Taxonomic notes on Western Hemisphere Cyrtinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) including description of two new Cyrtinus LeConte species Author Wappes, James E. Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Author Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto de L. text Insecta Mundi 2020 2020-02-28 751 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3702952 3ed3c647-2aac-4cde-ba53-ebf4a918b751 1942-1354 3702952 15C3800B-ED47-4B50-90DA-8553B0D80BE6 Cyrtinus pygmaeus ( Haldeman, 1847 ) ( Fig. 1–9 ) Clytus pygmaeus Haldeman 1847: 42 . Cyrtinus pygmaeus ; LeConte 1852: 166 . Redescription. Female ( Fig. 1–4, 9 ). Integument mostly dark-brown, nearly black on some areas, especially pronotum and abdominal ventrites; mouthparts reddish-brown, more yellowish-brown toward apex of last segment of maxillary and labial palpi; postclypeus dark reddish-brown; most of anteclypeus and anterior area of labrum reddish-brown; basal 2/3 of mandibles reddish-brown with margins darkened, distal third black; gulamentum dark reddish-brown; base of scape reddish-brown, remaining surface brown; basal half of pedicel yellowish-brown, remaining surface brown; antennomeres III–X yellowishbrown anteriorly, brown posteriorly (light area gradually shorter toward X; brown area gradually darker toward X); antennomere XI dark-brown; prosternum and mesoventrite dark reddish-brown, with irregular darker areas; anterior area of metaventrite slightly lighter than remaining surface; basal third of elytra slightly lighter than remaining surface, except oblique reddish-brown band in posterior area of anterior third, not reaching suture or epipleural margin, reddish-brown maculae close to suture before oblique band, and transverse, slightly distinct reddish-brown maculae on sides of posterior quarter. Coxae reddish-brown (darker on metacoxae). Femoral peduncle yellowish-brown (more reddish-brown depending on light intensity). Head. Frons slightly convex, minutely, densely tuberculate; with grayish-white bristly setae clearly not obscuring integument, with a few long, erect brown setae interspersed. Vertex densely, microscopically rugose; with sparse, decumbent grayish-white setae, and long, erect, brown setae interspersed between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes, glabrous on remaining surface. Area behind upper eye lobes and area between lobes with sculpturing as on frons, glabrous. Area behind lower eye lobes with sculpturing as on vertex superiorly, gradually smooth toward genae; with sparse, short, decumbent grayish-white setae, and a few long, dark setae interspersed on inferior area. Genae about 1.5 times length of lower eye lobe, with sculpturing and setae as on frons close to eye, smooth, glabrous toward apex. Postclypeus finely punctate on wide central area, smooth laterally; with a few short grayish-white setae, and a few long, erect brown setae on wide central area, glabrous laterally. Labrum with a few yellowish-white setae, and long, erect brown setae interspersed on posterior area; with dense pale-yellow setae directed forward anteriorly. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.37 times length of scape (0.30 times distance between outer margins of eyes); in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.85 times length of scape (0.69 times distance between outer margins of eyes). Antennae 1.9 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at posterior quarter of antennomere IX (only holotype measured). Scape, pedicel and antennomeres with white pubescence not obscuring integument; scape and pedicel with a few moderately long, erect dark setae ventrally (lighter depending on light intensity); antennomeres III–VII slightly widened toward apex, VIII–XI cylindrical; antennomere III with a few long, erect brownish setae on anterior 3/4, very long, brownish tuft of setae directed backward on posterior quarter; antennomeres IV–X, with very long, brownish tuft of setae directed forward on posterior quarter. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.93; pedicel = 0.71; IV = 1.28; V = 1.14; VI = 1.07; VII = 1.07; VIII = 1.00; IX = 0.93; X = 0.86; XI = 1.00. Thorax. Pronotum very finely, sparsely punctate, minutely densely punctate on posterior constriction (somewhat striate centrally); with a few grayish-white decumbent setae, slightly more abundant near anterior margin, sides on lateral gibbosity of prothorax, distinctly more abundant on sides of posterior constriction; with long, erect, sparse brown setae interspersed, absent on posterior constriction. Sides of prothorax very finely striate anteriorly, somewhat rugose posteriorly, smooth on wide central area; with a few short white setae, slightly denser centrally close to pronotum and posteriorly close to procoxal cavity; with a few long, erect brown setae close to pronotum. Prosternum rugose-punctate on posterior half, depressed (limit between anterior and posterior half abruptly inclined), nearly smooth on anterior half, less so close to anterior margin; with sparse grayish-white setae on punctate area (forming sparse fringe close to anterior half), nearly glabrous on anterior half. Prosternal process rugose-punctate, less so centrally on anterior 2/3; with short, sparse grayish-white setae; narrowest area 0.4 times width of procoxal cavity. Mesoventrite with sparse grayish-white pubescence centrally, glabrous laterally, except very short pubescence close to mesanepisternum; mesanepisternum with abundant white pubescence; mesepimeron with minute, sparse grayish-white pubescence. Metanepisternum and sides of metaventrite with bristly white setae, denser toward apex; remaining surface of metaventrite with sparse grayish-white setae, longer than laterally. Scutellum nearly glabrous basally, with white pubescence posteriorly. Elytra. Moderately flattened on anterior quarter, convex on posterior 3/4; with elevated, subtriangular crest anteriorly, with tuft of long, erect dark setae at apex; anterior area before oblique reddish-brown band coarsely punctate (surface somewhat rugose); remaining surface coarsely, sparsely punctate (punctures nearly aligned in longitudinal rows); anterior area before oblique reddish-brown band with long, erect, sparse grayish-white setae (darker depending on light intensity) dorsally, distinctly denser on reddish-brown area close to suture, glabrous on inclined area; oblique, somewhat dense white pubescent band on reddish-brown area reaching epipleural margin, forming small dense tuft on its inner apex; with white pubescence on posterior quarter, denser on reddish-brown area; with long, erect, sparse dark setae throughout; apex together rounded. Legs. Femora with white decumbent setae not obscuring integument, bristly on ventral surface of peduncle. Tibiae with decumbent white setae not obscuring integument, denser ventrally on posterior third, bristly close to apex. Abdomen. Ventrites with sparse, decumbent grayish-white setae, slightly more abundant toward V; posterior margin of ventrite V rounded. Male ( Fig. 5–8 ). Nearly identical to female, except slightly longer antennae surpassing elytral apex at apex of antennomere VIII, and abdominal ventrite V more transverse. Variation. Head and prothorax distinctly reddish-brown; scape, and posterior area of pedicel and antennomeres brown; anterior third of elytra light reddish-brown; ventral surface of meso- and metathorax reddish-brown; posterior area of pronotum reddish-brown; prosternal process orangish-brown; oblique reddish-brown band on elytra from slightly distinct to well-marked; femoral peduncle distinctly yellowish-brown and femoral club reddish-brown; pronotum microscopically rugose on some areas; sides of prothorax distinctly striate centrally, rugose posteriorly ( Fig. 9 ); anterior half of prosternum entirely smooth; anterior half of prosternum glabrous; pubescence on posterior quarter of elytra absent dorsally. Dimensions in mm (male/female). Total length, 3.95/2.55–3.20; prothoracic length, 1.10/0.75–0.85; anterior prothoracic width, 0.90/0.55–0.70; posterior prothoracic width, 0.75/0.50–0.60; widest prothoracic width, 0.90/0.60–0.75; humeral width, 1.10/0.70–0.90; elytral length, 2.40/1.60–2.00. Material examined. MEXICO ( New country record ): TAMAULIPAS : 10 miles E Tulas , 3900′ , Oak Forest , 5 females , 10.V.1994 , J.E. Wappes col. ( 4 , ACMT ; 1 , MZSP ) . HIDALGO : 2.4 miles N Tlanchinol , 4 females , 8–9.V.1983 , C.W. & L. O’Brien col. ( 4 , ACMT ; 1 , MZSP ) . NUEVO LEÓN : El Cercado , 29.VI.1954 , Kissinger col. ( MZSP ) . Remarks . Cyrtinus pygmaeus is the most widespread species in the genus with its known geographical distribution including Canada , USA ( Pennsylvania , Alabama , Massachusetts , District of Columbia , New Jersey , New York , Ohio , Georgia , Indiana, South Carolina, Texas, Mississippi, Missouri, Maryland, Tennessee) and Mexico ( Tamaulipas , Hidalgo , Nuevo León ). Although Gilmour (1965) recorded the species from Panama no specimens have been located from there and it is likely the record was based on a misidentified specimen.