Nomenclatural status of names of tetraodontiform fishes based on Bibron’s unpublished work Author Kottelat, Maurice Route de la Baroche 12, Case postale 57, CH- 2952 Cornol (Switzerland) mkottelat @ dplanet. ch. text Zoosystema 2001 23 3 605 618 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5401801 1638-9387 5401801 873A50A5-D525-407F-874F-1EA8877EE4C9 Geneion Bibron in Duméril, 1855: 280 Diagnosis provided, thus an available name. A single included species, thus type species by monotypy: Tetraodon (Geneion) maculatum Bibron in Duméril, 1855 . Gender: neuter. The specimen recorded as holotype of T. maculatum by Le Danois (1962: 470) is conspecific with T. honckenii Bloch, 1785 , which is the type species of Amblyrhynchote Bibron in Duméril, 1855 . This makes Amblyrhynchote and Geneion simultaneous subjective synonyms and precedence among these names is fixed by the first reviser. The first reviser is apparently Le Danois (1959: 185) who used Geneion as the valid name and listed “ Amblyrhynchotus (pars) Bibron (Duméril)” (treated here as an incorrect subsequent spelling of Amblyrhynchote ) in its synonymy. On p. 171, she also treated “ Amblyrhynchotus Bibron ” as a valid genus, with an erroneous type species; this apparently has no implication on the validity of the precedence established on p. 185 (if Le Danois’s action cannot be recognised as a first reviser action, then Shipp [1974: 19] is the first reviser as he stated: “ Le Danois [1959: 189] […] synonymized Geneion maculatum with Geneion honckenii (Bloch) and thus considers Geneion as the genus to represent this latter species rather than Amblyrhynchotes […]”).