A new genus and new species of Telephanini (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) from Gabon Author Karner, Michael 48E64F07-CDD3-4B4B-9C9A-24CBFCBBCB3D Section Entomology I, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D- 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 48 E 64 F 07 - CDD 3 - 4 B 4 B- 9 C 9 A- 24 CBFCBBCB 3 D & Corresponding author: michael. karner @ senckenberg. de michael.karner@senckenberg.de Author Salvato, Gianfranco 50EBE48B-63DA-427A-B3F4-0C852E7DF7A8 Museo di Storia Naturale, Santa Croce 1730, 30135 Venezia, Italy. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 50 EBE 48 B- 63 DA- 427 A-B 3 F 4 - 0 C 852 E 7 DF 7 A 8 Author Uliana, Marco D5BE9B7E-F44F-4CE8-9BFA-1F498B0382D7 Museo di Storia Naturale, Santa Croce 1730, 30135 Venezia, Italy. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: D 5 BE 9 B 7 E-F 44 F- 4 CE 8 - 9 BFA- 1 F 498 B 0382 D 7 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2015 2015-07-23 130 1 10 journal article 22400 10.5852/ejt.2015.130 330a9e8d-7033-42aa-b1b5-dae085f1bf36 2118-9773 3785212 5212C89A-6BD1-4433-A841-9639830F6E36 Bolianus gen. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2D779708-0649-41F3-A501-0594D14F7775 Type species Bolianus giannae sp. nov. Differential diagnosis Within the Telephanini , Bolianus gen. nov. is closely related to Psammaechidius Fairmaire, 1882 , but differs by the distinct median frontal groove, large eyes, short and moderately curved temples, maximum width of pronotum near middle, and the tuberculate lateral margins of the pronotum. Etymology The peculiar median groove along the head prompted us to derive the generic name from the ‘Bolians’, a fictitious species from the universe of the science fiction series ‘Star Trek’, characterized by a vertical suture running along the midline of head and face. Description The genus shares the characteristics of Brontinae : Telephanini as described by Thomas & Nearns (2008) , plus: apical maxillary palpomere securiform ( Fig. 7 ); apical labial palpomere large, rounded ( Fig. 8 ); antennal scape elongate; frons with two lateral lines and one median line; eyes large; temples evenly curved, narrowed immediately behind eyes; maximum pronotal width near middle; lateral margins of pronotum tuberculate; anterior coxal cavities closed ( Fig. 9 ); anterior and middle coxae separated narrowly ( Fig. 10 ); scutellum with transverse carina; elytra with 10 rows of punctures; scutellary striole present; 2 nd and 3 rd tarsomeres with single ventral lobe ( Fig. 11 ); abdominal ventrites simple ( Fig. 12 ); aedeagus inverted, parameres well developed.