Discovery of four new species of the genus Planaeschna from Southwestern China (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) Author Zhang, Hao-Miao Author Cai, Qing-Hua text Zootaxa 2013 3741 2 254 264 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3741.2.4 b967fb48-181d-42c5-bb08-827ec08d897b 1175-5326 222098 E28A05FE-C307-4017-9269-518F1BF9D8C4 Planaeschna monticola sp. nov. Figs. 25–33 Material examined. Holotype male, Sanjiacun Stream ( 25.51°N , 100.38°E ), altitude 2129 m , Fengyi Town, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China , Haomiao Zhang leg., 19. XI. 2012 ; paratype : 1 female , same data as holotype . Etymology. The name monticola means ‘inhabitant of high mountains’, the new species was found in a montane stream over 2000 meters high, a rare record for the genus Planaeschna . FIGURES 25–33. Planaeschna monticola sp. nov. , holotype male (25–26, 29–32) and paratype female (27–28, 33): (25) body in lateral view; (26) head in frontal view; (27) head in frontal view; (28) body in lateral view; (29) appendages in lateral view; (30) appendages in dorsal view; (31) vesica spermalisin lateral view; (32) vesica spermalisin ventral view; (33) ovipositor. Diagnosis. Medium sized in the genus, body brown with yellow maculations; separated from its congeners by paler ground color of body and developed yellow stripes on abdomen. Holotype Male : Head yellow with brown markings, eyes bluish violet in living specimen ( Figs. 25–26 ). Labium brownish yellow, labrum yellow with lower 1/3 brown. Anteclypeus entirely brown, postclypeus yellow. Anterior surface of frons mainly yellow, without “T” mark dorsally, upper margin of frons medially protruding upwards. Occiput pale brown, fringed with setae. Prothorax dark brown. Synthorax dark brown with yellow markings as follows ( Fig. 25 ): mesepisternum with antehumeral stripe, slightly bent and tapering ventrad, and very small olive-shaped spot in posterior lower corner; carina dark brown; mesepimeron with broad stripe; metepisternum with triangular stripe near upper margin; metepimeron with broad marking; mesokatepisternum and metakatepisternum each with yellow spot. Legs mainly black, coxae pale brown, femora with basal third reddish brown ( Fig. 25 ). Wings hyaline. Triangle 3- or 4-celled, anal loop 6-celled, anal triangle 3-celled. Pterostigma blackish brown, 2.0 mm in length. Nodal index: 14: 20: 21: 13 / 16: 15: 14: 16. Abdomen black with yellow markings as follows ( Fig. 25 ): S1 with very fine AD spot and large lateral spot; S2 with triangular AD spot, pair of linear MD spots, transverse PD spot that connects with very fine longitudinal line, side of S2 with large AL spot covering auricle and large PL spots; S3–7 with fine AD spots, paired triangular MD spots that connect with small AL spots, paired semicircular PD spots, AL spots reduced on S6–7; S8–9 with paired semicircular PD spots; S10 black dorsally and yellow ventrally, with very short pyramidal dorsal process. Anal appendages black. Superior appendages in lateral view broadest from basal 1/5 to 3/5 and tapering toward apex ( Fig. 29 ); in dorsal view club shaped, with small apical spine ( Fig. 30 ). Inferior appendage about 1/2 length of cerci, slightly bent with apical small tuberculate process in lateral view ( Fig. 29 ). Vesica spermalis yellow, brown and black ( Figs. 31–32 ): Vesicle hollow anteriorly; 2nd segment strongly curved with stout dorsal projection; 3rd segment almost straight and not obviously tapered; 4th segment with two lobes and lacking protruding ear-shaped lobes; in ventral view the two lobes adjoining, expanded distally, in lateral view the median bulge hill shaped, erected to lower 1/3 of 3rd segment. Paratype female: Head yellow with brown markings, eyes yellowish violet in living specimen ( Figs. 27–28 ). Labium brownish yellow, labrum yellow with lower 1/3 brown and fine central line. Anteclypeus entirely brown, postclypeus yellow. Anterior surface of frons mainly yellow, without dorsal “T” mark, upper margin of frons medially protruding upwards. Occiput pale brown, fringed with setae. Thoracic color pattern very similar to that of male, reddish brown patches on femora less developed ( Fig. 27 ). Wings hyaline, tinted with smoky brown. Triangle 4-celled in both wings, anal loop 6-celled. Pterostigma blackish brown, 2.0 mm in length. Nodal index: 13: 21: 18: 13 / 15: 14: 14: 15. Abdomen dark brown with yellow stripes ( Fig. 28 ): S1 with rhomboid spot dorsally and rectangular spots laterally; S2 with large AD spot, paired MD spots and irregular-shaped PD spot, side of S2 with very broad stripe; S3–7 with fine AD spots, paired triangular MD spots, paired semicircular PD spots, and AL spots; S8–10 with paired semicircular PD spots; tergite of S10 ventrolaterally produced. Ovipositor brown, reaching end of S10. Superior appendages same length as S10 ( Fig. 33 ). Measurements (mm). Holotype : total length 65.5, abdomen (including anal appendages) 50.5, hind wing 41.0; Paratype female: total length 63.5, abdomen (including anal appendages) 47.5, hind wing 42.0. Distribution. China (Yunnan). Notes on biology. The pair of types were collected in tandem on the ground near an open stream about 1m wide and fast flowing. The stream was located just under a highway with busy traffic. There was a pond at the stream margin with some late-season species. Sympetrum spp. and Orthetrum spp. were still on wing but rather aged. No other adult was collected in the stream, but larvae of Anotogaster sp., Mnais gregoryi Fraser, 1924 and Neallogaster spp. were collected. Discussion. The new species is similar to P. maolanensis and P. caudispina in the structure of the male appendages. Females of P. monticola and P. caudispina possess rather short superior appendages, and the female of P. maolanensis is also estimated to possess the same structure. The body maculation with pale brown ground color is rare in the genus, and the color of the eyes in both sexes and the yellow, unmarked face also serve to separate this new species from all its congeners.