The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species Author Lobato-Vila, Irene Author Pujade-Villar, Juli 0000-0001-7798-2717 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-01-12 4906 1 1 121 journal article 8839 10.11646/zootaxa.4906.1.1 308129a3-a99f-4012-bb41-d3220692c398 1175-5326 4434000 09383AAD-8E30-4E50-A533-C6DA4D00E33C Synergus personatus Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar , sp. nov. ( Figures 31–32 , 42 p–q) 9B812362-9FE3-42A9-821D-777091D2ABBC Type material. HOLOTYPE deposited in JP-V coll. ( UB ) with the following labels: ‘ MEX : P318 (99 verde), Tunal-El Salto (San Felipe del Progreso, EDO . MEX .), 19°42’28.403’’N , 99°55’49.353’’W’ (white label) / ‘Ex. Atrusca sp., 2555m , Q. glabrescens , ( 14.ix.2014 ) 13.x.2014 , Delia leg.’ (white label) / ‘ Holotype Synergus personatus Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar , IL-V desig-2020’ (red label). PARATYPES (1ϐ & 3♀ ) deposited in JP-V coll. ( UB ) with the following labels: ‘ MEX : P183, Road Calpulalpan to San Martín km 208 (Calpulalpan, TLAX )’ (white label) / ‘Ex. Atrusca sp., 2794m , Q. microphylla , ( 31.viii.2012 ) 10.ix.2012 , E. Estrada & A. Equihua leg.’ (white label) / ‘ Paratype Synergus personatus Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar , IL-V desig-2020’ (red label) ( 1♀ ); ‘ MEX : P317 (92 verde), Tunal-El Salto (San Felipe del Progreso, EDO . MEX .), 19°42’28.403’’N , 99°55’49.353’’W’ (white label) / ‘Ex. Atrusca sp., 2555m , Q. microphylla , ( 11.viii.2014 ) 12.x.2014 , Delia leg.’ (white label) / ‘ Paratype Synergus personatus Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar , IL-V desig-2020’ (red label) (1ϐ & 2♀ ). Etymology . From the Latin term ‘ persona’ for mask, regarding the mask-like black coloration of the head of this species. Diagnosis . Synergus personatus , sp. nov. belongs to a group of species characterized by having the mesopleuron entirely sculptured, including speculum, covered with reticulated wrinkles at least anteriorly; hyaline wings and radial cell of fore wing 2.7–3.0 times as long as wide; gena not broadened behind eye; POL longer than OOL; antenna long and thin, first flagellomeres more than 6.0 times as long as wide and F1 and F2 equal or subequal; lateral pronotum carinated to wrinkled; notauli complete, reaching the posterior margin of pronotum; circumscutellar carina weak; tarsal claws bidentate; first metasomal segment completely sulcate dorsally and laterally; syntergum posteriorly with a band of micropunctures extended at most 1/3 of its length; and basal half of lower face and basal half of gena yellow to yellowish orange, the rest of the head, black. Synergus personatus , sp. nov. is morphologically close to S. rufinotaulis (see below), from which differs by having mesopleuron finely, regularly and densely striated, somewhat reticulated anteriorly, interspaces smooth, glabrous and shining ( Fig. 32g ) (with reticulate wrinkles and coriaceous interspaces covering all of the surface in S. rufinotaulis ); transfacial line 1.1–1.2 times as long as height of eye ( Fig. 32a ) (slightly shorter that height of eye in S. rufinotaulis ); frons and vertex coriaceous, vertex with some small piliferous punctures and weak wrinkles ( Fig. 32 a–b) (with reticulated wrinkles in S. rufinotaulis ); and areolet of fore wing visible ( Fig. 32f ) (small to inconspicuous in S. rufinotaulis ). Description FEMALE. Length . Body length 2.5–3.0 mm (n = 6). Color ( Fig. 31 ). Body black and yellow. Lower half of face and lower half of gena, yellow, the rest of the head, black; rarely, gena completely yellow. Antenna yellowish brown, the distal half usually lighter. Mesosoma almost completely black, but lateral margins of pronotum, base of notauli and margins of mesoscutellum, usually orange; tegulae pale yellow. Metasoma black dorsally, yellow laterally and ventrally. Legs yellow, except metacoxae basally, which are black; tarsi infuscate. Wings hyaline, veins yellow. Head . In frontal view ( Fig. 32a ) trapezoid to subquadrate, about 1.2 times as wide as high, gena not broadened behind eye. Face faintly pubescent, lower face with well-marked and spaced, regular striae radiating from clypeus, reaching eyes and toruli; medial striae also present, but weaker. Clypeus indistinct, ventral margin almost straight, not projected over mandibles. Malar space 0.6 times as long as height of eye. Anterior tentorial pits visible; pleurostomal and epistomal sulcus absent. Transfacial line 1.2 times as long as height of eye. Toruli situated mid-height of eyes; distance between torulus and eye shorter than diameter of toruli; distance between toruli shorter than diameter of toruli. Frons coriaceous, without punctures; frontal carinae branched in their whole length and reaching lateral ocelli. Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 32b ) is about 2.2 times as wide as long. Vertex finely coriaceous, with some weak wrinkles and punctures. POL: OOL: LOL = 7.5: 5.5: 3, and diameter of lateral ocelli, 3. Occiput finely coriaceous, with some weak wrinkles. FIGURE 31. Lateral habitus of Synergus personatus Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar , sp. nov. (female). Antenna ( Fig. 32c ). 14-segmented (7: 3.5: 13: 13: 12: 11.5: 10: 9: 8: 6: 5.5: 5: 4.5: 7); filiform and thin, long, not broadened apically; pubescence dense and short; placodeal sensilla visible on flagellar segments F2–F12. Pedicel about as long as wide; F1 as long as F2, F2 slightly longer than F3. Last flagellar segment about 3.5 times as long as wide and 1.6 times as long as F11. Mesosoma . About 1.1 times as long as high in lateral view including nucha, with short and not dense pubescence ( Fig. 32g ). Ratio of length of pronotum medially/laterally: 0.3. Pronotal plate only defined anteriorly, not reaching the pronotal margin. Lateral pronotum very weakly carinated and somewhat wrinkled dorsally; lateral carina absent, pronotum rounded seen from above. Mesoscutum ( Fig. 32i ) about 1.2 times as wide as long, coriaceous with very weak transversal elements not forming true carinae, especially posteriorly; anterior parallel lines weakly impressed, reaching about 1/3 of the mesoscutal length; notauli complete; narrower, less impressed and somewhat interrupted by the sculpture anteriorly, wider and convergent posteriorly; median mesoscutal line short, just appearing as a small incision; parapsidal lines shallow, surpassing tegulae. Mesoscutellum ( Fig. 32i ) rounded, about as long as wide, strongly wrinkled, interspaces coriaceous; circumscutellar carina weak, but visible; scutellar foveae ovate, smooth, well defined and impressed, and separated by a narrow carina. Mesopleuron ( Fig. 32g ) finely, regularly and densely striated, somewhat reticulated anteriorly, interspaces smooth, glabrous and shining; slightly pubescent basally. Metapleural sulcus reaches ¾ parts of mesopleural height. Propodeum ( Fig. 32d ) alutaceous and densely pubescent; propodeal carinae narrow, straight and convergent posteriorly. Nucha weakly sulcate dorsally and laterally. Legs . Tarsal claws with a basal lobe ( Fig. 32e ). Wings . Fore wing pubescent with short marginal setae, longer than body length ( Fig. 31 ). Radial cell closed, about 3.0 times as long as wide; areolet large, but only posterior vein well pigmented ( Fig. 32f ). Rs+M inconspicuous, not reaching the basal vein. Basal cell with sparsely spaced setae. FIGURE 32. Synergus personatus Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar , sp. nov. (female): a) head in frontal view; b) head in dorsal view; c) antenna; d) propodeum; e) tarsal claw; f) radial cell of the fore wing; g) mesosoma in lateral view; h) metasoma in lateral view; i) mesosoma in dorsal view; j) metasoma in dorsal view. Metasoma . About as long as head plus mesosoma and about 1.2 times as long as high in lateral view ( Fig. 32h ). First metasomal segment sulcate dorsally and laterally. Syntergum smooth. with an anterolateral pubescence composed of a few setae and posteriorly with a complete wide band of micropunctures reaching about 1/3 of its length ( Fig. 32h , dot line), less widespread dorsally ( Fig. 32j , dot line); dorsodistally incised ( Fig. 32j ), not pointed; following segments minutely punctate. Hypopygial spine about as long as wide and with a few lateral setae; without apical setae. MALE. Similar to female, except for the following: body length 2.5 mm (n = 1). Transfacial line 1.1 times as long as height of eye. Metasoma shorter than head plus mesosoma. Lower face medially black, with the black surface reaching the margin of clypeus; all coxae dark basally; metasoma completely dark chestnut to black. Antenna are broken, so we do not know how many flagellomeres do they have. Distribution . Mexico . México and Tlaxcala . Biology . Reared from galls of undetermined species of Atrusca ( Fig. 42 p–q) on Q. microphylla and Q. glabrescens .