Reports of Galathea Fabricius, 1793 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Galatheidae) from Chinese waters, with descriptions of two new species Author Dong, Chao Author Li, Xinzheng text Zootaxa 2010 2687 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.199458 08e56bed-1140-4d4a-b976-3848c01055ff 1175-5326 199458 Galathea anepipoda Baba, 1990 ( Fig. 1 ) FIGURE 1. Galathea anepipoda Baba, 1990 , MBM150253, female. A, carapace and abdomen, dorsal view; B, left cephalic region, showing antennular and antennal peduncles, ventral view; C, endopod of left Mxp3, distal segments omitted, lateral view; D, left P1, dorsal view; E, right P2, lateral view; F, sternal plastron; G, pterygostomian flap. Scales = 1 mm. Galathea anepipoda Baba, 1990: 953 , fig. 12 ( Type locality: Madagascar , 150 m ); 2005: 74, 243. — Baba et al. 2008 : 65 . Galathea balssi . — Tirmizi & Javed 1993 : 47 , fig. 21 (not Galathea balssi Miyake & Baba, 1967 ). Material examined. East China Sea. MBM 150241 , 1 male ( 2.2 mm ), St. V-9 , CN V471B- 15, 106 m , fine sand, AT, 15 Oct.1975 ; MBM 150253 , 1 male ( 2.4 mm ), 3 ovigerous females ( 2.7–3.3 mm ), St. V-9 , CN V470B- 38, 110 m , fine sand, AT, 10 Oct.1975 . Distribution. Previously known from Madagascar , Mozambique Channel, off Somali Republic , Red Sea, South Arabian Sea, central part of Indian Ocean, Sagami Bay, Japan ; 29– 732 m . Now also known from East China Sea; 106– 110 m . Remarks. The specimens agree well with Baba’s (1990) description. This is the first record for the species from the Chinese waters.