitza, Ariz Mendiak, between area “Ustarleku” and “Karobieta”, above side stream to Gorriztaran, north of chestnut-area, 43.0775 , -1.8783 , 600 m a.s.l., beach forest, Hedera helix , under vegetation, Rubus , in dead leaves; 20 April 2009 ; P. Djursvoll leg.; ZMBN1 ♀ , 3 juveniles ; Navarre province , Leitza, Ariz Mendiak, road NA- 170 in direction to Ezkurra, ca. 3 km east of Leitza, 43.0900 , -1.8953 , 580 m a.s.l., narrow, steep brook valley, Alnus (young growth), Corylus etc., in leaf litter near stream; 20 April 2009 ; H. Reip leg.; SMNG1 ♀ (used for SEM ), same data as previous; NHMW MY10253 ● 1 ♂ , 6 juveniles ; Navarre province , Leitza, Ariz Mendiak, at area “Kornieta”, 43.0698 , -1.8823 , 910 m a.s.l., Fagus woodland, poor understorey, rocky, siliceous soil, mosses, Helleborus , under bark and in leaf litter; 20 April 2009 ; H. Reip leg.; IZB1 ♂ ; Navarre province , Sierra de Aralar, south Baraibar, on road NA 7510 to Santuario de San Migel, at area “Urkia”, 42.9762 , -1.9318 , 710 m a.s.l., wet wood pasture, Corylus with some Quercus , Ilex , Ranunculus ficaria , Daphne , Oxalis , Helleborus , Euphorbia , Geranium , Lathre a, in leaf litter; 22 April 2009 ; P. Djursvoll leg.; ZMBN1 ♀ ; same as previous but wet wood pasture of Fagu s, Anemone nemorosa , Arum , Geranium , Helleborus , Euphorbia , Mercuriali s, Ranunculus ficaria , under stones and logs; 22 April 2009 ; K. Voigtländer leg.; SMNG1 ♀ ; Navarre province , Sierra de Aralar, south Baraibar, on road NA 7510 to Santuario de San Migel, at area “Izáin”, 42.9714 , -1.9384 , 790 m a.s.l., karst area with deep grykes and bare limestone rocks, Fagus woodland & some Crategus bushes, in leaf litter; 22 April 2009 ; P. Djursvoll leg.; ZMBN3 juveniles ; same as previous but 42.9724 , -1.9361 , 730 m a.s.l., karst area with deep grykes and bare limestone rocks, Fagus woodland & some Crategus bushes, ground of deep and collapsed gryke, sieved from Fagus leaf litter; 22 April 2009 ; K. Voigtländer leg.; SMNG . Description. SIZE AND NUMBER OF BODY RINGS. Body in adults with 30 rings (including telson). Holotype male 7.6 mm long, vertical diameter of the largest ring 0.7 mm . Paratype males 7–7.5 mm long, vertical diameter of the largest ring 0.65–0.7 mm , respectively. Paratype females 7.8–9 mm long, vertical diameter of the largest ring 0.75–0.8 mm . COLORATION ( Fig. 2 ). Variable. From pale yellowish to brownish, with greyish patterns. Ventral halves lighter. Ommatidia blackish. HEAD ( Figs 2B, C, E , 3A–D ). Setose, frontal side slightly concave in males, convex in females. Labrum with three medial teeth and 4+4 labral and 2+2 supralabral setae ( Fig. 3A ). Promentum triangular, without setae. Lingual plates with 4+4 setae arranged in row. Stipites with ca. 17 setae each. Antennae 1.2 mm long in holotype male. Length of antennomeres (in mm): I (0.08), II (0.13), III (0.28), IV (0.18), V (0.25), VI (0.12), VII (0.12) and VIII (0.04). Length/breadth ratios of antennomeres I–VII: I (1), II (1.6), III (3.5), IV (2.6), V (2.3), VI (1.3) and VII (1.5). Antennomeres II, IV, V, VI and VII with one, three, one, four and one sensillum trichoideum, respectively ( Fig. 3C ). Lateral to antennal sockets a group of papillae-like outgrowths present ( Fig. 3B ). Number of ommatidia: 13 in 4 rows in both sexes, arranged in irregular subtriangle ( Fig. 3B, D ). COLLUM. Narrower than head, with six macrochaetae, as all body rings. Anterior edge semi-circular, posterior margin gently concave. BODY RINGS ( Fig. 2 , 3E, F ). With lateral humps. Macrochaetae long and trichoid ( Fig. 3E, F ). CIX (ring 15) = 1; MIX (ring15) ~ 2; PIX (ring15) = 0.4; MA (ring15) ~ 120˚. Prozonites with hexagonal tiles. Metazonites dorsally with scale-like structures, lateroventrally striated. Lateral parts of humps smooth. TELSON. Epiproct with a pair of spinnerets and 3+3 setae (1+1 paramedian, 2+2 marginal). Hypoproct with 1+1 distal setae. Paraprocts with 3+3 marginal setae in distal part. LEG- PAIRS 1 AND 2. In both sexes with tarsal combs; femora with several long and robust setae; postfemora and tibiae each with several long and robust setae arranged in a group. MALE SEXUAL CHARACTERS ( Fig. 4B–D ). Leg-pair 2 with genital openings on coxae. Leg-pairs 3–7 enlarged compared to leg-pairs 1 and 2. Coxa 7 with mesal bump ( Fig. 4B ). No other peculiarities on pregonopodal legs. Leg-pair 10 with coxal sacks and with short triangular trochanteral bumps ( Fig. 4C ). Leg-pair 11 with coxal sacks and with short nippled subtriangular coxal process ( Fig. 4D ). ANTERIOR GONOPODS ( Figs 4E , 5A–F , 6A–D ). Gonopodal sternum ( S ) rather poorly developed, mainly membranous, distomedial parts forming round aperture and merging with gonopods. Coxites ( Cx ) more or less spoon-shaped, wide in lateral view, supporting two pairs of angiocoxites. Anteromedial pair (= angiocoxite 1) ( A1 ) almost the same width in its entire length, with somewhat narrower proximal parts; distal process ( dA1 ) acuminate and bent laterad; posterior process ( pA1 ) well-developed, somewhat claw-like in lateral view, closely fitting against lateral sides of distal extension of colpocoxite ( deC ). Angiocoxites 2 ( A2 ) divided into two branches, anterior branch ( aA2 ) consisting of several flagelloid processes with denticulated posterior margins distally; posterior branch ( pA2 ) long, acuminate, with longitudinal striations, leans on flagelloid processes closing a canal between; both pA1 and pA2 are directed mesad, and slightly posteriad with overlapping distal parts; A2 outgrows all other parts of anterior gonopods. Colpocoxites ( C ) massive, strongly developed, chitinized; consist of smaller basal protrusions ( bc ) roundish in lateral view and merged with main massive structures whose distal extensions ( deC ) are in form of elongated horns strongly bent anteriad and closely fitting against mesal sides of pA1 ; posterior mesal protrusions ( pC ) rounded and laterally flattened with circular membranous remnants ( ms ) on lateral sides. Between A2 and C , laterally, structure with large number of long, branched hair-like outgrowths ( ho ) presents. POSTERIOR GONOPODS ( Figs 4F , 5G, H , 6E, F ). Gonopodal sternum ( S ) poorly developed, membranous, leaving both gonopods almost free; only chitinized part is pair of anterior concave bulges ( cb ) for accommodation of proximal (basal) parts of posterior gonopods. Coxotelopodites ( Ct ) massive, without articulation, distally with long setae, while mesally, in upper half, with two striking acuminate horns ( h ); basomesally with partially chitinized colpocoxites ( C ) both mainly with one long distal seta and slightly serrated mesal margins. Coxotelopodites subdistally with brownish or blackish pigment remnants ( pr ). Distal half of Ct slightly curved posteromesad. LEG- PAIR 3 IN FEMALE ( Fig. 4A ). With lateral sternal lobes. VULVAE ( Fig. 5I , 6G ). With well-developed wrinkled postgenital membranous structure ( Pgm ) covering posterior and partially lateral parts of bursae ( B ). Lateral valves of B with sharp denticles postriorly and spicule-like outgrowths in distoposterior half; distoanteriorly wrinkled with ca seven long setae. Mesal valves of B completely merged, only with anterior fissure as evidence of former separation; anterior ⅔ wrinkled distally with long setae and convex lateral margins; posterior ⅓ separated from rest by shallow depression and represents striking unpaired medial structure ( mbs ) with two lateral lobes clearly separated by groove. Operculum ( O ) bilobed. Remarks. The structure that we think could be a sperm was observed in the base of the posterior gonopods ( Fig. 5G , highlighted square). Such structures were observed on the vulvae of G. reipi sp. nov. (see below under remarks of this species). Distribution. So far, known only from a few localities in the Navarre Province , close to the border with Gipuzkoa Province ( Fig. 12 , green circles). FIGURE 2. Guipuzcosoma karinae sp. nov. , habitus (ZMBN). A. ♂ paratype, lateral view. B. ♂ paratype, anterior part of body, showing head and collum in dorsal view. C. ♂ paratype, anterior part of body, lateral view. D. ♀ paratype, midbody rings, dorsal view. E. ♂ paratype, lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. FIGURE 3. Guipuzcosoma karinae sp. nov. , ♂ paratype, habitus (ZMBN). A. Head, anterior view. B. Head and collum, lateral view. C. Left antenna, anterior view. D. Field with ommatidia, lateral view. E , F. Body rings 15–17, dorsal and lateral views, respectively. Scale bars: 0.1 mm ( A–C , E , F ), 0.02 mm ( D ). FIGURE 4. Guipuzcosoma karinae sp. nov. , legs and gonopods. A. ♀ paratype, leg-pair 3, anterior view, arrow indicates lateral sternal lobe (IZB). B–F. ♂ paratype (ZMBN). B. Leg-pair 7, posterior view, arrow indicates coxal mesal bump. C. Leg-pair 10, anterior view, arrow indicates trochanteral bump. D. Leg-pair 11, posterior view, arrow indicates coxal process. E. Anterior gonopods, anterior view. F. Posterior gonopods, posterior view. Abbreviations: A1: angiocoxite 1; A2: angiocoxite 2; C: colpocoxite; Ct: coxotelopodite; Cx: coxite; h: mesal horns; pr: pigment remnants; S: gonopodal sternum. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.