Establishment of the nomenclatural status of two nomina, Stenothoe bella Krapp-Schickel & Lo Brutto, 2015 and Stenothoe levantina Krapp-Schickel & Lo Brutto, 2015 (Crustacea, Peracarida), unavailable for the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Author Krapp-Schickel, Traudl Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, D- 53113 Bonn, Germany. traudl. krapp @ netcologne. de Author Brutto, Sabrina Lo Department of Sciences and Biological Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies (STeBiCeF), University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 18, 90123 Palermo, Italy text Zootaxa 2022 2022-01-19 5092 2 247 248 journal article 2519 10.11646/zootaxa.5092.2.7 fd0f5fab-2eac-49a8-b004-17046f17cc77 1175-5326 5876705 AA6338F3-2B6A-414F-88AB-75C923996773 Stenothoe levantina sp. nov. Stenothoe levantina Krapp-Schickel & Lo Brutto, 2015: 1–5 , figs. 4–5. 439F4D7E-3A4A-4726-B838-A35519034FEF Type material . HOLOTYPE : one specimen 1.1 mm mounted on slide in Faure's medium, sampling site 32°54'00.9"N 35°04'02.5"E , 25 February 2011 , 12.4 m depth , deposited in the Museum of Zoology " P. Doderlein " University of Palermo , Palermo, 90123, Italy , coded as MZPA-AMPH-N_0007. Type locality . Near Ashdod , Israel , Mediterranean . Diagnosis . Gnathopod 1 carpus and merus short. Gnathopod 2 without sculpture, dactylus about as long as entire propodus. Peraeopods 6 and 7 basis rounded, posterodistal corner lengthened; merus strongly widened and acutely lengthened. Uropod 2 rami unequal. Uropod 3 peduncle subequal ramus. Telson spinose. Etymology . The new species has been collected in the far East of the Mediterranean, the epitheton should allude to ‘Levante’, allegoric for sunrise or East in general. Remarks . A full description and figures of S. levantina and list of additional non-type material examined is given by Krapp-Schickel & Lo Brutto (2015) . Ecological notes . Found among sand or mud ( Lo Brutto et al. 2019 ).