A new species of Ephesiopsis (Polychaeta: Sphaerodoridae) from off southeastern Brazil Author Rizzo, Alexandra Elaine text Zootaxa 2009 2307 61 67 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191800 84ffb6d4-64c5-4b16-9b8f-c14963e40c0e 1175-5326 191800 Ephesiopsis Hartman and Fauchald 1971 emended Type species : Ephesiopsis guayanae Hartman and Fauchald 1971 Diagnosis : Body long, slender, densely papillate; with two longitudinal rows of macro- and two rows of microtubercles, macro- and micropapillae with terminal papillae. Anterior end with a median antenna and two pairs of lateral antennae. Eyes present or absent. Proboscis long, cylindrical. Parapodia uniramous. First chaetiger with recurved hooks; following chaetigers uniramous, with simple chaetae and compound falcigers. Pygidium with or without four macrotubercles .