Graziaphylus, a new genus and two new species of Eremophila-feeding (Scrophulariceae) Phylinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Australia Author Schuh, Randall T. 0000-0002-0713-1367 Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York 10024 USA & schuh @ amnh. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0713 - 1367 Author Salas, Ruth 0000-0003-4493-7842 Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York 10024 USA & rsalas @ amnh. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4493 - 7842 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-14 4958 1 319 326 journal article 7229 10.11646/zootaxa.4958.1.18 5e4f90e6-bed3-4335-85ba-f7dcdbee7f9e 1175-5326 4691975 45AA47B6-7C5E-4F04-9B4D-F03B7D235700 Graziaphylus nigripes , new species ( Figs 3, 4 , 18 , Table 1 ) Holotype . Male. AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : 46.5 km W of Yalgoo, 28.41302 ° S 116.2151 ° E , 600 m , 27 Oct 1996 , Schuh and Cassis, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. subsp. forrestii (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05120705, 1♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00087344) ( WAMP ). Paratypes : AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : 46.5 km W of Yalgoo , 28.41302 ° S 116.2151 ° E , 600 m , 27 Oct 1996 , Schuh and Cassis, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. subsp. forrestii (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05120705, 4♀ (00087345, 00415326–00415328), 1♂ (00415322) ( AM ) ; 4♀ (00415324, 00415325, 00415332, 00415333), 1♂ (00415323) ( AMNH ) ; 3♀ (00415329–00415331) ( WAMP ) . Etymology: Named for the dark-colored legs. From the Latin, niger , black, and pes , foot. Diagnosis: Recognized by the attributes given in the generic diagnosis, the overall length of the male (2.91), the legs castaneous/black except for the tibiae and tarsi, and the dorsum and thoracic pleuron with numerous shining, silvery, scalelike setae ( Figs. 3, 4 ). Description: Male : Body conformation as in generic description; total length 2.74–3.18, width across pronotum 1.16–1.21. COLORATION ( Fig. 3 ): As in generic description; legs almost entirely black/castaneous, except tibiae and tarsi. SURFACE AND VESTITURE ( Fig. 3 ): As in generic description, with recumbent, dark, simple setae intermixed with relatively numerous shining, silvery, scalelike setae on dorsum ( Fig. 3 ); dorsal margin of meso- and metapleuron broadly with numerous silvery, shining, scalelike setae; abdominal venter with numerous recumbent shining setae. STRUCTURE: As in generic description. GENITALIA ( Fig. 18 ): Apical endosomal spine with one lateral barb; otherwise as in generic description. Female : As in generic description; total length 2.94–3.24, width pronotum 1.16–1.33. COLORATION ( Fig. 4 ): As in male. SURFACE AND VESTITURE ( Fig. 4 ): As in male. STRUCTURE ( Fig. 4 ): Similar to male, but more broadly ovoid. Distribution: Known from the Northern Goldfields region, Western Australia . Host: Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. subsp. forrestii (Scrophulariaceae) .